Narasimha || Unowned

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Narasimha || Unowned

Post by Pryse »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: The product of slave breeding, slave explains that he was given no name on birth, but that between all of his previous owners he has been consistently referred to as Narasimha, and that it is as fitting a name as any.

Nickname: Singh and/or Spider.

Name on Identification: Narasimha.

Age: 36.

Gender: Male.

Species and Breed: Persian lion. Panthera leo persica.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Dancer's legs; worked, firmed, and stiffened. Weighted top; broad chest, strong arms, straight hips, detailed abdomen. Appealing without trying to border on strikingly attractive.

Physical Details:
[*]Height: 8 feet, 4 inches.
"The largest known wild (Asiatic lion) male, in hunting records, was exactly 3.06 m (10 ft) in length.
[*]Weight: 435 pounds.
"Captain Smee hunted a male which was 2.68 m (8.8 ft) long and weighed 223.3 kg (492 lbs), excluding the entrails."
[*]Complexion: Buff yellow, short coat, uniform in length, with a soft, downy texture. Goldenrod mane is locked in by a reverse braid, striped through with jonquil, jasmine, and saffron brights, which runs to his lower back. Inquisitive eyes include irides of a pure vermilion red. Squared jaw, thick, glaring brows, as well as defined cheekbones, philtral dimple, and lips, with a substantially larger lower lip, including a generous shadow over a round chin just below. For his facial structure, a youthful Jason Patric is a good reference.

Physical Markings: Cream jewel-shaped markings decorate his forehead, the space just below his eyes, chest, upper arms, wrists, foot-tops, and hips to groin in the fashion of hanging necklaces. A slight dusting of white makes a fading gradient from his muzzle down into his neck, and that is the extent of his natural ornamentation.

Physical Drawbacks:
[*]Weighty extra appendages can become a hassle when slave is groggy.
[*]Slowly growing deaf in his left ear.
[*]States a previous addiction to psilocybin mushrooms and recent rehabilitation.

Current Infliction(s): Fresh scarification on the back of slave's neck in the form of a seven-headed serpent. Properly bandaged on arrival.

Physical Defenses: Raw power of the muscles and excellent kicking abilities. The claws of his hands, because of their make, do not provide him with natural defense, however, the claws of his feet do. No metal hide, armor, keratin or cartilage spikes, or anything of that nature.

Appealing Attributes:
[*]Claws have been replaced with dulled claws made of precious stones including, but not limited to: chalcedony, aventurine, diopside, prehnite, opal, tiger's eye, tourmaline, and spinel.
[*](This many only be appealing to the right parties.) Birth mutation leaves slave with two added arms which appear to have full range of motion based on their locations.
[*]The lower and upper lid of either eye are often decorated by a connecting line of kohl to help draw attention to his eyes.
[*]Exhibits high intelligence and an eagerness to be further educated.
[*]Humanoid features, retaining generous feline definition.

Clothing: A billowing dhoti of gold satin and a matching vest with a Nehru collar. Slave has been allowed to wear his largest chakram around his neck and to keep a single silver earring, a gift from Lady Blackbourne, in the outer bottom portion of his right ear (his good ear.)

Other Items:
[*]Mêlée weapon: a set of Chinese wind-and-fire wheels, one with a blue padded grip, the other with an orange padded grip. Slave claimed this as a gift from Shah Hassan Safavid.
[*]Ranged weapon: Five steel chakram with gold inlay. Slave claimed this as a gift from Shah Hassan Safavid.
[*]Mongol armor, including a Buddhistic lion mask, rather than a helmet. Slave claimed both were commissioned for him by Ögedei Dayir.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured. Slave exhibits remarkable aptitude and generally decent business acumen, but follows that with an affinity for rough skirmishes.

Phobias: Bugges in general, but centipedes frighten him, specifically.

Disorders: While not necessarily a disorder, slave admits he can be keenly sardonic towards fellow slaves, mostly so if they sit on a high horse, bask overtly in minor praise, and so forth in such fashion.

How do they present themselves: Slave presents himself as forthright, available, willing, and able. He makes it known he has served in the past in a number of ways, and that he lives to serve, no matter the consequence.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: He states that he welcomes ownership with open arms, but is not averse to rentals. Not that he has much say in the matter.

