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Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:32 am
by Nesami
Basic Information

Full Name: Nesami
Nickname: Nes, Genie-butt
Name on Identification: Nesami
Age: Unrecorded - Maintains he's older than most anyone he comes across.
Gender: Neuter. Androgynous.

Species: Genie
Sub Species/Breed: Harvest Mouse

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slim, athletic. Half feminine and half masculine. Androgynous.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Nes only stands about four feet tall. He doesn't have an imposing figure at all. He's slight, with a swimmer's build. Very lithe, very acrobatic looking. Not exactly a 'stretched' look, but he definitely has a look that lends him towards dancing and contortionism rather than, say, lifting weights. One can easily visualize him in the water. His fur is a white color that most would associate with albino mice. However, there's no sign of the pink tinge that would hint at translucent fur. The snow white fur covers him from the top of his head down to his wrists and ankles, stopping in time to leave fleshy hands and feet. Nails trimmed and smoothed down and kept looking nice, same with the flesh of his hands. His eyes are pure black, with no whites whatsoever. This hints at otherworldly origins. His hair is long and falls between dirty blonde and platinum blonde, more towards the former. It falls down towards his hips, braided all the way down and then wrapped around a cross-shaped piece of metal to keep it tied. When naked, it can be seen he's decently muscled without any true definition. And, oddest of all, he has absolutely no genitals of any description. Just smooth flesh.

Physical Markings: Nes's most defining marking is the fact that he has none. He has no scars, no indications of battles past. No pockmarks from diseases like chicken pox. He has a very symetrical face. To the point where one can't truly see any difference between the left and right side of his body. He also has three markings on his face that could be considered face paint, if one ever saw him apply them. Three crescent moons. Two start at his ears, cross over his eyes at the center and then move their points out to the backside of his jaw. The other moves up on one side of his chin, over his lips, and comes back down on the other side.

Physical Drawbacks: A significant drawback is simply his size. He's small, he's fairly thin. He doesn't have a lot of muscle on him. So most everyone will have size and weight on him. The length of his hair also is a bit of a drawback if there's a fight of some sort.

Physical Defenses: Nes is very much a dancer and a lithe person. He's got some skill in contortionism, as well. So one will have a hard time hold onto him, and some difficulty actually hitting him.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: For those that want one gender in the appearance of another, Nes is close to the ultimate in that. If thought to be a male, he's a feminine male. Or a masculine female. The null point on the number line between male and female. He's also got the body of a dancer, for those that want an entertainer. His pure-black eyes may be interesting to those interested in biology, or perhaps mystical interests.

Clothing: One striking thing about Nes' clothing is that, with only one slight exception, all of his clothing is white or exceptionally light. He wears a sleeveless shirt that looks as if someone took a long and thick strip of cloth and wound it around him before sewing so that it would overlap. Almost faultily made, with the left side always higher than the right, especially at the collar and waist. The sleeves that should have belonged to that shirt are detached, synched at his biceps to flow over his arms. Opening up slightly, like bellbottoms, over his wrists. These sleeves leave his shoulders and upper arms visible to all. Those bell endings cover the beginnings of what seem to be fingerless opera gloves. The back of these gloves have black comma shapes with the tail curled around another black dot. The pants he wears are nothing special. White cottony things that hug his legs and leave him lot of room to maneuver. They're held up by a white-leather belt with brass buckle. His feet, when outside their boots, are bound in white gauze. Almost like bandages. This gauze holds onto the bottom of the pantlegs to make sure they don't flap around and tuck into the boots. The boots themselves are a bit large, made of supple white leather. Above the ankle, across the meeting of leg and foot, and over the arch of his foot are buckles to keep it nice and tight. Making sure they won't slip around his foot when he's moving. The last piece of 'clothing' is the black metal cross in his hair. Which simply seems to be two pieces of black scrap metal fused in a cross.

Other Items on Person: Nes' only possession, other than his clothing, is his bottle. The bottle itself is a bit odd. Its shaped rather like the bottom half of an hourglass, cut off in the middle of the constriction. The bottle itself is made of layers of glass blocks of a variety of colors. Most blocks have lines of some gunmetal-grey material running through or around them. The lip of the bottle has a curled section of this material, and the 'foot' of the bottle is made of the same. This 'foot' looks as if it was carved into later, leaving an empty, circular gap inside the formerly-solid medallion. The bottle is held closed by a jeweled stopper. The tiers of blocks can be turned, almost like a Rubik's cube. The bottle is not found any more than ten feet away from him at any given time.

Current Inflictions: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Being alone for very long periods of time, being forced to hurt other people. Excessive attention from people who knows what he is. Having his genie-hood revealed.

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: For the most part, when not around friends or acquaintances, Nes remains quiet, keeps to himself. He may play rhythm games with himself, but he tries to keep himself from drawing attention. He prefers to pass himself off as useless, worthless. When others insist he must be good at something, he refers to himself as a dancer. He always tries to pass off the bottle as nothing, even though it's always on his person. He'll show he's intelligent, but won't give up much more than that.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Given that he's basically perma-owned by people he likes, he's a happy camper right now. No worries about being rented/owned anymore.

