
Records of slaves, merchant sales, and anything that can be done IC on record will be posted here.

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Post by itzpa »

Basic Information

Full Name:


Name on Identification:

Determined to be around early to mid twenties.



Sub Species/Breed:
Unknown. Feral behaviour indicates the potential for cross breeding, but no physical traits show.

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Well built, voluptuous, generous hips and bust with a curving waist.

Physical Details:
Mocha coloured skin that seems blemished with a few pale scars. Dark auburn hair that seems to have never been brushed, matted and tugged into a wild afro-type style that halos her head. Her face is delicate and has the potential to be pretty, but is often scrunched up into a feral snarl. Her eyes are very dark brown, verging on becoming black. It is often impossible to see the pupil due to the similar colours. She stands at five feet and eleven inches, though is often found hunched over or crouching.

Physical Markings:
None save for her scars. Sometimes seen painted with blood, after a victorious fight.

Physical Drawbacks:

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:
Lengthy claws on her hands and feet that aren't easily cut. Her jaws, also, have quite the powerful bite to them.

Appealing Attributes:
Unable to find any, unless one takes the fact that she's completely unbroken.

The rags that were offered to her during the slave inspection. They have acquired a few new tears and holes to them.

Other Items:


Feral or Cultured:
Feral. Shows some faint cultured traits, but they are few and far between.

Fire. Seems not to understand it's concept.

Probably too many to list. Still to be disclosed.

How do they present themselves:
Like a wild animal that's just been caged.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Appears to loathes it, will take it as an opportunity to escape.

Overall Attitude:
Feral. Again as mentioned before, she has the tendency to show some sapient intelligence.

Similar to a dog's.

Hobbies / Interests:
Eating. Fighting. Sleeping. Trying to escape.

High or Low Maintenance:
Very high. Needs to be looked after at all times or the slave will attempt to fight others or try to escape.

Diet / Allergies:
Mainly a carnivore, but will eat vegetables and fruit if presented.


Language(s) Spoken:
Nahautl, broken English/Common.

Can they Read / Write:
No, and no.

Can your character produce magic:

Talents / Skills:
Fighting, mainly. Knows how to work leather.

None what-so-ever.


Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own:

5 gold to rent per night.
50 gold or 5 platinum to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Whenever I'm on. It varies occasionally.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Someone who can help refine Itzpa from the wild creature she is into a cultured and civilized woman. Or train her into a fierce feral gladiator. Either one will do me fine, so long as it's an interesting story arc. I'm not looking to have her broken and cultured within a few roleplays, this process will take months before it starts to show any real progress.

What are your allowances for your character:
Almost anything. No death, no severe mutilation (removing limbs), no overtly sexual themes (such as renting her just to fuck her), and nothing overly stupid or plain out of this world.

Long Term/Short Term:
Either or.

General Information

Character Description:
> One wild child. Not a child, at least, but a woman. Though it was likely discernible through the tangled mass of her auburn hair that stuck up in every direction as though she had been electrocuted. Her frame was thick and voluptuous, taunt mocha skin hidden behind tattered clothing of the slave's robes she had been given. She crept about on all fours, and acted very much like the animal she wasn't. This creature seemed to be human, save the way she moved like a graceful jungle cat, or the ferocity of her near black-brown eyes. The nails upon her hands and feet were lengthy and dangerous, though were tough and couldn't be cut easily. Only time will tell if this beastly woman could be transformed into the perfect slave, or left for the dog house.


None. Use your imagination.

Contact Details:
Whisper me or leave a message on my forum login.

Her arena stats.
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