(Prior) (unowned; open for rental & ownership)

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(Prior) (unowned; open for rental & ownership)

Post by Prior »

Basic Information

Full Name: "Prior"
a. Existing or coming before in time, order, or importance.
b. A previous criminal conviction: "he had no priors".
c. A man who is head of a house or group of houses of a religious orders.

n/a; none noted to have been given, either by those outside or those within the pens.

Name on Identification:

His apparent age is potentially between his mid-thirties to early forties.
His actual age is around the mid-3,000 mark, although this is broken up due to centuries-long periods of cryogenic hibernation. The number of years he has been 'awake' is probably around eight hundred to nine hundred at a conservative estimate.

Male; cisgender.

Appears to have the physique in the likeness of the Ancient Egyptian being of Anubis, more correctly known as Anapa in the Kemetic dialect. The difference being is that he is not theriocephalous, but with a uniform anthropomorphic design entirely. The origin of the proportionate, leathery wings of membrane and bone is unknown, and are an inconclusive indication of potential other heritage.

Sub Species/Breed: None.
He is an alien; an extra-terrestrial and grudging visitor but, alas, not a little green man from Mars or the moon. He was essentially thrown off of the planet that originally he came from for crimes against a handful of laws there - not many, but major in significance. Furcadia, the equivalent to a backwater town far from a thriving city, seemed the most suitable place to hurl the disgraced creature. His presence within the Dragonlands is nothing short of a punishment for tampering with what he shouldn't. This he heavily resents, as his only 'escape' is death and the following reincarnation; death he'd rather avoid for as long as his longevity will permit.

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Anthromorphic, winged, digigrade feet. Humanoid in stance.

Physical Details:
Black, shoulder-length hair that seems to be bordering on forming dreadlocks of its own accord. Otherwise clean, with no traces of dirt to be found. Elongated ears pointing upwards, no piercings, tags or brands within. His facial features are fine, with the distinct muzzle so commonly attributed to the diety of mummification and the hereafter. His fur is short although soft to the touch and lengthening at the joints and forming a stiff mane-like feature down his spine to end at the small of his back just above the start of his tailbone. His tail is long, the fur merging into a hairless tip not too unlike a whip - signs that something was once merged into this can be seen in the burns and bumps of a cauterized wound. His fingertips end in claws, as do his toes. Carnivorous. Musculature is lightweight for his height, although he has another set of secondary pectorals under the first which enable flight with those appendages of his. His best defined muscles are those of his abdomen, his legs and his upper arms. Thoroughbred-quality hybrid of guessable origin.

Physical Markings:
Darker areas of mule-tan smudges on his shoulders, back, thighs, wrists and ankles.

Physical Drawbacks:
Seems to permanently have a hoarse sound to his voice and some form of semi-restricting lung complaint. No herbs or medicines have shown to lessen this effect significantly.
This is due to the fact that his lungs are not accustomed to such an atmosphere.

Physical Defenses:
Wings complete with functional muscle - think akin to a swan's strength.
Claws on both his hands and feet.

Appealing Attributes:
Dignified posture and bearing. Intelligence; who says smarts aren't attractive? Bioluminescence when in near total darkness or dimmed light, most obviously seen on his eyes, throat, forearms and from the knee down to his thighs. The markings appear to be lettering of some sort, although of a language that is either exceptionally extinct or one of his own devising.
The markings are, in fact, a symbolic star-map of how to get home - literally, directions. But with his lack of access to any form of significant technology, they remain merely decorative.

Nude. Seems to show little inclination towards or need for clothing unless it is a form of armor or other protective clothing.

Other Items:


Feral or Cultured:
Exceptionally cultured but seems to 'play along' with acting occasionally feral.


Lack of apparent empathy.
Borderline narcissism.

How do they present themselves:
Self-confident, a 'people watcher' and fiercely intelligent.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Disgusted and irritated, but mildly curious as well. Call it an experience...

Overall Attitude:
Disgruntled, easy to irritate, short-tempered, curious, snide, sarcastic, an avid debater. He is one difficult to earn the loyalty of, but if in debt to another for whatever reason, his protective side is generally fairly easy to keep due to some form of honour code.

Tapping out unknown rthymns on his knees if sat down, or on the pen bars in front of him.

Hobbies / Interests:
pending / astrology, astronomy, engineering, genetics & genetic manipulation, biological science, psychology, archaeology, geology, atomic studies, herbology, debating, morality & religion, literature - primarily non fiction, magic - primarily glamours or illusions.

High or Low Maintenance:
Assumed high for safety; new to slavery, undeterminable obedience level.

Diet / Allergies:
Carnivore / Pesticides; he can detect if anything has been put onto food not of a natural origin. Consuming it makes him ill.


Language(s) Spoken:
Common/English. He has also been known to garble a language unknown to others, more often to himself, although may occasionally 'slip up' when in conversation with others. Telepathy is suspected but not confirmed.

Can they Read / Write:
Yes & Yes, but not of any known furre or humanoid language, although it bears a strong resemblance to many ancient tongues mixed together with both minor and major changes.
IC Note: Looking for someone to teach him the basics of written Common.

Can your character produce magic:

Talents / Skills:
Flight, knowledge within the medicical field - both rudimentary and advanced, meatball and the finer points of surgery / Herbal healing, surgery, neuro-surgery. Shows a seemingly strong background in psychology, or at least, figuring out if, why and how people tick.

None IC.


Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:
Unknown (nomadic?). The rags he came in were tattered but reminiscent of those worn by the Clergy or magic users.
Geneticist; a tamperer of the bodies' codes and finest details, a craftsman of biology. While this occupation was generally accepted and beneficial, it was what he did with it that earnt him the punishment he has now. Some just don't take kindly when you start trying to engineer an 'intelligent' disease that has no achieveable cure and that evolves...

For Rent or to Own:
Rentals permitted, both short and long-term.
Ownership permitted.

Cost: 12 hours rental, 10 Image - To own, 100 Image *
Price may be negotiated for shorter or longer periods of rental. Any damages incured will come with a fine as penalty. Any damages will temporarily lower his subsequent rental price until healed.

OOC Info/Notes

Most days except Saturdays.

Days of known absence:
Sunday 17th June.
2nd - 27th July; evenings. Around on weekends.
14th & 15th July; absent the entirety of both days.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Character development. He has essentially become, for lack of other words, a blank slate. Someone to train him in combat, or to enter him into the arena. Someone to make use of his medical expertise.

What are your allowances for your character:
Mild to moderate wounding acceptable. Severe wounding negotiable. Branding accepted. Limb removable, negotiable. No death, rape or explicit sexual scenes - I prefer "lets say we did" and/or 'fade to black'. Implied is more fun to me, as typing out two furres bumping uglies is like watching paint dry to me. To compensate, I do enjoy a good gory, violence, drama-ridden storyline or plot. Enemies, monsters and the like.

Long Term/Short Term:
Short-term or long-term for rentals, long-term heavily preferred for ownership. Long-term preferred for other interactions outside of the master/slave sphere. Short-term accepted.

General Information

Character Description: wip

Website: n/a

Images: n/a

Contact Details:
Whispers (in-game)

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