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Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:52 pm
by Erelise
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Erelise Arietta Kroloth

Nickname: Era, Leece

Name on Identification: Erelise

Age: Young 67 years

Gender: Female

Species: Dark Elf/Drow

Class: Minor Mage

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Curvy with an hourglass shape

Physical Details: Snow white hair that falls down to the small of her back in thick waves and curls at the end. Eyes a bright, blue like the color of lightning when it flashes, perfectly almond shaped and shadowed by dark eye lashes. Skin gray, like the hide of an elephant- but smooth and soft like a baby.

Physical Markings: Elegant, curved black tattoos just beneath her eyes. A pair of them run down from her hair line- and hook just beneath her eyes upon her cheekbones. The other set coming from her ears, that run straight beneath the first pair, much like tiger stripes.

Physical Drawbacks: None.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Magic (Blocked by TGT's restrictions)

Appealing Attributes: Dark, smooth skin. Bright, large blue eyes. Slim body, and dainty in feet and hands. Sharply pointed ears... All around exotic.

Clothing: A beaded, and tassled bra upon her upper body, and a floor-length skirt with beads or some kind of decoration hanging from it that rattles whenever she moves. Usually made of thin, and wispy material. (Belly Dancer's costume)

Other Items: The silver jewelry she had on her person upon arrival, with blue jewels at her neck, ankles, wrists, and in the crest upon her head. A wooden flute.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Heliphobia - Fear of the sunlight; It's extremely painful to her eyes, and she burns incredibly easily.

Disorders: Perfectly Healthy.

How do they present themselves: Calm- and cold; She doesn't care for anyone else but herself, doesn't dare to bother with anyone else, and completely disregards another person's existence all together unless spoken to, or bothered. Even then- it's hard to get more than just a few words out of Erelise.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Hatred- Not fond of the idea at all. Strongly independent, and wanting more than anything to go home.

Overall Attitude: Strong pride, calm, cold, and collected at most times. Her temper can flare, and when it does she has the vocabulary of a sailor. She can not, and WILL NOT stand for men gazing at her like some sort of sex toy, or dessert that they just ordered fresh out of the oven. She's a lady, and expects to be respected, and will only do what she's comfortable doing in order to get back to a comfortable and familiar spot. If that means being the companion of another person for a few hours, then so be it, just as long as she gets back to those cages safely.

Quirks: Often wants things to go her way- or the high way.

Hobbies / Interests: Listening to music, playing her flute, dancing, reading, educational things, observing nature around her

High or Low Maintenance: Very low maintenance- she can take care of herself.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivorous- Strongly prefers plants, mushrooms, etc. Allergic to sun lotion.


Language(s) Spoken: Elvish, English

Can they Read / Write: Yes, very well in both languages

Can your character produce magic: Yes, a strong affiliation to earthen magic.

Talents / Skills: Entertainment, Dance, small feats of magic, cooking, cleaning- etc.

Training: Entertainment, Slight Obedience training


Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage(s): None.

Previous status: Free

For Rent or to Own: Rent or Own

Rent: 20 Gold
Own: 200 Gold

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Depends on the week. Least, 2 days (Weekends). Most, all 7 days a week.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Good plot, Interesting partner, Para. RP preferred. I'm a really open minded person on most things- new ideas are always inspiring.

What are your allowances for your character: Non-Consent (Extreme Gore to the point where she'll be maimed beyond recognition, Scat, & Death are a NO!)

Long Term/Short Term: Preferably Long-Term. Short-Term is okay too though~

General Information

Character Description: A foreigner from the land of the Drow. From where the young woman had been taken for slave purposes. Anger, though not in her character- often bubbles under the surface as she's kept locked up in some kind of cage for a long period of time, away from her people- away from the adoring friends and family she left behind, in a world she once knew so well. White hair tied back and neatly atop her head, allowed to cascade down her back in waves and curls always seems to glow in the dimmest of light. Skin, dark gray makes her form hard to see in the dark- nothing more than a mysterious silhouette even. Bright blue eyes seem to glow, blazing like the heart of a fire. Her figure, slender, and curvy, seems to dance- even when there is no music for her to dance to. There one moment, and just like that- a simple rustle of the leaves, and she could be gone.



Contact Details: Whisper me anytime~
