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Exemplary (Ava)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:04 pm
by Exemplary
[[OOC: This is a long time coming, sorry folks!]]
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Ava

Name on Identification: Same As Above

Age: From creation: Five years. Physical age 19.

Gender: Female.

Sex: Hermaphroditic

Species: Spotted Hyena

Sub Species/Breed: Designer Modifications Made.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lithe, Acrobatic.

Physical Details: Lavender hair, Blue eyes with lavender sclera.

Physical Markings: Multiple piercings (further detailed below), spots concentrated on back in intricate patterns.

Physical Drawbacks: None known

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: None

Appealing Attributes: Soft fur, flexible, naturally curved body. Exotic markings. Elongated tongue

Clothing: Typically in silk top and loincloth with ribbons affixed to hair, tail.

Other Items: Red velvet bag w/ gold trim containing innumerable bizzare, enchanted sex toys. Available for rent along with slave for additional fee.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Abandonment. Irreparable failure.

Disorders: Quite dependent on authority figures. Nigh-compulsive obedience. Seems to draw euphoria from praise for work done.

How do they present themselves: Submissive, obedient, ready and willing.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Currently owned. As per disorders eager to be rented to serve a master or mistress for the night. Views being rented as serving her Mistress.

Overall Attitude: Cooperative, submissive, eager to please.

Quirks: Immediately applies the term 'master' or 'mistress' to anyone in a position to rent/own her. Appears to draw immense pleasure from the phrase "good girl" when directed at her.

Hobbies / Interests: Learning various forms of dance.

High or Low Maintenance: Relatively high maintenance- constantly searches for ways to serve, does not take to idleness well. Easily remedied, however, through rentals.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivorous. No known allergies


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Yes.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills: Contortionism, Arial acrobatics, exotic dance, personal pleasure.

Training: Trained in use of exotic, likely enchanted curios.


Previous Owners: Creator (Chooses to remain anonymous.)

Previous Usage(s): Intended for personal slave to client of above. Sale canceled due to lack of funds

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Rental. Owned by Sam Bailey

Cost: Basic: 25g. W/Bag of exotic curios: 30g.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Generally on evenings.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Open minded! More than willing to experiment.

What are your allowances for your character: Please no permanent changes to her. Contact me if you've got something planned that involves causing her physical / emotional traumas so I can plan ahead.

Long Term/Short Term: Start off short-term with rentals, if you like what you see become a regular for long-term rp~

OOC note
If you'd be so kind as to whisper me before/right after posting at me I'd greatly appreciate it- I'm more likely to notice the ear-piercing *DING* of a whisper notification than your post, and I'd hate to miss someone trying to get my attention!

General Information

Character Description:
The first glance often starts with the face, which draws attention to one of her many designer modifications- her sclera are dyed a pale lavender. She keeps her similarly dyed hair neatly trimmed to rest just past her shoulders, often times tied back in a ponytail with a red lace ribbon tied into a bow. Her piercings don't end at her muzzle, and with proper persuasion she'll show off her six-inch tongue complete with a single stud. On her back is a corset piercing, with a silk ribbon looped carefully between them. . Her black splotches are all but missing from her front, concentrated in intricate, symmetrical, fractal patterns remniscent of a rorschach test on her back. She maintains modesty with a red silk top, and a matching silk loincloth. The cloth itself is, however, unable to completely hide her hermaphroditic nature. Her tail is adorned with a gold-trimmed ribbon lacing down to the tip, where it's tied into a large bow and treated with starches to stiffen and retain a 'puffed up' appearance.

Contact Details:
Tongue: Length increased.
Muzzle: small studs from bridge of nose down to ~1" before nostrils at even intervals : two parallel lines flanking ridge of muzzle
Eyes: Sclera (The white of one's eye) dyed lavender
Ears: two small loop earrings at 'lobe' of each ear.
Breasts: Nipples pierced: rings, diameter of ring matches radius of areola
Back: 'corset' piercing, two rows of six deeply embedded rings.
Penis: 'Jacobs ladder' style piercing. Bars with ball ends, 0.75" spacing. 6 rungs
Sheath: D-loops matching spacing and width of above ladder 'rungs'
Scrotum: Rings with diameter matching above piercings, spacing matches above.
Clitoris: Open loop piercing, ball ends.