OOC Discussion: Slaves in TGT
We covered a lose agenda as you can see below! These logs are from the OOC Discussion on slaves
within TGT which took place on August 25, 2012.
-brief overview of what will be discussed.
An Overview: Treatment & Expectations of Slaves
-Brief overview of the rules/expectations.
Harem Slave vs Regular Slave vs Unbroken Slave
-Differences between the types of slaves.
Harem Slave Defined
-How does TGT define a harem slave?
How can a slave be moved to the harem pen?
-Give examples how/what they can do.
How are unbroken slaves handled?
-Brief examples of how they are dealt with.
(14:01:31) [#] We have an agenda here. I won't be following it exact, but it will
give you an idea of what we will go over. I'll likely ask for questions at the end
of each point, however, if your question pertains to something we'll be
discussing later on, hold it until we're done that area! Your question could be
answered there.
(14:02:43) [#] We won't be covered what staff needs to do with regards to
slaves, or if more staff is needed (we always need more Handlers!), rather, I
will be going over what the Tether expects of slaves and hopefully gathering
information that will allow us to update a few things on our website and help
people out when roleplaying slaves. If you play a slave character this is
what we expect ofyou. So put on your reading glasses, folks and prepare for
the upcoming text spam! :-)
(14:03:04) [#] And excuse any typos. :-P
(14:03:51) [#] We'll skip going over the rules for slaves. They've been up there
for quite some time so I shall assume everyone has gone over them! I am going
to define what TGT sees a Harem Slave vs a Regular Slave vs an Untrained
slave and what the differences between them are.
(14:05:00) [#] You can read all the rules here and check out the Slave FAQs.
(14:05:19) [#] I'd also like to discuss what is needed for a slave to become a
harem slave and would like your input on that when we get to that area. This is
to help us build a few requirements for Harem Slaves, whether or not a person
is making a harem slave to RP or if they want their character to move from
regular slave to harem slave.
(14:06:10) [#] I also want to discuss how unbroken slaves are handled within
TGT. How I think they would be handled, how you might think they need to be
dealt with. I'd like to see the perspective from both sides, as a slaver and as a
slave. I think this will also help us create guidelines for punishments for
(14:06:57) [#] And remember, hold your questions and your comments until
the time comes for it. If I am going too fast / too slow, please whisper me. I
want to keep the logs as devoid as clutter as I plan on copying and pasting
these logs for everyone to read. Those beekins in here knows how that goes. :P
(14:07:43) [#] So! Defining those slaves. Let's start with a harem slave.
(14:09:17) [#] A harem slave is seen as the best of the best. They are obedient,
well trained, with unique or interesting skills. They are not necessarily
mindless, broken slaves, they have some form of personality. They tend to be
smart and quick witted. They have many skills they are able to take part in to
ensure their owner or renter is properly entertained and taken care of.
(14:09:49) [#] Harem slaves tend to be of unique and exotic breed, but this
isn't always the case. They are attractive - perhaps uniquely so, and you'll
never see a deformed or ugly slave in the harem unless there is a good reason
for it! Reality is, people like pretty things, so harem slaves are almost always
attractive in some shape or form.
(14:10:25) [#] What 'freedoms' or 'extras' are offered to harem
(14:10:40) [#] I'll answer that for you. :P
(14:11:33) [#] Harem slaves are able to help or assist staff, but only when
called upon by a staff member (please note, your character CANNOT serve
unless it is under an actual (not an NPC) staff members supervision.) They are
given better and nicer clothing, more options when it comes to bathing and
primping. Sometimes they are allowed free time, but will be accompanied by a
guard. ALLunowned slaves are escorted when not in the cages. During some
meals they are even given better food.
(14:13:07) [#] Question time: Is there anything you feel is missing from that
description? Or anything that needs to go more indepth? (When answering,
please try do to it in one post to keep your replies neat and together.)