Overall Attitude: He appears to be of good nature and fair behavior, but makes clear his distaste for inherently bombastic or otherwise vainglorious slaves. Keepers and guardians receive his utmost attention, loyalty, and protection (this is key), and he readily accepts discipline or punishment for his transgressions.

[*]In the care of an older gentleman, he will exhibit feelings of jealousy if his Keeper begins to surround himself with youthful males.
[*]He has made a habit of occasionally sucking on his whiskers while simultaneously reciting 'How Doth the Little Busy Bee' when idle.

Hobbies / Interests: Slave has not relayed much interest in anything more than what his Keeper has in store for him, apart from a love of playing the erhu and sitar, and a mild fondness for flowers.

High or Low Maintenance: Low. It must be noted that slave requires bath aid, as he cannot fully reach his backside, despite his presence of multiple limbs. This is, in fact, the drawback.

Diet / Allergies: Vegetarian. Diet is often high in grains and proteins. What appeals to him is brown rice, red kidney beans, Indian spices, plain yogurt, curries, paneer, wheat crackers, seedless red grapes, goat cheese, pure maple syrup, baby corn, raw dill weed, marinated and grilled bean curd, and steamed broccoli crowns. What repels him is crunchy asparagus, white pastas, slimy mushrooms, hybrid tomatoes, cilantro, red cabbage, fertilized eggs, and raw carrots.


Language(s) Spoken: Common (Albion accented), Chinese (Mandarin), Middle Mongolian, Persian (Farsi), and Manak Hindi.

Can they Read / Write: Slave can read and write in all of the languages listed above.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills: As below.

Talents, Skills, and Training:
[*]Indian classical dance, a mixed variety of Baroque dance styles, and ribbon-dancing.
[*]English, Indian, and Persian calligraphy, including the process of illumination.
[*]Well-versed in the practices described in Vatsyayana's Kamasutra; sexual pleasure and breeding capability.
[*]Skilled in playing the erhu (the Chinese violin, breathtaking when paired with the hammered dulcimer) and the sitar.
[*]Multi-cultured and multi-lingual; Common (Albion accented), Chinese (Mandarin), Middle Mongolian, Persian (Farsi), and Manak Hindi.
[*]Apt in bajatsu sword-fighting and stunts (horseback combat), bokh (Mongolian wrestling), and Kalaripayattu (an Indian martial art.)


Previous Owners and Usages:
[*]Shah Hassan Safavid; utilized as a guardian, close friend, confidant, and all-encompassing companion, here learning an Indian fighting method, the worth, relevance, and gravity of practicing Hinduism, and energyworking through chakras. Willed to The Golden Tether upon the Shah's death under the provision he be treated as well as he acts, and then sold only to an appropriate master.
[*]Ögedei Dayir; taught supposedly necessary combative skills and disciplines, used as a guard and House soldier. Sold to Shah Hassan Safavid to boost finances through a great wealth.
[*]Lady Dianne Blackbourne of Lancashire; refined education on pleasure acts and taught a large variety of skills, horseback-riding included. Personal consort. Sold to the highest bidder, Ögedei Dayir, at the demands of the Lady's husband upon finding out his wife was pregnant with another man's child, escaping execution through the Lady's pleading.
[*]Rajput Stables; herein learned of housekeeping and both pleasure acts and defense against other slaves to the most basic degrees, apart Indian classical dance, impregnating two female slaves before being purchased by Lady Blackbourne.

Previous status: The product of slave breeding, he has always been servicing others, and knows nothing of being a free man.

For Rent or to Own: Rent-to-own.

Cost: 40Image per daily/nightly rental; 325Image to own.
Priced by Chnoubis.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Often.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Everything.

What are your allowances for your character: We're good as long as you don't shit on my chest.

Long Term/Short Term: Both. Either/or.

General Information

Character Description: From the saffron crocus to sunflower petals, the avatar of Vishnu-so they whispered of the singh-is the gold-enveloped quintessence of obedience, undeniably loyal to his Maalkin. A malformation of four defined arms plug into appointed sockets on his robust figure; he is an abnormal curiosity, but beautiful, exotic, and not without purpose. Clad only in a Nehru vest and an amber satin dhoti, his wardrobe speaks little of his cultured résumé. Musician, textual artist, dancer, linguist... the list goes on. To peg panthera leo persica as a mere warrior is to profile unfairly.


Images: Not yet applicable. Draw him if you like, but I won't ask it of you.

Contact Details: PM me through the forums or whisper me on Narasimha.
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