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Droszer [For Sale]

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:08 pm
by Droszer
(Many internets to whomever introduced this style. I've decided to try taking a stab at it!)

The forms appear fresh, having been soiled very little by the oils and elements; present on most persons' hands. Most of the writing is a black standard. Though, entries and other relevant notes have been included in a gold ink. A cute touch, given the setting.

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
Wouldn't give us a name, but this got their attention. One of the slavers overheard the goods addressing each other during transport. Getting them to talk to us? Not much luck.


Name on Identification:

A young, adult specimen. We've been unable to agree on an age. Most likely between 16 to 20 years of age. Won't know for sure until their next molt.



Sub Species/Breed:
Mud Devil
A type we don't see much near these parts. They usually populate areas with murky waters. You'd never see them coming! ...How did they catch these slaves?

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Medium sized. Well defined.
We've processed bigger, but this one isn't done growing. Give it a few molts, you might have your hands full.

Physical Details:
Dirt brown scales and fins. White eyes with black pupils. Completely bald.
If you covered them in mud, you'd only see the eyes. Keep your eyes peeled for them, if it attempts to escape!

Physical Markings:
No ritual markings or battle scars.
Must not have finished their rites yet. A blank canvas for the owner. That'll fetch a higher price.

Physical Drawbacks:
None noted.

Current Infliction(s):
Bruising around the neck and wrists. Healing bruises across body.
Still some bruises from capture. Some haven't healed as fast, due to restraints in the designated areas. The other ones are healing much quicker. We went over budget a bit to completely heal the slave's face. No buyers want to see that.

Physical Defenses:
Able to reflexively twist out of grabs. Eyes resistant to scratching, dirt, etc. Nothing supernatural.
Most naga are squirmers. This one is no different. Wear your special gloves; with extra friction, and hang on.

Appealing Attributes:
No tattoos or scars. Still young, with raw potential. A virgin.
With no markings, this one is ideal for someone that wants to decorate their property on another level. As well: the slave hasn't been broken in yet.

A simple, rough fabric loincloth to cover other assets.

Other Items:
The jewelery was sold to put us back in our budget range.


Feral or Cultured:
From a tribal background. Definitely doesn't spend their time reading or doing anything of merit.

Afraid of explosives and guns.
There was an accident the other day on the docks. A flintlock went off, and spooked the slave.

None observed.

How do they present themselves:
Attempts to look uninterested, or intimidating.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Loathes the concept of either.
Hasn't been broken in yet. Give it time, and even a lion can be forced to purr.

Overall Attitude:
Irritable and stubborn. As well as being afraid, deep down, that he'll never see his tribe again. He's in a state of cultural shock.


Hobbies / Interests:
Collecting trophies from hunts. Bones, teeth, feathers, and more.

High or Low Maintenance:
The slave is still immature, unbroken and untrained. It will take some time (and work) before they become less maintenance.

Diet / Allergies:
Eats fish mainly. Probably able to eat kelp and seaweeds. No known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken:
Common. Whatever-language-naga-speak.

Can they Read / Write:
These things were hunters and warriors. Can't really come as much of a surprise.

Can your character produce magic:

Talents / Skills:
Stealthy. Great at erasing footprints if placed at the back of a group.

Untrained and unbroken.
We're going to attempt to sell them to a more experienced patron. One that wants them young and malleable.


Previous Owners:
Never before owned.

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:
Not applicable.

For Rent or to Own:

To Own: 97 Gold.

OOC Info/Notes

I'm waiting until my sister is out of college, before I enroll myself. At the moment, I play games a lot, so I'm usually quite available. If not logged directly onto Furcadia, I'll at least keep Pounce or Steam running. I live in Ontario, Canada. and my timezone is EST (GMT-05:00).

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
I'm looking for a new experience. I've never had a slave character before. I thought it would be interesting. I'd find it cool (but not necessary) if Droszer starts out as a project for an owner. A project that later becomes something more, like a fellow adventurer to foreign worlds or other parts of the world TGT operates within.

What are your allowances for your character:
I don't do scat, watersports, fisting, vore, mutilation, sounding, gore, impregnating someone's character, or being impregnated myself. I also want to avoid having my character killed, or turned into deli products. I wish I was joking about there being a deli products thing. But man, some people invent some crazy fetishes!

Long Term/Short Term:
I could see long term being quite viable. Assuming the sky doesn't blue-screen, the Browns make it to the Super Bowl, someone divides by zero, et cetera.

General Information

Character Description:
(I'll throw this in after I get it to fit in-game. Bear with me!)



Contact Details:
Steam: Drosser
Furcadia: Droszer
Hotmail: ursinesleeper[at]hotmail[dot]com

I, the player, am gay. I also lean towards it with my character. But since it's RP, I am able to do Bi or Straight scenarios.