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Senge || Unowned

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:26 pm
by Senge
Basic Information

Full Name: Senge

Nickname: None publicly listed.

Name on Identification: Senge

Age: Appears in the age bracket of early to mid twenties.

Gender: Female

Species: Forest spirit

Sub Species/Breed: Faun

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slender, petite, and generally lacking any prowess in upper body strength. Her lower body is fully capable of maintaing of long distance running at a high velocity. Also, she has the ability to kick with enough force to break bones.

Physical Details: Senge has pale white hair that settles to the middle of her back when not worn up and out of her face. Her eyes are a dull mute red and lack any discernible pupil. Her skin tone is of a natural olive complexion with a complimentary coat of short white fur on her lower body.

Physical Markings: None of any interest.

Physical Drawbacks: Senge lacks the upper body strength to preform any manual labor at an extended length.

Current Infliction(s): None that are apparent.

Physical Defenses: As aforementioned, formidable lower body strength that could easily cripple a foe if she is able to exert it. Likelihood of survival in a arena, sparring match, or onslaught is negligible.

Appealing Attributes: While she is lacking prowess as an agile fighter or laborer, she is aesthetically pleasing. She had two small horns that sprout on either side of her brow, just at the hair line. Her demeanor is elegant and Senge moves with a grace that is atypical of most slaves.

Clothing: A simple boa of pale mink's fur is the only article of clothing she usually choose to wear. It modestly covers any human parts that need not be displayed to the general public.

Other Items: A myriad of tattooing supplies, opium pipe, and small flask available to her when she is not in the cages.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None exhibited.

Disorders: None exhibited.

How do they present themselves: Refined, intellectual, and civilized. Senge is a well behaved slave that shows signs of highly functional analytical skills, reasoning, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of expressive creativity. She has also shown that she can learn more quickly, deeply, and more broadly than her peers.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Assumed apathy. She shows no signs of resistance or acceptance.

Overall Attitude: Generally an up-beat personality. There is some remaining question of her motives, albeit it seems that she is consigned to her fate. She is social and very functional in the society of the slaving world. As far as slaves go, she is independent and will not be one that needs constant supervision or much training.

Quirks: Has a penchant for finding herself in precarious situations.

Hobbies / Interests: Tattooing, research, learning, fishing, singing, the theater, literature, composition, philosophical debate, and chess.

High or Low Maintenance: Low

Diet / Allergies: Strawberries


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: Yes.

Talents / Skills: Extensive vocabulary and comprehension of language, ability to understand complex ideas, wide spectrum interest in education, high levels of creativity expressed through the art of tattooing/branding, curious and inquisitive, and a highly developed sense of humor.

Training: Tattooing, singing, musical training that specializes with the cello, theatrics, social decorum, fishing, trapping, domestic servitude, companionship, holistic methods, and the arts.


Previous Owners: Dawn of Deceit

Previous Usage(s): Rental slave/Companion

Previous status: Not applicable

For Rent or to Own: Rent (20 g or 2 platinum) Buy (300 g or 30 platinum)

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Daytime and some evenings.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Ideally someone to really plot with and further Senge as a character. Whisper me for additional information.

What are your allowances for your character: Anything beyond mutilation/rape/death/and dismemberment. If you want any of that stuff you'll have to get my okay.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term

General Information

Character Description: Pending


Images: See gallery on RPR

Contact Details: Whisper or Private message

Notes: None