Overall Attitude: Nes' actual attitude tends to change depending on who he's talking to. If they seem approachable, someone he might be interested in, he'll be friendly and outgoing. This is especially true for fellow slaves or anyone he's labeled as a friend. To others, especially slavers, he'll be standoffish, belligerent, and undesirable.

Quirks: He hates to have his face paint messed with. He'll do a lot to avoid people touching the bottle. He also tends to panic of someone openly refers to him as a genie.

Hobbies/Interests: Dancing, cooking, reading. Rhythm games and drumming in general. Attempting to keep in practice with musical instruments. Doing sleight-of-hand magic.

High or Low Maintenance: If he likes the renter or owner, low maintenance. If he doesn't, incredibly high maintenance and resilient to change.

Diet/Allergies: Nes has no actual need of eating, though he enjoys doing so. He has no special diet and no known allergies.


Languages Spoken: Natively, Nes is fluent in Common. He can, if he's not paying attention, speak fairly well in just about any language he's addressed in. If this is brought to his attention, especially if he's asked to pronounced a certain word, he'll suddenly lose the ability.

Can they Read/Write: Nes can read and write Common. He doesn't possess the same polyglot ability in text.

Can your character produce magic: Yes.
- Nes is very much a magical creature, given that he is a genie. On his own, with no wishes, he has several effects he can produce. In general, he can make any item he himself wants to use. He can float in the air, dance around. He can create blue brimstone smoke for the use of steps, hammocks, etc. However, these effects will only work on him. Nothing he creates on his own can affect anyone else outside of sight, sound, and smell. Even in those three senses, they cannot harm at all.
- Nes is a genie. His 'lamp' is his bottle. He can grant unlimited wishes to his owner at any given time. While his powers are, technically, limitless, over the centuries he's had quite a few limiting wishes placed on him. In the Tether, most especially, his wishes will only last for a period of 24 hours, or one rental. His wishes cannot affect anyone outside of himself or his owner without that person's consent. He also may not grant money or power or raise the dead. There are a sundry minor rules, most of wish Nes himself doesn't recall. Any wish is subject to override by his actual full-time owner.

Talents/Skills: Nes is a fairly talented dancer. Mostly free-form and to himself, though he actually knows quite a few dances and has a personal enjoyment of waltzing. He's also learned in drumming and on the piano, is rather skilled with a violin, and has minor skills in several other instruments, including trumpet. He has some skill in cooking and fighting, though he wouldn't want anyone relying on either of those.

Training: For official training, he's listed as being a pleasure-pet or companion slave.


Current Owner: The owner's section has been updated, but the signatures aren't entirely legible, simply starting with an F and an H.

Previous Owners: A long list of owners for all of his existence. Latest owner was found dead in a fortress, along with much in the way of damage.

Previous Usage: Nes has been a genie for longer than the papers have been around, and has only been such as far as staff cares.

Previous status: Adventurer, once upon a time.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I'm usually online 4-8 hours a day and am almost always up for RP. If I'm feeling otherwise, I'll be sure to let partners know. I tend to leave my characters online regardless for contact purposes.

What are your allowances for your character: ICly, Nes has been set up so that anything that happens during the rental is reset at the end of the night. Yes, this is my 'cop out' reset button. That is not to say whatever you did to him didn't happen. It did. For all intents and purposes, you can kill Nes. He will come back at the end of the night. He will remember it happening. It will have happened. It'll will permanently affect him, to a greater or lesser extent. Just, he may not physically show it.

Long Term/Short Term: I'm up for both short and long term RPs. Roleplay is roleplay.

General Information

Character Description: This four foot harvest mouse looks rather odd. His figure looks ambiguous, sexless, nothing in the slightest. Flat chest, soft features. A dancer's body. His hair is dirty blonde and long, in a pigtail, while his fur is white as the moon. His eyes are bglack, completely. He also wears facial paint. His clothing is complicated, mostly form-fitting so he can move, with boots on his feet and a strange shirt, much like an odd tank-top, with sleeves on his arms not attached to the rest. He's always holding, or within ten feet of, his bottle. A genie, one could guess, for who else would carry around such a bottle. And why else would one hide so much? To avoid the groveling act, of course.

Website: None

Image ... acmonk.png
Portrait done by Blot

Portrait by ink

Contact Details: None at this time

Notes: None

Re: Nesami - For Rent

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:03 pm
by Fera
In Fera's carefully neat box letters, a bit was added to the mouse's paper.
The slave was allowed into the garden under guard with a house slave to practice his dancing. It has been determined he should be allowed to practice dancing supervised on the stage at least once a week to keep up his skills. Quoted by Handler Klein, Transcribed by Fera.

Re: Nesami - For Rent

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:36 pm
by Nesami
A new scrawl has been added to the 'ownership' section, detailing a change in ownership. There's a new joint owner, but the names aren't entirely legible. Simply starting with F and H.