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Allicia Alistair - Unowned

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:26 am
by Sareturu
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Allicia Alistair

Nickname: Alli, Angel

Name on Identification: Allicia Alistair

Age: 18 (Though much more mature in mind, as if she had lifed half of a century already)

Gender: Female

Species: Arctic Wolfess

Sub Species/Breed: Vampire/Mortal/Succubus

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slender and sensual, succubus blood at its best.

Physical Details: Shoulderlong pitchblack hair which always is worn in the open, barely conceiling her hazelbrown eyes.

Physical Markings: Wearing artistical scars all over her body, they are imbued with a special oil which prevents her vampirism from healing them. In her vampiric form, those glow in a crimson red because of the magic which frictions against the oil.

Physical Drawbacks: Weak to sunlight, physically weak in her mortal form, daemonic blood poisionous to drink.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: -

Appealing Attributes: Quite exotic sight

Clothing: Most of the time found in crimson/black dresses.

Other Items: Only wearing a magic-suppression collar.


Feral or Cultured: Very much cultured.

Phobias: -

Disorders: -

How do they present themselves: Obediant enough. She does however not care to make the Tether nor her Renters pleased with her.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Displeased by the thought of being dominated or owned by anyone else but her disappeared mate. Knowing that she and her mate will live for thousands of years, she simply sees one or twohundred years of slavery as a small setback.

Overall Attitude: Lightly snobby with some nobility-mindset, can be friendly enough if being met with some respect.

Quirks: Gets bitchy if she wasn't able to kill for a longer period of time.

Hobbies / Interests: Studying magic and rare creatures, training her magical abilities and spells, hunting once in a while to torture and kill.

High or Low Maintenance: Very high Maintenance, she is a fiesty beast.

Diet / Allergies: Not caring for normal food, though very much able to eat and enjoy it. Needs blood from mortal sources to survive, fresh from the source or preserved in a special way.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Vampiric

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: She is a very powerfull, talented and dangerous wielder of dark-magic. Able to use a rare mixture of Alchemy and Vampiric magic to its fullest potential. It is greatly adviced to NOT release her from her bindings completely.

Talents / Skills: Heavily in Alchemy, being it for transmutations, potions or cures. Great knowledge in magic, spells and spellweaving. Also able to do a special sort of Fan-dance, assissted by her powers.

Training: No true training, and also not caring for it.


Previous Owners: Mirra

Previous Usage(s): -

Previous status: Free

For Rent or to Own: Rent to own.

Cost: 20 Rental, 200 own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Varies heavily

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Fun storylines and good RP ;)

What are your allowances for your character: NC except Mutilation/Death

Long Term/Short Term: Both, i dont mind.

General Information

Character Description: > The young wolfess who appearantly loves to visit the wrong places, was most of the time found wearing expensive long dresses of the color red. Shining white pelt giving the contrast to her pitchblack shoulderlong hair, while hazel eyes were deep enough to question her age of sixteen winters. A petite little thing, only the artistical scars given by her mate are soiling her otherwise perfect appearance, scars she made sure to be always exposed. That thick tail had a light husky-curl in it, while the girl herself more often than not shows the most adorable of feline behavior, there was alot of blood mixed in her veins, and just one glance into her eyes gave a view into the sinister and corrupted parts of her soul.


Images: Image

Contact Details:

Notes: So, i am reviving good ol' Allicia with a few tweaks, for those that remember her.

She got recaptured as a slave by a few enemies she had made over her years of journey, cut off from her family and mate, pretty much left on her own.

Allicia always will have those scars which bind her to Mirra, her mate. Both she and that jackal have a lifespan of thousands of years, they have sworn to eachother for eternity.. and she is willing to wait for a long time to see him again.