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Keikei - Unowned - Partial Training

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:52 am
by Keikei
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: "Keikei" KEE-KEE - Only name given and/or known.

Nickname: None, yet!

Name on Identification: Keikei

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Species: Feline

Sub Species/Breed: Pure-breed Siamese

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Full; Voluptuous; Ethnic; Curvy, yet with notable definition. Her muscles are clearly used on a frequent basis.

Eyes: Hazel; Medium to dark green with small brown blotches and specks; Can change and be totally inverse of this. I.E. shade of brown with flecks of green, instead.

Hair: Deep auburn; shoulder-blade length, voluminous, and naturally curly/feathery.

Physical Markings: Typical Siamese coloration; smokey-gray on creamy-white fur; darker fur on face and extremities to form 'socks'.

Physical Drawbacks: Only capable of strength her body allows, being female.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: The usual claws and teeth, though the slave is known to have forwent formal and extensive training in a number of unarmed and small-bladed weapons combat methods.

Appealing Attributes: Physically, very attractive; Notable French accent; CAN be extremely charming, though it is a rarity.

Clothing: Currently issued with a nice, 'mellow'-yellow sun dress that she loathes, for whatever reason.

Other Items: (All confiscated) /Clothing/: Low-cut leather corset; knee-length leather overcoat w/ dramatic collar; black lingerie bottom; nylon fishnets; knee-high leather 'hot boots', high-heeled; leather gloves. /Weapons/: Pair of stiletto folding knives; blackjack. /Other/: Hair pins/clips; professional lockpicking set; 'Zippo' cigarette lighter; one pack of cigarettes; variety of rings and bracelets; body jewelry, consisting of three studs for each ear, one ring for each ear, single barbell for left eyebrow, and one ring for center of bottom lip.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None, though she really, really doesn't like certain types of bugs. (Cockroaches, spiders, ticks, leeches, centi/mili-pedes, and silverfish)

Disorders: Fair amount of OCD, though she can control it most of the time.

How do they present themselves: Quiet and very observant. Has an air of rich intelligence, though quite foreboding, cold, and cynical.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She's always had a 'Big Brother' type individual in her life that she followed around and did things for, so, she doesn't mind so much so long as she's given purpose and not allowed to sit idle. Owners/renters of weak bodily or mental strength will likely be taken advantage-of and abused if given the chance, however.

Overall Attitude: Incredibly manipulative; sardonic; snarky; sexist; dark-hearted. In a nut-shell, she won't be a very pleasant individual to tolerate for any potential buyer/renter until she's spent enough time with them to get used to the idea.

Quirks: She thoroughly enjoys taking her time with her own grooming/appearance until every aspect of either is to her standards precisely. This may also go for the arrangement of items found anywhere throughout the Tether, it's private chambers, or that of a potential master/mistress. Her OCD comes and goes, though it will always linger to some extent.

Hobbies / Interests: Origami - she can waste hours or even the expanse of an entire day making meticulously and beautifully crafted paper models; Loves to play the Viola.

High or Low Maintenance: Fluctuates wildly from one end of the spectrum to the other, as the mood strikes her.

Diet / Allergies: Mostly meats and fruits, though vegetables can be tolerated in small doses.


Language(s) Spoken: Primary - French; Secondary - Common, German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, *some* Dutch South African

Can they Read / Write: Yes, in French and Common.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills: Very nimble and flexible; Musically-inclined; Very good artist; Can read music; Cooking; Very sexually experienced; (more to come)

Training: Extensive combative training for use as bodyguard; Knife-throwing; Implemented explosive device creation; Advanced defensive tactics; Etiquette; Partial training achieved for use as contract killer; Proper bedroom behavior/sexual conditioning at young age.


Previous Owners: Jacques Averreau (NPC) - Abducted her from the streets and took her from a ratty, abusive life at home to forge her into the loathsome beast she is today. To settle a debt, he sold her to a crime lord.. though he simply couldn't tolerate her and instead of having her killed, he went with the more creative idea of thrusting her into the life of the flesh trade.

Previous Usage(s): Bodyguard; Entertainer; Pleasure.

For Rent or to Own: Rent to Own; I'd prefer a few RP sessions before outright ownership... just to see if we can get along, and that eachother's RP quality matches our own standards. :3

Cost: 10g for typical Rental, 20g for erotic encounter; 200g to Own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Most nights after 8 or 9pm Furc. time.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: *Almost* anything, really. Long-term is preferred, though I understand how difficult it is to sustain, so, short-term is also loved. :3

What are your allowances for your character: No death, no dismemberment, though ANYTHING altering her body will have to be discussed before-hand OOCly. I can and will back out of anything that goes outside of my comfort zone!

Long Term/Short Term: Either/or.

General Information

Character Description: Belgian beaut' stood no more than 5'7" in height; though, if such a thing relied on attitude, the femme could no doubt be seen for miles around. Bouncy, curly locks of deep, rich red would attractively frame the gal's dark, though utterly gorgeous, leonine features. Merciless hazel eyes were often half-lidded in quiet observation of those around her; such a look bringing words like 'unamused' and 'uninterested' to mind. However, they would surely go unnoticed were it not for the stark contrast of telltale Siamese smudging of charcoal amidst cream-colored fur across her face. A simple summer dress was all the clothing she was afforded, and, judging from the look on her face... she hated it. The light, yellow garment ended juuuust above the knee and was utilized to it's absolute full potentia-- low cut to give ample view of a rather sizable bust, and fit well enough to accentuate the sultry feline's otherwise voluptuous figure nicely.

Website: Coming Soon!

Images: Coming Soon!

Notes: New character. I'm still trying to fill her out and develop a style of play, so, bear with me! Or help me out, even! :O