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Spin of Sin

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:14 pm
by Aerial

It is a well known fact that The Golden Tether is run on debauchery and sin, so House Slave Aerial has captured this theme for a night of drunken fun!

A dare game called Spin of Sin to be exact.

Each player must roll 1d7 to pick a sin from the list below and perform the dare accompanied with it.
For patrons & owned slaves who refuse: Pay 10 silver coins. Patrons must pay for their slave.
For unowned slaves who refuse: You will be given extra chores including cleaning used sex toys & sheets from The Golden Moon; emptying infirmary bed pans and mucking out the stables.

1. Lust
DARE: You must perform a striptease lapdance for the patron or slave of your choice until you have not a lick of clothing left on you.
roll 1d6 to see how you got on: 1=Cold Fish, 2=Lovelorn 3=Luke Warm Luke, 4=Hubba Hubba, 5=Hot Tamale, 6=Casanova

2 .Gluttony
DARE: Hassan has very kindly baked a three tier chocolate cake. Your challenge is to eat as much as you can before you need to throw up.
roll 1d6 to see how many slices you ate

3. Greed
DARE: Look around the room. All patrons have something you want, need...Money! Collect as much as you can in your cleavage and butt crack. Knickers and bras will be provided for those without.
roll 1d50 to see how much gold you have stashed in your cracks. Patrons: You get to keep it // Slaves: It goes to your owner or the Tether. Sorry!

4. Sloth
DARE: If you have to take 10 paddles to the backside, but it is so boring! Ugh, you even have to get out your seat! You must act completely complacent and bored throughout.
roll 1d10 for the number to paddlings before you react appropriately - ouch!

5. Wrath
DARE: You must take a honey wax & cotton strip to the inside of your thigh and get it ripped off!
roll 1d3 to see how much it hurt...try to not get too angry! 1=Meh, 2=That smarts!, 3=YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH

6. Envy
DARE: They say your eyes turn green with envy. Now they really are - take a shot of absinthe to the eye.
roll 1d3 to see how many posts you're temporarily blinded for

7. Pride
DARE: You consider yourself a God, don't you? Everyone must fall at your feet? Take a dent to your pride and put on the Jester's hat. Tell us a joke you fool!
roll 1d2 to see if it was funny or not...1=Hilarious, 2=Boo, get off the stage!

All patrons and slaves of good behavior are allow to attend.

The *bar of The Golden Tether

Saturday, January 28th @ 7pm FST

Please RSVP below or whisper Aerial in game if you'd like to attend!