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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:37 am
by Guilder
Furcadia Login: Tidel Marcot
Profile: RPR
Strength: 0
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 1 Twin Rogue's blades
Secondary Weapon(s):
**Primary Armor: 1
Secondary Armor: N/A

Explanation for Points:
Strength: He doesn't have much strength (with it being average) because he relies more on speed and exhausting his opponent.
Speed: Being trained as an assassin gave him quite a bit of perks, and speed is one of them. Cardio and a lot of free-running gave him this
Stamina: Over average at best, thanks to his speed training. His long runs helped him build this particular attribute
Weapon(s): Forged by a good friend of his, those dual blades of his are his prized possessions.
Armor: It is made of leather, with thicker points at vital spots of the body

Entered by The Englishman, May 25, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 5:22 pm
by NeroDraconis
Furcadia Login: Black-hearted Malfeascence
Strength: 2
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1; Nero is your typical bare knuckle brawler, opting to to use his fists. He adores the feeling of bones giving under his fingers, and has a penchant for being up close and personal. though if need be the brute carries a dagger about the size of a short sword strapped to his leather belt.
Explanation for Points: Nero is a battle hardened mercenary, working bloody jobs for coin and adding that extra precision and killing power in any crusade or battle. Standing at eight feet six inches tall and weighing in at over a half tonne without armor the beast is a tank fitted with razor sharp claws and fangs. Killing is his profession, currently a member of the Coven, a secret guild of assassins. Nero favors a 'hands' on approach when it comes to murder, his nicknames including both The cannibal and the butcher. Being so large though has it's disadvantages and Nero is a big target, not to mention his only armor is his thicker then normal hide.
Strength: Nero is a titan, a wall of muscle weighing in at over a tonne. Every chord of sinew has been honed through a lifetime of hardship in the slums, of fighting in seedy rings, of being one of the empires prized war-dogs. Even now he is still being honed into an implement of murder, keeping the balance and eradicating any who pose a threat to the grand order
Speed: Nero's not fast, but he's not slow either. Perfectly average in this area.
Stamina: The golaith's stamina was built through decades of hard training for the empire, of making a life off of nothing in the slums, and from his relentless training he still goes through to hone his skill as a cold blooded killer.
Weapon(s): Nero's a tough man, packing one hell of a punch with those meaty gorilla arms. Couple that with deadly retracting and protracting fangs and claws and you have yourself a force to be reckoned with even without weapons, and he prefers it that way. But if the man needs to slit someones throat he can, with his trusty dagger which remains ever present at his side.
Armor: Nero doesn't have armor, thick skin and high pain tolerance having kept him relatively comfortable throughout his lifetime.

Entered May 12, 2013 by Ulfrik.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 5:29 pm
by Mostro
Furcadia Login: Mostro
Profile: A mysterious man of the old lore of his people. A man that became one with the shadows that the Earth created, giving him eyes and ears all around without his body truly being seen. A bronzed statue of a man, whom even the birds reconsidered landing their droppings upon. Green-grey eyes held storm clouds in their depths, reciting a past that only the desert sands had heard whispered in his times of sorrow. The offputting harshness of his stoic glower was broken by a warm honey hued center, stretching and receding with the days like waves upon the sand. Despite the brutality scars gave to his masculine features, he still managed to hold a semblance of magnetism, youth still playing along his visage. Hairstyle was simplistic for easy maintence; a thick tuft of onyx in the center, shaved at the sides, decorated with brightly hued feathers. Muscle was accented by the gloss of oil, restrained by deerhide and a cloak of elk, horns and all. He was a man who walked tall with pride, despite the hushed rumors of his origins.
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 1
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: --
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Plenty of physical training keep the hunter in peak condition, making his blows solid and efficient
Speed: The man is light on his feet, without a lot of body mass or armor to weigh him down
Stamina: He grew up on his own in the middle of the desert since the age of seven. He is also a pure skinwalker, making him hard to kill. He's hardly a pushover when it comes to enduring harsh environments or battle
Weapon(s): Primary - A handmade spear. Extremely light. The handle is made of wood, the tip made of finely sharpened obsidian. Deadly when it hits vital points, but a rather unsturdy tool in the long run.
Secondary - Just his bare fists
Armor: None

Entered by Mashenka May 13, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents - Suhtekh

