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Vileya - Unowned

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:13 pm
by Vileya
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Vileya

Nickname: Villy, Leya

Name on Identification: Vileya

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Panther

Sub Species/Breed: ---

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Curvaceous, toned, fit.

Physical Details: Five foot eight, dark hair down to her ribs, covered in smooth black fur, piercing yellow eyes, muscled arms and legs.

Physical Markings: Both ears pierced three times, a number of scars beneath her coat.

Physical Drawbacks: Weaker than many men, not adept at fighting in confined spaces as is used to the open jungle.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Practiced huntress, used to defending herself against attacks, extremely keen senses.

Appealing Attributes: Hourglass shape with wide hips and full breasts, highly attentive facial features, long flowing hair.

Clothing: Bedecked in slim golden chains which drape over her stomach and hips, along with a similarly covered cloth attached to two small gold hoops at her side. Golden bangles on her tail, bracers on her arms and more chains on her ankles.

Other Items: None.


Feral or Cultured: Not entirely feral, but unaccustomed to many modern conventions.

Phobias: Enclosed spaces, illness.

Disorders: Mild insomnia.

How do they present themselves: Highly attentive, defensive, guarded but also intensely curious, eager to discover.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Very proud, but desires to be useful. Depending on the nature of the owner, she will be a useful worker or a reluctant exotic pet.

Overall Attitude: Strong, driven huntress who intends to make the best of her situation, though of course has plans for

Quirks: Constantly runs her tongue over her teeth, keeps tail curled behind her most of the time, digs her claws into her fur when agitated or uncomfortable.

Hobbies / Interests: Basket weaving, carving, singing.

High or Low Maintenance: Generally low maintenance, can fend for herself.

Diet / Allergies: Primarily eats meat, but will indulge in raw vegetables and fruit. Not accustomed to intricately prepared meals. No known allergies, though she has not been introduced to a variety of foods.


Language(s) Spoken: English, Jumana (not fluent).

Can they Read / Write: No.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills: Hunting, practical survival skills, tasks involving strength, speed and stamina.

Training: None as of yet.


Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage(s): None.

Previous status: Huntress in Jumana tribe.

For Rent or to Own: Rental, but ownership a possibility.

Cost: 8 gold to rent, 75 to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: On often, feel free to whisper me.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I am interested in a situation where she serves not just as a sexual slave but also serves other purposes.

What are your allowances for your character: Willing to discuss body alterations such as scarring or mutilation, but draw the line at amputation and death.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term preferred.

General Information

Character Description: Every swing of the panther's wide hips brings with it the clashing of metals, golden chains draped across her torso and fading down past the loose cloth hung over her loins, leaving the toned legs of a hunter bare but for the pitch fur that covered them. The same darkness consumed the entirety of her prone form, including the loose locks of her thick hair which hung far enough to disguise the swell of her chest. Only bright eyes provide a shock of colour, fierce and yet alluring in their toxic yellow, following every movement as her tail, bound in golden rings, curls impatiently behind her, pierced ears twitching, tongue dragging over the tips of sharp teeth, claws digging into tight flesh. Exotic sensuality combined with real power, beauty with strength.

Website: None.

by Heather Bruton

Contact Details: Furcadia - Vileya. AIM - Cherubimxcheeks

Notes: ---