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Maithe || Unowned

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 7:57 am
by Maithe
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Maithe

Nickname: May, Pan, and Janus.

Name on Identification: Maithe

Age: The slave appears to be in his early to mid twenties.

Gender: Male

Species: Halfling

Sub Species/Breed: None

Physical Appearance

Body Type: The slave’s build is very lean. He has a dancer’s physique with a slight plumpness about the hips and thighs.

Physical Details: He has mismatched eyes, the right one is blue and the left green. His hair is curly and kept cropped short and is of a pale white in coloration. His complexion is of an equally pale disposition. As far as the slave’s appearance goes he is in a habitual status of up keeping. Any hygiene habits considered to be less that supreme have yet to be observed and documented.

Physical Markings: There is a scar that intersects his face horizontally. It starts beneath of his left eye, travels across the bridge of his cheek, and ends at his right cheek.

Physical Drawbacks: Physically he is not the most opposing foe. He lacks refined prowess in physical combat due to a lack of overall strength. While he has displayed capabilities over those his size or smaller, it is unlikely that he would live through a match with a large opponent.

Current Infliction(s): None that are worth mentioning.

Physical Defenses: The slave is quick on his feet and would likely outrun a good number of that. Other than that, his ability to physically defend himself is unlikely in a confrontation unless the antagonist is smaller than he.

Appealing Attributes: His face is the first thing to capture the gaze when objectively taking this slave in for appraisal. He possess bountiful white curls and equally tempting porcelain flesh that is easily beckoning to those of weak willed dispositions. The coal brim of white lashes that frame mismatched eyes are just as vying for attention as the swells and dips of his lightly muscled body are. His less than innocent nature is apparent in the acquisition of a rather obvious scar. The raised pink flesh stems from beneath one eye and twists across the delicate bridge of his nose to end beneath his other eye. It is a marring scar that is rather hard to miss.

Clothing: As far as his clothing goes, he appears to prefer to be simplistically eloquent. A ladening cacophony of ornaments and frills are something that Maithe finds purely ridiculous and impractical. Without the demand of him to adorn such useless fabrics, he chooses something more favorable to practicality. The slave has an affinity for simplistically rich clothing, showing not only his status of a trained harem slave, but his apparent ability to incur wealth for his matron establishment due to his services. More often than not, the nymph can be seen sporting clothes gratifying in the means of splendor and comfort.

Other Items: He owns nothing worth mentioning.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None of note

Disorders: None of note

How do they present themselves: Maithe is a well trained slave that knows his place within the Tether and excels at pleasing those that require it of him. He appears to be prim, proper, and wonderfully docile. The inner workings of the slave have shown to be slightly vile in nature. Although he appears to be rather malicious upon the interior, his dedication to servitude never falters. Maithe will never act out in the public eye in any manner that is considered befitting of a harem slave.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Ownership is the means to which he can reach a self actualized goal.

Overall Attitude: Charismatic, friendly, and willing to please.

Quirks: None documented

Hobbies / Interests: He loves to swim! Often times he will go find whatever water he can lounge about in, amusingly enough. Maithe also likes singing, reading, writing, and amusing himself with the lesser slaves. The slave has also been seen walking around the gardens or lounging by fountains when he is granted the free time. Nature is where he likes to be, so one could say that it is a hobby of his to seek out natural sanctuaries.

High or Low Maintenance: Low Maintenance

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore, though the slave has a slight preference for fruits, vegetables, dairy, and wheat products. When it comes to all meats beyond seafood and shellfish, he prefers them uncooked. No allergies documented.


Language(s) Spoken: A diversity of languages are known to the slave, though he usually speaks only in common.

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: Yes (See website for more detailed information)

Talents / Skills: Singing, dancing, entertaining, and preforming.

Training: Maithe has formal documented training in entertainment services, escort services, companionship, formal service, the management of a renter’s/owner’s social obligations, and budget keeping.


Previous Owners: The script in this area has been marked out as to make three particular names illegible.

Previous Usage(s): He has documentation as a private slave for all three previous owners.

Previous status: Not applicable

For Rent or to Own: Maithe is only available to purchase from the general public after three individual rental periods.

Cost: 320 gold or 32 platinum to own. (For rental costs please see website)

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Most days, early evenings, and some late nights. I am online at least every other day.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I’d really like a chance for Maithe to have some major plot development as well as the continuation of his ability to be rented. I will consider negating this for the right Owner. However, I like for him to be in group environments or at least still able to participate in group environments. He is NOT allowed to be removed from the TGT continuity under any circumstances.

What are your allowances for your character: He is non-consent beyond death and mutilation. If you want either of those you need to discuss it with me first.

Long Term/Short Term: Both! I really prefer long term. Maithe is a slave that is up for rental purposes, I am not misguided that some roleplays will not last. Just be upfront and honest about it.

General Information

Character Description: Being of elegance and decadence composed himself in the form of leather-winged devil. Blossomed lips of mocking divinity poised with a curve of true sadism and the lust thereof. Deceptive grace and elegance hid beneath of it a person of bitter and malicious disposition. Many splendid silks of varying monochrome swathed his misleading fragile form. Fissures of Heaven's clouds lashed at false cherubim's rosy pinked cheeks. Juxtaposed from mane of unruly curls, twin polished horns twisted violently to frame complimenting sides of falsely charismatic face. The tiny terror's twisted mentality was tucked willingly beneath the ever present reserved mask of the well-trained socialite. He was a creature predisposed to a pillar of self righted intangibility among the most illustrious of aristocracy.


Images: - Pending revamp.

Contact Details: Whisper in character or note on RPR.

Notes: Extremely whisper friendly. RP with me!