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Arele's Papers

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:40 am
by Arele
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Arele [Pronounced Arr-e-l-e]

Nickname:Elle or "El"

Age: Unknown. Around 23


Species: Canine

Sub Species/Breed: Collie/Shepherd mix

Physical Appearance
General appearance Canine standing about 5'5. Skinny, petite frame. Brown/black mottled fur. White paws/feet. Right ear flops over, the left stands up. Has many scars on her back.

Current Infliction(s):None recently.

Physical Defenses: Sharp teeth-that does not hesitate to use.

Appealing Attributes: One word. She was cute, and attractive(when she isn't biting).

Clothing:Hand me down dress. A dank blue color, and hung on her limply.


Feral or Cultured:Cultured

Phobias:Storms, The dark, Closed spaces.

How do they present themselves: Generally very quiet unless provoked. Does tend to fly into a rage-seems to be fear based. Will bite.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Resigned, but still resentful. Likes to please, but at the same time hates to be "owned"

Quirks: Bites. Stays quiet.

Hobbies / Interests:None known.

Diet / Allergies::Lactose Intolerance- can have a little without getting sick.


Can they Read / Write:No, but did express an interest in leaning

Can your character produce magic:No.
Talents / Skills: Hasn't stayed at a place long enough that we are aware of any.

Training:None known.


Previous Owners: Too many to list

Previous Usage(s): General-Upkeep/personal slave

Previous status:Slave

For Rent or to Own:Rent/own

Cost:5 gold to rent/night. 50 gold to own.
General note from the tether The canine is usually quiet, and will keep to herself, but will bite if given the chance. The collar is padlocked, due to her removing it frequently. The canine seems to have had many owners, never staying with one for long. She will run if given a chance, but does seem to do a poor job on it. At this point we have not muzzled her, but she is well aware one more attempt to bite, and she will be muzzled. We were not able to get much information on her, as she refused to speak, so we got as much information as possible.

The canine was rented, and returned to the pens after one night. Seemed to be much meeker and quiet. Had words written across her body which we were given instructions on not to let her bathe. The canine would not give us any more information, but she was extremely quiet and did not attempt to bite at all. At this time, we are not promising any type of training as we have no confirmation of anything.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability:Varied. On Often

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I am looking for a long term, though an occasional short term is ok too. Not looking for a completely rough master, but she does need a firm hand to keep her on track. She will consistently test the waters.

What are your allowances for your character:Am not looking for just a 'yiff' session. I don't mind it happening, but not a constant. Mostly NC, as she is a slave but I do have limits-just not sure what yet, so ask me please.

Long Term/Short Term:Both