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Marjoram, unowned

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:03 pm
by Marjoram
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Marjoram

Nickname: Mary, Marj

Name on Identification: N/A

Age: 22, DoB 22, May, 1993

Gender: Female

Species: Rodent

Sub Species/Breed: House mouse

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Petite

Physical Details: Full Albinism. Height is ~140cm (~4’6), ideal weight should be ~36.5kg (~80.4lbs). Still has full set of rodent teeth. Breast size is A cup. Slim hourglass figure. Long rear-length hair. Classic rodent claws/feet.

Physical Markings: N/A

Physical Drawbacks: Partially mute, can make animalistic sounds

Current Infliction(s): N/A

Physical Defenses: Rodent teeth and claws

Appealing Attributes: Albinism, petite frame

Clothing: Hand-me-down silks, various shades of blue. Dull silver collar. Bell and leather lead when out of cage.

Other Items: Homemade leather-bound booklet in which she uses to communicate [Held by the Tether till rented]


Feral or Cultured: Cultured, but can use some work

Phobias: Claustrophobic

Disorders: Partial mutism

How do they present themselves: Friendly mouse, but is timid, quiet around new/strange people. Easily spooked, quick to scurry if possible.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Enjoys her freedom, may take a while to accept being owned once again

Overall Attitude: Docile attitude. Very timid at first, loyal afterwards. Very curious.

Quirks: Very playful. Has habit of tilting head when confused

Hobbies / Interests: Enjoys collecting rocks of various shapes/ sizes. Buries them to save for later. Enjoys playing in water and snow. Drawing pictures of people and animals

High or Low Maintenance: Medium due to mutism, may have difficulty getting point across

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore, allergic to mangoes


Language(s) Spoken: N/A

Can they Read / Write: Yes, can use some work on proper sentence construction

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Some sewing/ patchwork skills. Art skills, cleaning/house work skills

Training: Is not a fighter


Previous Owners: Unknown, had 3 prior to coming to island

Previous Usage(s): Companion, pleasure pet

Previous status: Free/homeless

For Rent or to Own: Either

Cost: 10g to rent, unknown to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I work 5 days a week, usually on at about 7pm PST unless real life takes me away. Sometimes online in the mornings before work for a few hours.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Casual RP, whisper for anything more

What are your allowances for your character: Most subjects except anything involving diapers, gore, scat, incest, etc. /w me to find out more

Long Term/Short Term: Prefer long term, but either is good

General Information

Character Description: Petite albino mouse. Stands at a mere 4’6, weighs about 80lbs. Slim hourglass figure, with small breasts. Long hair with bangs on right side of face that spread forward a bit, partially covering her eye. From distance, looks young, but is actually 22 years old. Been free/homeless for over 3 years. Had a childhood illness that took away most of her voice, she can only make natural animal sounds (squeaks, chirps, etc), so she carries around a booklet and constantly asks for a pen to write with. If she cant find one, she can easily gesture out what she’s thinking, though she has moments where she’s unable to. Is a timid little thing, preferring to hide out away from the larger crowds, shying away from those that come too close. Came to island as a stow away before realizing it was a slaver ship, and has been ducking and dodging the guards and handlers for about a week before she was finally found and caught.



Contact Details: I’m usually on Marjoram, but if you want my main or other active alts, please /w me

Notes: Can't think of any notes at the moment, haa

Re: Marjoram, unowned

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:59 pm
by Loraen
In an infinitely tidy hand, a note was written and attached to Marjoram's papers.

This girl was found in the lounge and taken into custody by the Golden Tether immediately upon her discovery. Guards Klein and Hans have reported her responsible for disappearing food, make-shift beds throughout the establishment, and she has been found guilty of stowing away on one Captain Thadeus Percival Morose's galleon ship. Her acquisition as a slave of the Golden Tether is to be considered permanent. The slave has demonstrated an understanding of Common, though is presently unable to speak it for reasons yet known. She has demonstrated the ability to write, however the extent of her literacy is yet tried. To date, Marjoram has proven untrustworthy and uncooperative. A firm hand is to be taken with the girl at all times so as to ensure obedience. During rentals she is to remain upon a leash and supervised at all times.

- Madam Loraen Cross, Handler.