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Up In Flames

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:24 pm
by Erimear
Pinned upon the corkboard as well as various other areas of activity are flyers embossed in gold with singed edges from being kissed by fire. If one gets too close they may even smell the lingering effects of cinnamon and ash along the parchment itself.


The illustrious Entertainer Erimear is offering the perfect cure for the winter chill that has been ravaging the island. Warmth will be coaxed out of hiding by the glory that is fire and it shall be wielded with passion in a devastating dance of flame courtesy of her hands. The Sultry Sultana herself will be taking to the stage with fire and music to liven up the senses and warm up anyone who's in desperate need of something to make the snow seem like a distant memory.

On the evening of December 16th the Queen herself will be stepping onto the *stage to put on another unforgettable show. Patrons are invited to attend for free though tips and gifts are welcome. Unowned slaves with previous permission or proper demeanor are also allowed to attend. Owned slaves may come only if they have their owner's permission.

Refreshments of mulled cider and spiced hot chocolate will be provided to keep everyone warm.

Forever Yours,
Erimear, Entertainer and Courtesan of the Golden Tether
When: December 16th at 6pm FST
Where: *Stage
Who: Patrons and Slaves (with permission and manners)