(14:13:28) [#] I'll give you a few minutes to reply and I'll let you know when
we'll be moving on.
(14:15:56) Korrit: But anyways, as I was asking. In regards to slaves with
mutations and the other genders (i.e. more than one set of arms, multiple
breasts {so they are more akin to their feral cousins}, hermaphrodites,
shemales, etc.), do they get the chance to become Harem slaves, or no?
(14:16:43) Laurent: So, for instance, you can't place your harem character
outside the harem pen, or serving people without permission from (for
example) Siena?
(14:17:07) Chandra Winters: Is there anyway to know if your character has a
chance of becoming a harem slave? Any cues we can read, or any standards we
can compare to?
(14:17:19) Decapiter: Are there any restricted areas that harem slaves cannot
go unattended where a normal patron could?
(14:18:01) [#] Answering!
(14:18:36) [#] So, the queston is, do slaves with mutations, different
genders (such as herms) get the chance to become harem
slaves? Yes, they do. Unless the mutation makes them incredibly unseemly, I
don't see a reason why not.
(14:19:14) [#] Is there anyway to know if your character has a chance
of becoming a harem slave? Any cues we can read, or any standards
we can compare to? We'll be covering 'How can a slave be moved to the
harem pen? -Give examples how/what they can do.'
(14:20:49) [#] So, for instance, you can't place your harem character
outside the harem pen, or serving people without permission from
(for example) Siena? Yes. Or a guard, or enforcer. As an example.
Gypsium, as a House Slave, can have a harem slave aid her in serving as House
Slaves are suppose to help set examples for other slaves. A Gladiator could
take out a gladiator slave for training or to help in a fight. But they need
permission from actual staff to do this. They can't do so on their own.
(14:22:37) [#] Are there any restricted areas that harem slaves
cannot go unattended where a normal patron could? If a harem slave
leaves the cage, and they are unowned, they need an attendant. The only
places they wouldn't have a guard by their side is in the cage or the 'sleeping
quarters' which.. really is a cage as well. This goes for all unowned slaves.
(14:23:05) Gypsium: I think the only thing that springs to mind for me is the
skills/talents permitted to be shown in the harem and the when- staff
permission required or no?-- and what range of items harem slaves would be
permitted to have in the harem with a guard's (Npc or otherwise) permission.
But I imagine it could easily be a case by case basis?
(14:23:18) [#] This is the last question, from Gypsium, and we'll be moving on!
(14:26:11) [#] To sum up your question, what items would slaves be
allowed to have in the harem pen to give an example of their skills
and abilities? And allowed by NPC guards? I'd say any instruments.
Anything non-lethal in the long run, no weapons of course. Basket weaving,
cross stitch or embroidery. Juggling items. I can see those items being allowed
temporarily while the slave is in the cage. It's a way for them to sell their skills.
Keep in mind, this would only be for harem slaves.
(14:26:46) [#] Moving on to regular slaves!
(14:27:42) [#] A regular slave is seen as in between an
untrained/unbroken slave anda harem slave. They are obedient to
some degree and likely broken. They may not be as compliant as harem slaves.
For some reason they are not in the harem pen and this can be due to different
factors. They aren't trained enough, have some sort of deformity that keeps
them from the cages, or simply don't have the grace or class it takes to be a
harem slave. Perhaps they were once harem slaves but displeased the wrong
person and were removed from the pen.
(14:29:07) [#] Trained gladiator slaves tend to fall in this category as they
aren't harem pen material. They are fighters.
(14:29:33) [#] What freedoms are offered to regular slaves?
(14:31:15) [#] As long as these slaves are obedient and trained they may help
serve at a function or in the main hall, but only under a staff member. There
are little other freedoms provided. It would be at a guard/enforcer or handlers
discretion whether or not a regular slave would be rewarded with something
more. Keep in mind, rewards are only handed out for good behaviour. You
cannot play this out with an NPC, it'd have to do done with an actual staff
(14:32:20) [#] Question time: Is there anything missing from this
description, anything you feel needs to be included, or just something you're
not sure about?
