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Artalvin "Blaze" Embermane -- Unowned, untrained.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:17 pm
by Artalvin
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Artavin Embermane

Nickname: Blaze. Others determined by owner.

Name on Identification: Artavin Embermane. "Blaze"


Gender: Male

Species: Lion

Sub Species/Breed: African. Trace mixed breeding from generations long past.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Fit, somewhat muscular.

Physical Details: Bearing the iconic tan fur of his forebears, the uniformity of various shades of earthy brown was broken by a bright crimson mane accented with streaks of firey orange highlights. From atop his head, it is long, reaching down to mid-back, while the bit that grew behind his cheekbones and at the bas of his neck was trimmed. It was evident that at one time it had been kept neatly, though current circumstances had caused it to lose some of that elegance. Orange-gold eyes contrast sharply with the ensemble, but his clothes maintain it. Like most of the great cats, his paws were large, concealing long, natural claws within, and his tail bore the signature tuft of fur, though like his hair, it was starkly red and orange.

Physical Markings: Bare, furless patch on his right shoulderblade, about four inches in diameter.

Physical Drawbacks: Not as large as most of his lion kin, so while he's fast, he's not as physically strong in comparison. Still far from weak, though.

Current Infliction(s): None, aside from some lingering soreness. Time heals almost all wounds.

Physical Defenses: Claws on both hands and feet, sharp teeth and long feline fangs. Natural feline agility and speed.

Appealing Attributes: Very good physical condition despite any injuries, cultured voice with extensive previous tone training, orange-gold eyes.

Clothing: Red-dyed woolen trousers cover to a little bit below his knees, the hems adorned with vine-like light orange embroidery, and the same could be said of the coat that covered his torso. Long-sleeved, it had been made to be buttoned at the sleeve cuffs and up to the folded collar, though left open near the bottom hem in order to flare out slightly over the waistband of his trousers, and the buttons themselves were of plain, orange-painted wood, matching the embroidery at the hems. The clothes appear new, though out of place on the ensemble are his shackles, one on each wrist and ankle, one mid-way on his tail, and another collar-like one hidden beneath his mane around his neck.

Other Items: None. Well-tailored robes of pure red, a mark of status for one that has achieved great feats in fields of magical study.

A thick, leather-bound book of magical spells and research. Its cover has a depiction of a deity of fire from an ancient civilization.

A keystone to the magical shackles suppressing his magic. It has various functions, and the magic imbued within is complex.

All three of these things are in the possession of the Tether, and will become the property of whoever might become his owner. The keystone itself is included in rental, so long as it is returned with him.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Severe storms, particularly snow storms.


How do they present themselves: Well-mannered in normal conditions. Yet current conditions have made him bitter and somewhat short with people, to either the chargin or delight of the various guards, depending on if they'll make do with disapproving looks or beatings.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Despisal. Being so new to being a slave, the mindframe of once being noble and powerful has not yet begun to subside.

Overall Attitude: Arrogant, self-assured, and still believing himself of the 'gifted' and privledged, and that all of this was just a huge mistake.

Quirks: Even as bitter as he is, he will purr like any feline when he is petted or rubbed in most manners. Usually this will be an unconscious reaction, but once he realizes it, his mood will sour.

Hobbies / Interests: Magical studies, literature, fighting.

High or Low Maintenance: Low

Diet / Allergies: Balanced diet, no known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: Various, and can learn most languages quickly.

Can they Read / Write: Yes.

Can your character produce magic: Yes, in great amounts. This is the reason for his shackles, which nullify any magical energies he tries to produce, and will lock together if he strains to hard against them.

Talents / Skills: Magical theory understanding and understanding of practical application. Great literary skill on par with most skilled scribes, excellent organizational skills.

Training: None.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: Noble Lord, Mage, Pyromancer

For Rent or to Own: Rent or Own.

Cost: 8 gold to rent, 60 gold to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Varying, due to work responsibilities. I will be sure to notify of scheduling.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Unsure. Still exploring the realm of such things, so I'm fairly open to various things.

What are your allowances for your character: Open, with the exception, of course, of maiming and death. Overly graphic violence is likely a bit too much as well, though discussable. In terms of what kind of slave Altavin will be, that is likely determined by whoever owns or rents him. Being able in most areas, he can be considered a pleasure, fighting, or any other kind of slave.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term preferred, short term acceptable.

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