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Xadrin- Unowned

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:52 pm
by Guilder
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Xadrin

Nickname: Xad, Chad, Gem

Name on Identification: Xadrin

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Gargoyle

Sub Species/Breed: Marble-Carved

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slender and toned, though that is with the help of his stone-like skin.

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) He usually towers over those around him, thanks to his size and the length of his legs. The horns on his head are polished to a bright shine, his skin is a blue-grey.

Physical Markings: He has a long trail of runic symbols that stretch from the base of his skull, down his spine, to the tip of his tail. Long and winding black twists swirled around his body were a testament to the marble he was carved from.

Physical Drawbacks: If one of these runes on his back are broken or disconnected by physical marring, he will turn to stone until it is repaired, if it is.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Claws, horns, a long and ropey tail that has the hardness of the stone he was carved from, strong, saurian-like legs.

Appealing Attributes: His training in healing and medicine allows for him to be an excellent gladiator's companion, though his respect and poise also makes him versatile in many different fields. He has dabbled in potion-making, but is still learning.

Clothing: He wears a simple black leotard that reaches down to his knees, the back side twisting underneath his tail to be better comfortable. A leather strap kept it upon his hips. A leather collar was strapped upon his neck, though he did not mind it.

Other Items: He holds a small alchemy and apothecary's sachel, filled with dried herbs and scrolls that help him study healing magic and other remedies.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: He has a fear of creatures that can overpower him, naturally, and he has a dislike and fear for feral gargoyles.

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: He is very poised and polite, and presents himself with a sense of dignity and respect for those around him. He is very knowledgeable, but is never pompous about it, and is always willing to divulge in it if he is asked to.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Being that he was created to be a servant, it is all he really ever knew, and he doesn't mind it in the least. Even if his master or mistress were cruel, he would never rise up against them unless his life were in danger.

Overall Attitude: He is polite and kind, and holds a nurturing attitude towards many. He very rarely loses his temper, and always seems to come at things in a rational way.

Quirks: He seems to let out almost a cat-like purr when he is excited or content.

Hobbies / Interests: The study of healing magic and herbal remedies, studying various subjects that would be useful in his eyes.

High or Low Maintenance: Low Maintenance

Diet / Allergies: He eats primarily fruits and vegetables, and very rarely meat. He believes it will make him barbaric and feral.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Latin, and other various languages

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: Yes, though it is mostly in the school of regeneration

Talents / Skills: He excels at various magical and arcane arts, and is intermediate in alchemy. He is also a tremendously talented servant.

Training: Restoration Magic, Alchemy, Healing


Previous Owners: All NPC

Previous Usage(s): A Battle Healer, A Teacher at an Arcane College, he was a harem gem at one point

Previous status: Servant

For Rent or to Own: For Rent Or Ownership

For Rent: 20 Gold
To Own: 280 Gold

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: At All Times

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Plot for the most part, long term roleplay that won't last a few weeks and die away.

What are your allowances for your character:
He is non consent except for death.

Long Term/Short Term:

General Information

Character Description:

Silvery white eyes remained cast down to the floor, and his slender, yet tall frame held a sense of elegance in its movements. Blue-grey skin was adorned with beautiful and decorative black markings akin to that of marble, and ebony horns polished to a bright shine curved back behind his head in humble beauty. A long tail stretched from the base of his spine, curving around that frame with the tip dancing to a tune only he could hear. Pointed ears and large-spanning, elegantly leathery wings seemed to finish the depiction of the poised gargoyle, digitigrade legs pulled underneath him so that he did not take up so much space.

His creator was a master stone mason, each stroke of his chisel and definitive molding of the creature was expertly detailed. The runes that allowed him life stretched from the base of his hairline, down to the tip of his tail, scars that he bore proudly in light of his otherwise pleasurable appearance. His mannerisms were humble and reserved and his personality bore the kindness of one in his profession, trained well in the art of healing and medicine. While his slave-status was disappointing to most, he seemed to wear his title with a sense of content, and his love for each master and mistress that had once owned him was apparent in his eyes. He was a loving soul and a kind heart, despite his harrowing and otherwise dark appearance.

Website: RPR

Images: ON RPR

Contact Details: Via Whisper, Forum PM

Notes: I am very whisper friendly.