(14:33:37) Epirus: So gladiators, even if they are appealing to the eye, and
behave well enough to qualify for the harem pen, would still be a regular slave
because they are fighers?
(14:33:59) Korrit: Something I am unsure about. In regards to a Regular Slave
(and possible Harem Slave): Are they allowed to speak to each other? Can they
speak to people outside the cages?
(14:34:16) Decapiter: Would more trained (but not Harem Kosher) slaves be
allowed an item or two in the cages, as long as it wasn't a weapon?
(14:36:35) [#] So gladiators, even if they are appealing to the eye, and
behave well enough to qualify for the harem pen, would still be a
regular slave because they are fighers? Ooh, good question! There have
been fighters in the harem pen, however, their number one job was that of a
harem slave. If their only skill is as a fighter, they'd remain in the regular pen.
As an example, a previous House Slave, Jaju, fought in the arena, but his
number one job was as a harem slave as he entertained, juggled, plaid music.
Fighting only came after. A harem slave wouldn't spend all their time in the
(14:37:14) Korrit: That makes sense.
(14:37:21) You say, "..played.*"
(14:38:24) [#] In regards to a Regular Slave (and possible Harem
Slave): Are they allowed to speak to each other? Can they speak to
people outside the cages? They are allowed to, yes. Of course, if a staff
member believes they are causing problems they can be ordered not to. Harem
slaves most certainly can.
(14:40:53) [#] Would more trained (but not Harem Kosher) slaves be
allowed an item or two in the cages, as long as it wasn't a
weapon? The only way I could see this happening is if a played (not NPC)
staff member such as a handler or guard okayed it and supervised them while
they had it. Example, an instrument or something. Otherwise, no. Regular
slaves are normally housed with unruly ones and we don't need items possibly
being stolen from them and/or turned into weapons. Slaves are searched for
items and would have everything but their clothes removed from them.
(14:41:17) [#] Any more questions? We'll be discussing unbroken/untrained
slaves next.
(14:41:39) Rainbow Wishes: I have one.
(14:42:12) Rainbow Wishes: What kinds of abilities would seperate a regular
slave from a heram slave?
(14:44:43) [#] What kinds of abilities would separate a regular slave
from a harem slave? I think thats more so the lack of abilities or skills.
Regular slaves, for the most part, would have less refining than a harem slave.
They might not know exact bows or positions, how to properly aid a renter or
owner in grooming. It's in the fine details. A harem slave is more like a royal
attendant, while a regular slave is more like your standard kitchen servant.
One has more training to appeal to the rich and luxurious, the other has yet to
be fully molded.
(14:45:22) [#] Up next, unbroken and untrained slaves!
(14:47:08) [#] Untrained/unbroken slaves are exactly that! They are fresh
meat and/or recently captured or slaves that were never properly trained and
broken. A broken slave with zero training could fall within this category
(example, a slave who has their spirit beaten out of them until they are
obedient but no training given to them.) They retain some sense of
individuality or hope of freedom. They are in the barred cages or individual
(14:49:46) [#] A note on unbreakable slaves: they simply can't exist! A
person who claims their character is unbreakable either wants someone to try
very hard to break them or simply enjoys roleplaying the struggle that
happens when trying to break a slave and never wants their character to
actually submit. It's like a dare to potential slavers. These slaves are simply
unbelievable and unrealistic. Some slaves can be very, very difficult to break,
however all slaves can be broken, but a broken slave can prove to be useless.
And in my personal opinion, some of these hard to break slave probably make
better hired servants than they do actual slaves.
(14:51:24) [#] What 'freedoms' are offered to unbroken and
untrained slaves?
