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Aetius Caelius - Owned

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 8:42 pm
by Michael
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Aetius Caelius (Latin for Eagle, and Heaven respectively.)

Nickname: Little Bird

Name on Identification: Aetius (Eye-tee-us)

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sub Species/Breed: Roman.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Muscular. Thick knotted bulges cover him in areas of constant use, while smaller bulges illustrate less used musculature. Obviously athletic, strong.

Physical Details: Mahogany strands of hair fall untrimmed in front of his scarred face, light blue eyes peer haunted between them. He has a strong jawline that, were it less scarred, one would describe has handsome.

Physical Markings: Three parallel clawed scars go down from where the top of his head meets it's right side and carry down before turning sharply to carry horizontally across his face. The path of the scars barely missing his eyes by an inch but marring his face considerably. Three other scars mar his back going from just bellow his neck, along his spine, to the small of his back. More tribal ritual scars follow a spiral starting from the top of his clearly defined biceps all the way down to his wrists. The rest of his body is covered in smaller scars that have no end to their number.

Physical Drawbacks: None that are yet apparent.

Current Infliction(s): Mute. Or at least not wanting communication, too early to tell.

Physical Defenses: Powerful fists act as hammers to wherever they may fall, but otherwise nothing else.

Appealing Attributes: A strong body can serve as a platform for all kinds of training and education. And if his eyes betray anything it's a burning intelligence.

Clothing: Nothing but a worn leather loincloth.

Other Items: A Gladius and Pilum stored for whenever he is taken out for arena combat.


Feral or Cultured: He's a Cultured Feral. That is to say, he's a Barbarian that doesn't rip off everyone's heads.

Phobias: None yet apparent.

Disorders: When given any edged weapon and a whetstone he immediately begins honing the weapon. No others apparent.

How do they present themselves: Proud, yet behind those eyes lays a broken man, a defeated man.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Indifferent.

Overall Attitude: Indifferent / Proud.

Quirks: Hones blades when given to him, speaks in a strange language sometimes (Latin).

Hobbies / Interests: Fighting, Sharpening dull things.

High or Low Maintenance: Low Maintenance

Diet / Allergies: Heavy meat eater, with some necessity for vegetable matter.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Latin.

Can they Read / Write: Yes, Latin.

Can your character produce magic: No. And he's very wary of such things.

Talents / Skills: Arena Fighting, Dirty Fighting, Wrestling, Boxing, Sharpening weapons of death, more yet to be found / tested.

Training: Obviously extensively trained in combat, other areas show lack of development.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): Gladiator

Previous status: Centurion

For Rent or to Own: Owned.

Cost: Owned.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Most Weeknights, Some Weekends.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Anything and Everything that's not too left field (I'll let you know OOC if that happens)

What are your allowances for your character: NC

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description: Barbarian. A word that aptly describes this giant of a man, barely robed in anything more than a rough leather Loincloth. Long spiral scars cover both arms in intricate, ornate patterns that stand out on his tan flesh. Numerous smaller cuts cover his chest, with three parallel claw scars going down his spine on his back. Another three claw marks go down the right side of his face emphasizing his facial structure instead of horrifying it. These clawmarks also carry into his mohagany strands of hair, carving great gashes into otherwise normal locks. Although his appearance is downright feral, behand light blue eyes is the spark of intelligence, and pain.

Website: N/A

Images: N/A

Contact Details: Through Pounce or PM Me.

Notes: Long history to be discovered about this Ex-Centurion. Check him out.