Sky Raider [Owned]

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Sky Raider [Owned]

Post by TallestSky »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Sky Rhiannon-Sawtooth

Nickname: Songbird, Witch

Name on Identification: Sky Raider

Age: 4 Clicks (24 Years)

Gender: Female

Species: Lupus Garou (Werewolf)

Sub Species/Breed: Wolfdog (Belgian Shepherd & Gray Wolf)

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Toned, Athletic, Healthy

Physical Details: Chocolate fur with dark markings on her face, ears, limbs and tail tip. Lighter tan colors her stomach and face while her hair is dyed a dark purple, soft to the touch and cut short. Her right eye is faded and milky, obviously blind. Both are blue, bright and colorful but giving away no thoughts or emotions when guarded. Piercing and alert. Her ears are torn off, only the bases remaining. Her tail is long and lank on the last half, making its movements almost horse-like at times. Feral form (Lupus) is 3'2" at the shoulder, Beast form (Crinos) is 5'4" at the shoulder, build for speed. Anthro form (Homid) is 6'4" with wide hips. (Hair only applies to Homid, tips of mane are purple in Crinos, purple is only visable in the under coat of the mane in Lupus).

Physical Markings: X-shaped scar over left eyebrow, a scar on each side of her bottom lip. Her tongue is split and there are various scars on her stomach, neck and wrists, though they're only vaguely visable in her summer coat.

Physical Drawbacks: She's suffered broken bones in the past which have left her with a slight limp and no eyesight in her right eye.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Trained in unarmed and melee combat, shape-shifting takes seconds from training (it hurts. a lot.).

Appealing Attributes: Eyes, Build, Voice; a beautiful singer, known primarily for her singing and phrase. Her howl is song-like as well, but very natural as well.

Clothing: Depends on what the guards dress her in. She's not picky but refuses to wear anything on her paws or face. Collars can't be worn because of a previous injury; she wears earrings and tags instead.

Other Items: None.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: None known.

Disorders: Schizophrenia- Hears (and sometimes sees) an imaginary 'demon dog' named Sanja, who acts as a corrupt voice of chaos for her.

How do they present themselves: Proud, Dominant by nature, Willing to take most orders and very eccentric. Almost twitchy at times, but in a predatory way.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She came to terms with her situation quickly. She's fine with the idea of being 'owned' but has her limits all the same.

Overall Attitude: Bold, Alpha type. Smart, sarcastic.

Quirks: Mutters to herself at times of stress, Fastinated by bones (especially skulls) and body modifications and will often find herself staring.

Hobbies / Interests: Medicine/Healing- Master Level, can treat almost any wound and has a vast knowledge of herbal medicines. If she has the supplies, she can pull off most basic surgeries as well.
Piercing/Tattooing- Skilled in piercing more than tattooing, but can do both fairly well. Her methods do not involve a piercing gun or tattoo stencils.
Combat- A new skill that she's constantly seeking to improve on. Her skill level would be considered Moderate in this.
Pleasure/Seduction/Preformance- A hobby-level skill. She's good, but not the best. Shy and often submissive during sex, but aggressive during foreplay.

High or Low Maintenance: Low Maintenance

Diet / Allergies: Carnivor (aside from some fruit and greens.) Allergic to shellfish. Can't have chocolate.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Feral, Lupus, Swahili (only as Sanja)

Can they Read / Write: Yes to both.

Can your character produce magic: Undetermined. Untested.

Talents / Skills: Good fighting skills, fantastic healer abilities, fantastic singer and preformer, good dancer. Can play guitar and flute.

Training: Some combat, no official/former training.


Previous Owners: --

Previous Usage(s): --

Previous status: Rogue, Wild.

For Rent or to Own: Rent only.

Cost: 7G Rental, 80G to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Spotty on weekends, otherwise plenty.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Nothing in particular. Just looking for something interesting.

What are your allowances for your character: I require consent for modifications to her design, serious injury and will not allow Death. Everything else is fine; come at me, bro.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term is love, but either is fine.

General Information

Character Description: Coming soon.

Website: Coming soon.

Images: Whisper me for this, or check Desc.

Contact Details: Whisper on Sky Raider.
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