(14:52:05) [#] None whatsoever. These slaves are locked up and are only let
out during rentals or otherwise instructed by a staff member. If anything, it'd
be up to a guard or handlers discretion and a reward is only given if a slave has
done something right. At that point, they are likely to be a regular slave if they
are doing something right and being obedient. You cannot play this out with
an NPC, it'd have to do done with an actual staff member.
(14:53:02) [#] Question time: Once more! Do you have any questions
regarding this description? Anything you're not sure about or feel I may have
(14:55:01) Korrit: One question: Would an Untrained Slave who is willing to
learn be allowed in the Normal Cages, given they don't cause any trouble?
(14:56:04) [#] Would an Untrained Slave who is willing to learn be
allowed in the Normal Cages, given they don't cause any
trouble? Untrained/unbroken slaves are found either in the 'normal' or
barred cages or in the individual cages. They are not allowed in the harem
pens under any circumstances.
(14:56:12) Chandra Winters: Something that does trouble me in regards to
staff only limitations. A lot of your conditions are staff only, but quite a lot of
slaves have lives that can interfere when most staff is on. Is there anyway to
work around this limitation?
(14:57:12) You say, "Do you have a specific example? Like, as in a regular slave
helping serve?"
(14:59:20) Chandra Winters: An unbroken slave wants to improve herself, but
is on when most staff members are at work, or in bed. Because there are no
staff around, she is stuck being unbroken, despite her desire to improve
(15:00:21) Chandra Winters: Is there anyway around that situation?
(15:00:33) [#] An unbroken slave wants to improve herself, but is on
when most staff members are at work, or in bed. Because there are
no staff around, she is stuck being unbroken, despite her desire to
improve. Allow me to point you to towards a section titled training under the
slave rules.
(15:00:53) [#] "OOC Note: Feel free to claim an NPC Guard has trained your
slave (as not all staff will have time to do so.) This can be from simple social
etiquette, manners, ability to read & write, self defence, training in pleasure
and pain. Feel free to be creative, but within reason (TGT isn't going to train
slaves to be wizards or amazing scholars.)"
(15:01:00) Laurent: Was that meant to be annouced to everyone?
(15:01:17) [#] Ignore that woman behind the curtains, folks.
(15:01:18) You say, "NOPE."
(15:01:34) You say, "Slip of my fingers, whoops!"
(15:01:42) Laurent: Sneaky fingers.
(15:02:29) Korrit: hehe. So I have ANOTHER question: If a slave doesn't need
broken in (i.e. is new to being a slave, but is accepting of his/her new position
in life), do they still get broken in? Or no?
(15:03:08) [#] To add on to that question from Chandra (and I think this is
going to be address later.) There are simple way more slaves than slavers, and
certainly way more slaves than we have actually played handlers and guards.
Sadly, we can't always provide one on one roleplay. Sometimes patron slavers
can help in that section, but feel free to use NPC guards when it comes to
training (but within reason.)
(15:05:38) [#] If a slave doesn't need broken in (i.e. is new to being a
slave, but is accepting of his/her new position in life), do they still
get broken in? Let me define a broken slave. A broken slave accepts their
position in life. They are a slave and they only exist to serve and please others.
They are obedient and will respond accordingly to orders. If this is the case,
there is no reason to rebreak a slave. If a slaver sees a slave with bad habits,
they might be broken of that habit or behaviour. If they were born into slavery
or seem to accept it through and through, I don't think there would be a need
(15:06:03) [#] Moving on!
(15:06:36) [#] (A real quick recap.) So, a simple break down. Harem Slave =
well trained, highly skilled, very obedient and loyal. Regular Slave = obedient,
lacks training and needs to be molded/sculpted. Untrained/Unbroken Slave =
zero to no training, likely disobedient.
(15:07:01) [#] What does a slave need to do to be moved to the harem
(15:08:15) [#] First off, let us look as to where this slave is in their 'slave
career.' Is it unbroken, untrained, or just a little unpolished? A slave needs to
be obedient and needs training. (And it's easier to say what a slave should do
than actually doing it.) Can you just plop your character into the harem pen
and that is that? Nope! Unless you've made your character a harem slave that
fits the definitions I've given above, you sure can't!
