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Aria Accapella/Chalchuitl - Unowned Harem Slave

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:01 pm
by Anechka
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Chalchuitl Ocelotl.

Nickname: None yet.

Name on Identification: Aria Acapella.

Age:Approximately 25.

Gender: Female.

Species: Human.

Sub Species/Breed: Nagual (imbued with the spirit of Tialoc, she is able to shift into a bipedal jaguar).

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Curvaceous; plump, though with substantial muscle.

Physical Details:
Human Form - Angled luminescent emerald eyes. Thick, oily black hair that falls to her mid-back in a tight braid. Wide face with high, round cheekbones.
Jaguar Form - Very short, almost human-like face. Pupils contract to feline-like slits. Muscle is more pronounced with less fat. Digitigrade hind legs and human-like forepaws with slate colored claws. White spots on ears. Spikey headfur..

Physical Markings:
Human Form - Russet skin with turquoise tattoos.
Jaguar Form - Ashy fur with deep black spots, belly, eye spots, and muzzle markings.

Physical Drawbacks: Some may consider her too fat or too muscular for their tastes, but currenly nothing else is obviously wrong with the slave.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: In human form, if forced to fight, she uses her bone daggers or fists.

Appealing Attributes: Curvaceous frame, exotic appearance, prime-of-life fighter, speaks several languages. The slave is sexually a virgin in all senses.

Clothing: (Slave's clothing was repaired upon arrival and given to her once she proved her obedience) Ceremonial loincloth, arm bands, Macaw-feather pauldrens, ruby-encrusted gold collar, emerald and ruby encrusted gold belt and bracers. In human form she wears her tribal sandals.

Other Items: When in the arena and forced to fight in human form, slave is permitted to use the bone daggers she was captured with.


Feral or Cultured:Mostly cultured unless pushed.

Phobias:Fire, white men, armor, Spaniards.

Disorders:Caucasophobia (Fear of White/Caucasion People, more specifically men).

How do they present themselves:Respectful, obedient, though still retains some pride.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:Unknown. Though the slave seems content with her subservience, she sometimes shows a desire for freedom. As she has not acted on these desires, she is permitted to stay in the harem pen.

Overall Attitude:Quiet, subdued, and obedient. In the ring and in her jaguar form the slave seems slightly more prone to instinctual urges.

Quirks:Besides shape-shifting powers, none.

Hobbies / Interests:Singing, dancing, trinket making. Slave has shown innate ability in fashioning simple jewelry out of seashells, bone, etc.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium maintenance. Fur and hair have an oily texture and thus require near constant bathing. Slave's battle prowess must be maintained, thus constant training is also required.

Diet / Allergies:Omnivorous. Chocolate and coffee (whether processed or the beans themselves) are a treat for her


Language(s) Spoken:Common (Rudimentary), Spanish (Rudimentary- slave is resistant to speaking this language), Nahuatl (Fluent)

Can they Read / Write: Literacy is rudimentary; though rune-deciphering is surprisingly advanced.

Can your character produce magic: Beyond shape-shifting and expedited healing the slave has not shown any magic powers. The slave claims that with training, some may appear. Slave also claims she can summon rain, though this has yet to be proven.

Talents / Skills: Shape-shifting, primitive jewelry craft, dancing, singing, hunting, combat.

Training: Slave has been trained to fight in the arena as well as serve as a companion slave. She has no experience in serving as a sexual partner.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): Gladiator, servant, furniture, whipping girl

Previous status:Priestess

For Rent or to Own:Rent to Own

Per Night - 30 Gold/3 Platinum (assuming the slave stays a virgin)
To Own (After two-three rentals) - 300 Gold/300 Platinum

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Mostly late afternoon and evening hours (4-11 pm) EST. The character will be played intermittently as she is not my main character. See below.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Anything, though I require consent for severe mutilation (i.e. limb removal) and permanent death. Preferable I am looking for someone to train her in fighting, magic, and her literacy, as well as a kind owner for her to fall in love with/lose her virginity to.

What are your allowances for your character:Go ahead and do whatever you want, though I require consent for some things (see above).

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description:This diminuative, curvy woman maintained an unobtrusive presence when not performing. Imbued with a mystical, savage aire, her exotically angled eyes appeared almost bioluminescent in their bright emerald hue. She wears a colorful knee-length loincloth and gold-leafed breastplate, as well as various flowers and shiny baubles pinned to her thick, oily black hair, which falls to her rounded rump in a single, tighly bound braid. She dutifully awaits the day Tialoc deems her worthy of freedom.


Contact Details: Main character is Anechka Fedorchak

Notes:I won't be playing this character religiously as she is a side character, but I do enjoy playing her so i hope to be on her a lot. As such, I'll need for her owner to be understanding OoC.