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Lyrium - [Papers Removed]

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:44 am
by Lyrium
~Any and all information that concerns the woman known as Lyrium has been removed. Master Renfield has paid a hefty sum of 400 platinum coins and other jewels to ensure that all copies of the former slave's papers are within his ownership.~

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: My times vary but this is when you might find me on.
Every day from Furcadia Standard Time: 2:00:00 AM-ish to 6:00:00pm-ish.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Anything! Train her. Talk to her. Confuse her. The sky is the limit really.

What are your allowances for your character: Consent rule applies at all times for major things like death and/or heavy mutilation and/or pregnancy.

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description: Kneeling though seeming altogether regal for her seven foot and four inches. Head held high with back straight as crystal blue eyes remain downcast to those around her. Long limbed with whisper of taunt muscles under cream and soft hue orange stripes. Clothing changed at her whims though two things always remained upon her no matter what. Near the end of thick tail was a green collar with bells upon it that chimed out her comings and goings. And upon her lips a demure smile that seemed to speak much of the tabby tigress outlook upon life.


Images: Found on site

Contact Details: Lyrium in game or on the boards

Notes: She will always be a trained slave as well as a rare coloring for a tiger, which only happens with inbreeding. Her price will never dip below 180 Gold or 18 Platinum per my, the players, request.