(15:09:16) [#] They best way is to interact with a staff member and have a staff
member move them. HOWEVER, we recognize that this isn't always plausible
as we only have so much staff and waaaay more slaves! Use common sense
when moving your character. A slave who talks back has no place in the harem
pens and a staff member who sees a slave doing this may wonder why that is
happening and automatically move them back to an untrained cage.
(15:10:31) [#] If a staff member moves your slave character from the harem
pen they cannot be moved back without permission. Alternatively, if the slave
if owned but disobedient, an owner cannot put their slave in the harem pen.
(15:12:16) [#] To sum it up, a slave needs the following: obedience and
knowledge of slave positions and titles, they know to call a free person
mistress or madam, lady or lord, sir or ma'am, they know not to look a free
person in the eyes unless invited to and that they are at the person's beck and
call. They know how to dress, how to look right, they know how to please (and
not necessarily carnal pleasures), they'd be what you'd expect from a royal
servant. They have special skills and training, grace and knowledge. Loud
mouths need not apply!
(15:14:47) [#] Question time: Is there anything I haven't answered or you're
not sure about and need clarification?
(15:16:00) Korrit: I need clarification on something. You said "They know how
to dress." Does this imply Harem Slaves are not allowed to go nude?
(15:16:25) Chandra Winters: Going back to my earlier question, and I only ask
because sometimes perceptions differ, is there a way to know for sure what
your character needs to work on? A way to check with others, or the like?
(15:17:29) Sugary: Slave positions, is there a particular style? I've heard of
Gorean and white silk, but barely went into either subject.
(15:18:53) [#] I need clarification on something. You said "They
know how to dress." Does this imply Harem Slaves are not allowed
to go nude? They can go nude, but nudity tends to be a form of punishment
for some slaves. If you want your character to be nude, fancy it up a bit, have
them wear some sort of golden chain from their neck to their wrists. Or
perhaps gauzy material. A nude slave with no accessories doesn't cry harem
slave to me.
(15:20:37) [#] Going back to my earlier question, and I only ask
because sometimes perceptions differ, is there a way to know for
sure what your character needs to work on? A way to check with
others, or the like? You can ask staff. If a staff member doesn't know as they
haven't roleplayed with you, you can discuss what your character has done to
strive towards that position in the harem pen. If you feel your character is
truly ready, give them examples.
(15:23:35) [#] Slave positions, is there a particular style? I've heard
of Gorean and white silk, but barely went into either subject. There
really isn't. As long as your character knows how to kneel, stand, walk, serve
food and drinks, all gracefully, you're good to go. Gorean training isn't
necessary (and sometimes it is a bit much.) The reality is, everyone has their
own opinion on how a slave should kneel and normally they'll let you know
ICly their opinion. Same thing goes with titles, some only want to be called
Mistress, others Domina, others Lord, and some Master.
(15:25:39) Korrit: Alright, now to my last question for this topic: I noticed that
the slave avatars use a type of clothing akin to... arabic? persian? design. What
is TGT's default slave attire?
(15:27:10) [#] Alright, now to my last question for this topic: I
noticed that the slave avatars use a type of clothing akin to...
arabic? persian? design. What is TGT's default slave attire? I think
the avatar is just a default, simple design. I honestly don't know what it is! A
good example for harem slave clothing can be found here. Most untrained
slaves wear stiff linen.
(15:28:09) [#] Next and final topic!
(15:28:52) [#] How are unbroken slaves handled/dealt with?
(15:29:46) [#] A slave who breaks a rule will be punished. You cannot play a
slave character who breaks a rule and expect to not receive punishment for it,
and if you do, you're probably playing the wrong character! Keep in mind,
however, that due to having a very large slave population, a smaller group of
slavers, and even smaller yet - staff, that you may not receive the exact one on
one punishment you may wish for your character.
