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Timid's Papers

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:44 pm
by Timid
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Dalton (Was never told his last name)

Nickname: None; open to suggestions.

Name on Identification: Dalton

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human/Antelope/Dog

Sub Species/Breed: Pronghorn/Papillon

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slender

Physical Details:
Papillon ears
6" tall pronghorns between his ears
Fluffy, brown dapple patterned tail
Cloven hooves
Bright, emerald green eyes
6' 1"
Not overly muscular but a life of labor has given him simply defined muscles.
Light brown/tan skin
Short, dark brown, semi-messy hair that seems to almost spike up on its own.

Physical Markings: The brown dapple pattern on his tail spreads up his spine, covers his shoulders, and tapers off as it nears his elbows

Physical Drawbacks: None

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Horns and hooves

Appealing Attributes: Although his eyes appear to be a solid green from a distant, upon closer inspection one would see that they actually hold various shades of green and a few flecks of gold that glimmer and almost seem to shift like moving water.

Clothing: Just a simple pair of plain, black, loose-fitting pants.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public

Disorders: Can be OCD at times. Usually when it comes to performing certain tasks like cleaning. He has to make sure that everything he's asked to clean is spotless.
Social Anxiety; he gets very nervous and quiet around strangers.

How do they present themselves: Generally tries to avoid drawing attention to himself. If a request is made of him to approach someone, he'll usually avoid eye contact and show signs of nervousness.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: He was born into slavery and owned by only one person his entire life. He has no objections to being owned since its the only thing he's ever known, but he is very uneasy about finally aquiring a new owner.

Overall Attitude: Very shy and quiet but very loyal and obedient.

Quirks: None yet.

Hobbies / Interests: He really enjoys piecing together complicated puzzles in his free time.

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance

Diet / Allergies: Not a very picky eater so he'll eat just about anything provided for him. He doesn't have a big appetite, though, so he usually won't eat very much in a single sitting.
Allergic to fish.


Language(s) Spoken: English and Japanese

Can they Read / Write: Yes; he can read and write in both English and Japanese.

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Can communicate with animals.

Training: Well trained when it comes to taking care of a home and its owner. He's a quick learner and could easily be trained for anything a slave owner requires of him.


Previous Owners: Only one (NPC)

Previous Usage(s): Only used for regular chores and house keeping as well as cooking and shopping.

Previous status: Born and raised as a slave.

For Rent or to Own: Rental only. (For now.)

One night rental - 25 Gold
To own - 300 gold

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I'm around almost every day and almost always up for rp.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Just about anything. I don't mind short term rps sometimes but I am looking for someone to own him for a long period of time

What are your allowances for your character: Just about anything except for death, mutilation/dismemberment or any permanent injures. (Wounds that leave scars are ok)

Long Term/Short Term: Either

General Information

Character Description: (In Progress)

Website: None

Images: None yet. Draw? =)

Contact Details: Timid