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:06 am
by Suhtekh
Furcadia Login: Suhtekh
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): A sickle blade wielded single-handedly.
Secondary Weapon(s): n/a
**Primary Armor: Simple, ragged, hard-leather torso armor which covers his chest, abdomen and shoulders. No sleeves or neck protection, finishes at the hip. Thick, buckled hard-leather bracers cover his entire forearms up to the elbows and down over the backs of his hands, though his palms are uncovered. A steel cup protects his nethers.
Secondary Armor: n/a
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Suhtekh is rather large - all of his weight is bulked muscle and, on top of a solid biological gift, he grew up on a harsh farm in a desert which required excessive physical labor. His father was also an abusive man; this forced Suh to get strong or get dead.
Speed: Whatever speed Suhtekh has is innate and supplemented only by his other aspects.
Stamina: Getting to water in his hometown (a harsh desert farmland) required lengthy, frequent trips at a quick jog if he wanted to be home before dark. The labor of the farm and being the only son of the family set most of the workload on his shoulders.
Weapon(s): Something he had fashioned when he realized he was going to have to do away with his father to save his sister's life.
Armor: Simple and cheap - he bought it at a market in passing when he had some spare coin.

Entered by Raginfrik May 15, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 10:20 am
by Custodio
Furcadia Login: Custodio

Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Military-accustomed, plus a life of actively hunting, tracking and training mingled with manual labour for the clan has given him a figure of useful muscle that welcomes the hefty weight of a bow's poundage as much as cartin' logs around for construction.
Speed: As the apex predator for where he's from, he still has the speed needed for ambush attacks; better at sprinting than marathon-running, yet into the arena, this would translate into a decent amount of agility in relation to his physique.
Stamina: See above. His stamina's gotten to how it is through hard work, training and predatory genetics.
Weapon(s): club* & dagger
*Essentially a wooden sword with sharp obsidian blades embedded into its sides (similar in appearance an build to a modern cricket bat). This was the standard armament of the elite cadres. Also known in Spanish by the Taino word "macana". A blow from such a weapon was reputedly capable of decapitating a horse
Armor: As of yet, he sees no need for armor; the only armor he wore before was made of cloth, wood and jaguar pelts.

Entered by Sumatra, May 13, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 11:58 am
by Belial
Furcadia Login: Orgoth
Strength: 2
Speed: 0
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): 2 Double-headed axe
Secondary Weapon(s): 0 None
**Primary Armor: 0 None, wears clothing
Secondary Armor: 0 None
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Being about 6'9, 300 lbs or so, this orc is strong and well fed, being a chieftains son. He's trained since a young age by at first, gathering wood for the walls and huts. As he grew older he learned how to fight and engaged in tribal warfare with other orcs. Orcish culture is combat, destruction, raiding, violence, you name it. So, it's no surprise he's strong at all, far beyond most mortals and yet, not up to par with the supernatural.
Speed: Not overly fast, not overly slow, it's neither a disadvantage of an advantage. He can sometimes dodge a blow or deflect it, but other than that, his speed is very much a non-factor.
Stamina: Warfare is a tiring act and thus, he's learned to fight longer than average. He does not tire easily, but by no means is he an endurance expert. His extra health can be explained by the fact that he has a slightly different anatomy than a human or furre and thus, is able to survive longer.
Weapon(s): He carries a bow, but it is not used in the arena due to the short distance between fighters. Instead, a double-headed axe is used, long and powerful and even named in the common tongue. His axe is far beyond a simple weapon, it is deadly able to be used to great effectiveness by him.
Armor: He wears no armor, likely an uncommon thing of an orc, but instead, he wears a straw / animal hair like shirt and pants, loosely fit and instead, relies on his overwhelming power to fight rather than a limited defense.

Entered by Ulfrik, May 17, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:45 pm
by Indelible
Furcadia Login: The Indelible

Hailing from the elemental plane of pollution this amorphous matron yields ambiguously feminine curves and contours from every nebulous step and coquettish deluge of her cursive form. Blacks and browns and toxic blues converge around a single septic eye, lending shape and substance to the tauntingly flirtatious collection of silty slime and mephitic ooze that is the Indelible. Perhaps most arresting however her voice was pure audio sex, a soporific melody that could make good morning sound like an invitation to bed.

Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Stamina: 3
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 51
*Primary Weapon(s): 0 None - Primarily unarmed
Secondary Weapon(s):0 None
**Primary Armor: 0 None - Tastefully Nude
Secondary Armor: 0 None

Explanation for Points:
Strength: Indelible has limited control over her viscosity, able to take on the properties of a non-newtonian fluid at will. This in turn can render her blows more weighty and body more resistant to entry and egress.
Speed: Being mostly a viscous liquid Indelible's greasy nature allows her to seep along the ground as if it were frictionless.
Stamina: With a complete and utter lack of blood, bones or organs Indelible has more in common with an amoeba than your traditional femme fatale. Composed of little more than oily, sentient sludge and sediment it takes a tremendous effort to subdue her through mundane means.
Weapon(s): As weapons tend to escape her slippery grasp time and time again Indelible does without.
Armor: Likewise the protective qualities of armor tend to be difficult for her to capitalize upon, anything heavy enough to do so eventually sinking into her body.

Entered by The Englishman, May 22, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:26 pm
by Ephemeral
Furcadia Login: Kjrn.
Profile: RPR.
  • Normal State
    This is Kjrn's normal, every day self. She's not an especially adept fighter, but she is very quick and somewhat skilled with her weapon of choice.

    Strength: 0 - Kjrn possesses only average physical strength.
    Speed: +2 - Viera are notorious for being extremely quick, agile fighters.
    Stamina: 0 - Kjrn possesses only average stamina.
    Hit Points: 30.

    Berserk State
    As a viera, when excessive magic is used around or especially against her, Kjrn is thrown into a berserk state until she or her target is subdued. The berserk state comes with a surge in strength and a dramatic increase of her pain threshold. Yet she loses her sense of reason and strategy, leaving her uncaring about her own physical state, less quick and reactive than normal, and more or less just swinging, clawing, and kicking at an enemy without a single strategic thought.

    Strength: +1 - Kjrn's strength increases slightly, driven by the magic-induced rage.
    Speed: +1 - As she no longer cares about her own well-being, Kjrn becomes somewhat less quick and reactive.
    Stamina: +2 - Kjrn's pain threshold and ability to take a hit skyrocket due to the berserk state.
    Hit Points: 44.
* Primary Weapon(s): +1 - Two small gunblades. Will not use in berserk state.
** Secondary Weapon(s): +1 - Viera have naturally long, sharp claws on their hands and feet.
* Primary Armor: 0 - Kjrn only wears a light leather outfit that offers no real protection but keeps her movements uninhibited.
** Secondary Armor: Currently N/A.

OOC Note: If two separate sets of stats are too much, just having the 'Normal State' stats will suffice!

Entered by The Englishman, May 22, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:16 pm
by Andino
Furcadia Login: Andino
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: +1

Strength: Granted due to the structure of his body, supernatural abilities, and extensive physical work he's done throughout his lifetime to acquire such musculature.

Speed: Although his agility is heightened compared to what it should rightfully be due to his bodily structure, the fact that he's not entirely human grants him the ability to sprint short distances when urged to. But such speeds cannot be maintained without severe physical wear.

Stamina: He has spent a great deal of his life fighting, training, hunting, and shifting between his various physical forms. Such strenuous activities have heightened his level of endurance for both physical endurance and pain tolerance.

Weapon: Andino does not use weapons of any sorts; his fist are his weapon of choice while in his human form.

Armor: His armor is was naturally bonded to him - an unnaturally thick hide and scales lining his spine, and spanning out across his lower back.

Note: Andino is a draconic-werewolf hybrid, thus the explanations referring to his "supernatural" abilities.

Entered by The Englishman, May 22, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:16 pm
by Scorne
Furcadia Login: Scorne
Strength: +2
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): Fists, usually wrapped in cloth.
Secondary Weapon(s): n/a
**Primary Armor: None. Wears basic clothing or scant leathers at most.
Secondary Armor: n/a
Explanation for Points:

Strength: In addition to being in peak physical condition to start, she follows an ancient spiritual path among her people that allows her to channel rage and aggression into raw power. Fundamentally, she can push past her base limits and fight with strength beyond what her body may or may not be able to withstand.

Speed: She fights instinctually, rather than practices rote techniques. This gives her increased initiative as she doesn't waste time planning her attacks.

Stamina: The Vargr are naturally tough and resilient, and she has been training her body for years. She's learned to ignore and endure most forms of pain, and her body is built to withstand greater forces than normal furres.

Weapon(s): She has always fought with her fists, and refuses to use weapons.