(15:29:46) [#] A slave who breaks a rule will be punished. You cannot play a
slave character who breaks a rule and expect to not receive punishment for it,
and if you do, you're probably playing the wrong character! Keep in mind,
however, that due to having a very large slave population, a smaller group of
slavers, and even smaller yet - staff, that you may not receive the exact one on
one punishment you may wish for your character.
(15:31:09) [#] TGT is much more likely to execute a slave that is bothersome.
If they are a waste of time and money, it'd make sense for a staff member to
throw a slave over a cliff and be done with them. If a slave breaks rules
enough, even after warnings ICly, it will become an OOC problem that will be
dealt with by OOC Staff.
(15:33:25) [#] Some punishments may differ between staff members, some
may be more physical, others more mental and even more just plain ol'
sadistic, but in an environment in TGT this is to be expected. A slave who
attempts an escape may receive 20 lashes, have their food cut down for a
week, or locked up in solitude for days. They may be mercilessly humiliated in
front of their peers. They may have their rental or purchase price cut down in
hopes that TGT can push them off to someone else to deal with!
(15:34:58) [#] If for whatever reason you are uncomfortable with a
punishment, please talk (in a civil manner) with the staff member. They will
be happy to try and accommodate you and perhaps a 'let's say we did, even
though we didn't' might be the best route. But remember, slaves have zero
rights but we don't want to push you into roleplaying something you're not
comfortable doing. A fade-to-black method doesn't have to be used just for
sexy times! It can be used for scenes you may not be comfortable with.
(15:36:31) [#] That, ladies and gentleman, brings us to our final
round of questions. As long as it's pertaining to what we've talked about
tonight, feel free to ask!
(15:36:45) You say, "Or gentlemen. Probably more than just Mashenka!"
(15:37:50) Muunokhoi: What are the allowances in regards to patrons
punishing an unowned slave for obviously punishable things ? I've had several
slave characters inform me that only a guard is allowed to punish their
(15:37:51) Korrit: I have one.
(15:38:27) Jamaika: This isn't directly related to slave handling so much as
general information on the underhall and slave keeping -- but! (Using
untrained/normal slaves as an example) How practical is it that a slave might
have a different outfit for every day? Or be able to change clothes frequently?
(15:38:53) Korrit: If a slave steals something of value from another slave, a
slaver, or a patron... do they receive the same punishments as they used to
carry out in medieval times: Removal of a hand or finger?
(15:40:19) [#] What are the allowances in regards to patrons
punishing an unowned slave for obviously punishable things? I've
had several slave characters inform me that only a guard is allowed
to punish their character. If an unowned slave offends a patron, a patron
may request to take part in the punishment with a guard. This is normally best
done with actually played staff members. Otherwise a patron can rent out a
slave to punish them, but they will be fined for any damage done to the slave.
(15:41:43) Gypsium: I've wondered, as gladiators have three days of recovery,
would that work for slaves needing to recover from a rental's punishment if
needed-- just require more coin for the days they're absent?
(15:42:20) Toccata: Are punishments to unowned harem slaves different than
those of regular or unbroken slaves? Or would they be worse, under the
assumption that they should know better.
(15:42:57) [#] How practical is it that a slave might have a different
outfit for every day? Or be able to change clothes frequently? I am
assuming this has to do with unowned slaves. A different outfit every day is
impractical. Untrained/regular slaves would have simple linen shifts that
might get changed out every few days. Harem slaves have the option of
dressing themselves from clothing TGT would provide until they are
purchased. They could perhaps wear a variation of the same outfit day to day
but would likely be limited to three or so outfits.
