Lexiea (Unowned)

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Lexiea (Unowned)

Post by Lexiea »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Lexiea Calida Kalama - Thought to sound too "forign" and is often shortened to simplier things.

Nickname: Lexi, Red

Name on Identification: Lexi

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Cheetah

Sub Species/Breed: Melanistic King Cheetah

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Ectomorphic, pear-shaped. Slim and curvy, average chest and large hips. Long legs and slim torso.

Physical Details: Long straight dark red hair that reaches down to her mid-back. Eyes are golden and seem to glow at times. Her skin is covered with dark silky fur.

Physical Markings: Black spots and swirls dance along her body and her fur fades to a pale gray in spots.

Physical Drawbacks: Not strong at all, unable to do heavy work. Terrible sense of smell and taste.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Claws, teeth.

Appealing Attributes: Virgin. Willing to learn, wanting to please. Dramatic and exotic looking.

Clothing: Freshly captured, she has nothing but basic clothes. A rattered brown skirt and dingy-looking tube-top.

Other Items: Nothing.


Feral or Cultured: Feral.

Phobias: Scared of anything strange to her, but can be coaxed to warm up to things.

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: Timid, relatively shy. Holds herself high when around people she's comfortable with.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Would prefer to be owned and get to know the owner on a more personal level, as she knows little English.

Overall Attitude: Withdrawn, shy, rather a sweetheart around those she knows a little better.

Quirks: Picks at her nails when nervous. Speaks little English and attempts to communicate through other means. Falls asleep within minutes of being cuddled or stroked. Loves food and will happily take any unwanted food. Gets attched to people too easily.

Hobbies / Interests: Most are unknown as of yet. Enjoys singing in her native tongue when alone or around those comfortable with.

High or Low Maintenance: Low.

Diet / Allergies: Eats anything she's given, allergic to nothing. Loves meat.


Language(s) Spoken: Little English, Fluent in Swahili.

Can they Read / Write: No.

Can your character produce magic: To an extent.

Talents / Skills: Can preform very basic spells. Protection, luck, things that people brush off as myth.

Training: Very little.


Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage(s): None.

Previous status: None.

For Rent or to Own: Either.

Cost: 7 to rent, 60 to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Pretty much every day of the week.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I am hoping to improve her value, develop her character, and maybe have her trained for some... wild nights.

What are your allowances for your character: Anything at all. I'd prefer not to have her die, but if you're interested in that, let me know. Nothing is set in stone for me.

Long Term/Short Term: Either.

General Information

Character Description: A freshly caught savage, the newly eight-teen year old was untrained and spoke little English. Her bright, wild eyes stood out against her dark pelt, fearful for her life. Every little thing in this new world was strange and different to her; Although timid and seemingly easy to break in, it would take time for her to get used to these new customs. Ratty clothing clung to her skin. A tattered skirt that was barely more than a rag hung loosly from her waist, and a dingy-looking loose tube-top that she had to yank up every now and then barely covered her chest. The female's appearance was an exotic one, but she needed work. However, her clothing covered little, and her nipples and ass were easily viewable through the thin material.

Website: http://www.rprepository.com/c/lexieacalidakalama

Images: http://i48.tinypic.com/21n4cqv.png
http://www.rprepository.com/images/char ... 509855.png

Contact Details: Either whisper Lexiea or shoot me a message on my msn. Feral.soul@yahoo.com.
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