Armor: Nothing she wears affords her any degree of real protection that her natural defense don't already afford her. Any clothing she wears tends to be purely to protect her modesty, and is often scant anyway. It would only slow her down.

Entered by The Englishman, May 25, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:43 pm
by Archdemon
Furcadia Login: Ambrose Argus
Profile: ... page=38590
Strength: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Hit Points: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 - Knives

Secondary Weapon(s): +1: Lots of teeth, and claws.
**Primary Armor: None
Secondary Armor: None
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Ambrose has higher strength due to his top heavy build and musculature.
Speed: Ambrose is a hunter, a stalk-and-leap predator. As such, his main focus is in quick movements, rather than strong blows.
Stamina: Due to his history as a hunter, a life in the wilderness, and his species, he is able to keep himself going for much longer than usual from rigorous training, and can take a fair few hits.
Weapon(s): Knives. Stab stab. He prefers to use knives for hunting rather than his own claws.
Armor: None worthwhile.

Entered by Latikara on June 16, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:25 am
by Cami
Furcadia Login: Complication
Profile: Here
Strength: 2
Speed: 1
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 370
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 1 - full body chainmail worn beneath light leathers
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: She has a mechanical arm, and has had it for several years. As such she has adapted to using it and it provides quite a bit of kick.
Speed: She's exceptionally lean, carrying the majority of her muscle in her legs.
Stamina: She's former military, and as such is able to roll with the punches
Weapon(s): Her arm is mechanical, she doesn't need weapons.
Armor: Due to her previous experience she knows that more often than not wearing armor comes in handy, as such she wears light (so that she's still able to move easily) armor that covers her entire body.

Furcadia Login: Complication
Profile: Here
Strength: 3
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 440
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: She's a giant beast with a mechanical arm (it transforms with her due to something done with the metal). She's a powerhouse.
Speed: Due to her size she has very little speed
Stamina: She's a powerhouse. She's meant to hit hard and last a while.
Weapon(s): Again, no weapons. She has a mechanical arm plus claws and teeth. Natural defenses.
Armor: Armor wouldn't fit her and would only serve as a hindrance.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:56 am
by Maloret
Furcadia Login: Maloret
Profile: Maloret
Strength: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 Sabre.
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0 - His armor is cloth, essentially. Layered cloth in parts but, still cloth.
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: Military training; also in his youth, he was accustomed to doing many manual labor tasks aboard ship.
Speed: See above. Being in combat has also sharpened his reactions.
Stamina: See above, as the reasoning behind his stamina, strength and speed all have the same beginning point of his military career that began with manual tasks and working his way up the ladder with experience.
Weapon(s): Standard issue, naval sabre.
Armor: Cloth doesn't stand up to much!

Inputted by The Englishman.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:19 am
by Menuoden
Furcadia Login: Menuoden
Profile: ... page=54776
Strength: 0
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): Min presently has no weapon.
Secondary Weapon(s): As above.
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points: Min has no weapon or armor presently and despite being a supernatural being is too unfamiliar with a bi-pedal form to be able to competantly utilize any of that strength presently while he is fully capable of utilizing his natural grace and is still tough from many years of fighting, wrestling, and rough-housing as his fox form in the sanctuary Kitsune hail from.

((Assuming we are allowed 'two' forms..))

Fox Form
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Weapon(s): 1
Armor: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37

Explanation for Points: Min has spent a good portion of his life in the sanctuary kitsune hail from and is competant in fighting as in his spirit-fox form possessing claws and teeth and he has a firmer understanding of how to use this "forms'" full strength as it's most natural for him so he isn't suffering from a lack of familiarity.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:17 am
by Kardue
]Furcadia Login: Lipochrome
Profile: ... page=51123
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 0
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:30
*Primary Weapon(s): Katana
Secondary Weapon(s): Claws
**Primary Armor: None.
Secondary Armor: None.
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: 1, he's strong from monk training
Speed: 2, bobcats are fast hunters which naturally makes him fast along with his karate training which requires fast movements and blocks.
Stamina: 0, normal.
Weapon(s): 2 for primary which is a sharp sword, and 1 for secondary for his claws.
Armor: 0, it's clothes

Entered by Monstrum, June 19, 2013.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:34 am
by Cami
Furcadia Login: Semero
Profile: RPR
Strength: 2
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s): 0
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 1
Secondary Armor: 0
Explanation for Points:
Strength: He's large and often gives the impression of all brawn and no brain, very stocky and built.
Speed: His large size negates any amount of speed he may have.
Stamina: He's built tough and can take a beating.
Weapon(s): His only weapons are his natural defenses such as his claws and teeth.
Armor: He sports a light leather top, cut off at the shoulders, and a pair of light leather bottoms with no shoes.