(15:44:33) [#] If a slave steals something of value from another slave,
a slaver, or a patron... do they receive the same punishments as
they used to carry out in medieval times: Removal of a hand or
finger? Please look under punishments. TGT would want to avoid doing any
permanent mutilation to slaves. A slave would be somewhat useless with only
one hand.
(15:45:47) [#] I've wondered, as gladiators have three days of
recovery, would that work for slaves needing to recover from a
rental's punishment if needed-- just require more coin for the days
they're absent? It would depend on the severity of the punishment received.
I believe the fine paid would cover a day or two of recovery for the slave.
(15:47:34) [#] Are punishments to unowned harem slaves different
than those of regular or unbroken slaves? Or would they be worse,
under the assumption that they should know better. It depends on
what the slave did. If a harem slave.. let us say, attacked a patron, they'd be
flogged and likely moved to the untrained cage. Their meals would be
restricted. If it was severe enough, perhaps banned from the harem pen. In
some ways I can see it being more severe as they are more than likely to have
their harem slave title stripped from them.
(15:47:45) [#] Any other questions?
(15:47:56) Sugary: Also regarding outfits, multiple clothing from past owners
or gifts from played characters that are given with the slave being resold,
would they get to keep the clothes or just have a small range of wat to pick?
(15:50:25) Jamaika: In regards to characters who wish for played training and
patrons/slavers/career trainers who take in slaves for profit - what is that
margin like? Would it realistically be worth someone training a slave under
their own name and then reselling them to the establishment as, say, a
potential harem slave? It seems an often described but rarely carried out
section of the slave trade.
(15:52:35) [#] Also regarding outfits, multiple clothing from past
owners or gifts from played characters that are given with the slave
being resold, would they get to keep the clothes or just have a small
range of wat to pick? If it is a harem slave, they would have the option of
being sold with those items. I would say they would also have the option to
wear them, yes. If it's a regular or unbroken slave they'd be given a simple
linen outfit and their clothes from their previous owner would be sold off or
given to harem slaves to wear if they were nice enough.
(15:54:40) [#] In regards to characters who wish for played training
and patrons/slavers/career trainers who take in slaves for profit -
what is that margin like? Would it realistically be worth someone
training a slave under their own name and then reselling them to
the establishment as, say, a potential harem slave? It seems an
often described but rarely carried out section of the slave trade. I
see very few characters who do, but there has been one who had two
previously owned slaves become House Slaves. I think it could be profitable,
more so if they bought an unbroken slave for cheap, trained them well, and
sold them back. (Continued. >).
(15:55:58) [#] There'd be little use in purchasing a harem slave and trying to
resell to the Tether. I would love to see more of this, to be honest. Even selling
to other characters, not necessarily back to TGT. We will never have enough
Handlers, that's just how it is. There are always more slaves than staff can
handle on an individual basis. If more patrons did this, it would aid a lot in
providing slaves one on one training as well as bring well trained slaves back
to the Tether.
Chandra Winters: If I may be so bold, maybe you could start a contract trainer
program, then? Basically, have non-staff patrons purchase slaves on a
spotlight, and work on those slaves for a bonus to their coinpurse?
(16:00:14) [#] If I may be so bold, maybe you could start a contract
trainer program, then? Basically, have non-staff patrons purchase
slaves on a spotlight, and work on those slaves for a bonus to their
coinpurse? I don't believe we have the time or the staff to do such a thing, at
least not a full program. We could make an advertising thread, stickied on the
forums perhaps, for those selling slaves. I would leave this in the hands of the
patrons and slavers to do. If someone wants to sell a slave to TGT we can look
at using the money purse, however only Managers can payout large sums (we
don't need tons of fingers in the pot.)
(16:01:40) [#] As we now have 14 pages worth of logs and we've hit the two
hour mark I'll need to call this to a close!
(16:02:19) [#] I will be saving the logs as a PDF and loading them up to the
TGT website for those that were unable to attend to read. Thank so very much
for coming to this event! It was incredibly helpful and I really appreciate your