Inputted by Ulfrik.

Suha's Aspect Documents.

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:59 pm
by Suha

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:51 pm
by Zakngos
Furcadia Login:Zakngos
Profile:A Drow, or Dark Elf. He has shoulder length hair the color of freshly fallen snow and peculiar eyes. The sclera is an almost pitch black while the iris is pale amber. His skin is an earth slate color, not dark enough to be black yet not light enough to be grey. He stands roughly five feet nine inches with a mesomorphic body build. Wide at the shoulders while slendering at the waist and hips. His body appears strong, with only the proper amount of musculature, broad without being overwhelmingly so. His face is fair, strong jaw with a nose that complimented his darker lips. A firm brow without any signs of wrinkling. He was alluring and to look into his eyes was to stare into the eyes of a caged beast. The predatory gaze of someone that knows what they want, and is confident that they can take it without the care or concern of others. He wears a ebony jacket with four-tails, silver lining and indigo inner workings with sleeves that travel down the length of his arms up to the wrist. Over the sleeves are a pair of intricately designed bracers engraved with a spider web design, a theme that would recur. Beneath the jacket was a breastplate of black and lined with silver. Again the spider web design but this time a spider was present at its center. Upon its abdomen was a red oval gem. His pants matched the rest of his outfit and a pair of greaves depicting individual silver spiders covered his legs up to the knee. Tied around his waist is an indigo sash, and at his hip a rapier. The intricate hand guard displayed more webs, and a spider with legs that curled over the fingers creating the guard.
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]:23
*Primary Weapon(s):Rapier +2
Secondary Weapon(s):Dagger[/b]
**Primary Armor:Chain Mail +1 - Chain mail shirt protects torso and arms. Bracers and greaves protect the forearms and the legs.
Secondary Armor:Heavy fabric and leather makes up the majority of his clothing. Conceals the mail beneath.
Explanation for Points:
Strength: No stronger then a human.
Speed: Built for speed and not power. Uses precise movements and strikes. 200+ years of traveling through darkness, ambushes and infiltration. A Duelist before dark and an assassin after.
Stamina: Delicate. Prefers to dodge attacks rather then block.
Weapon(s):Skillfully stabbing at vital parts of the body, bypassing armor and avoiding bone to puncture muscle and organs.
Armor: Light so as to not hinder movement and speed.

Inputted by Ulfrik.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:53 pm
by FerroMagnon
Furcadia Login: Ferro Magnon
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Primary Weapon(s):None
Secondary Weapon(s): None
**Primary Armor: None
Secondary Armor: None
Explanation for Points: Lucyn blood gives him the strength to withstand attacks, along with an increased speed. Inherent strength given from this form as well, kept up by working in the fields night and day.
Strength: He's been trained over several different lifetimes and works in the fields
Speed: Runs frequently for work and pleasure alike, it's also part of his species
Stamina: He's got a thick hide from working in the fields, and it's also part of his species
Weapon(s): He uses no weapons other than what he has naturally
Armor: He wears no armor other than what he has naturally

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:54 am
by Catriona
Furcadia Login:Catriona McKenzie
Profile: Cat's website
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 - A rapier
Explanation for Points: (If this isn't filled out your stats won't be put into the system. Be specific for each aspects, we don't need the history of your character. We need the HOW'S and the WHY'S, why are they this strong, fast, so on.)
Strength: Her father saw it necessary that his children knew how to fight and defend themselves. The training she endured because of her father's whims left her with lean muscle that she seeks to keep through her own private workout regimen.
Speed: Asides from combat training, she also took dance lessons to ensure she wouldn't grow idle in her down time. She had always been fast, but a strict teacher beat into her agility and precision.
Stamina: She often exercises to keep her body fit, usually everyday, and thus manages to keep her stamina relatively high.
Weapon(s): After learning of her knowledge regarding blades, Catriona's fiance crafted her a rather lovely sword of her own. She's by no means an expert swordsmen, but she knows how to properly thrust and defend against attacks.

Inputted by Ulfrik.