Folly (unowned; rentals being negotiated)

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Folly (unowned; rentals being negotiated)

Post by Folly »

Basic Information

Full Name:
She doesn't have a 'full' name. Folly is all she has been called from birth.

Slave does not respond to any nicknames as of yet.

Name on Identification:

Sixteen. Birthdate is August 23rd.
She will realistically age; 1 year of IRL time active, means 1 year when it comes to her birthday.


Domestic Cat, Furre.

Sub Species/Breed:
Mongrel. Calico genetics.

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Anthropomorphic; subtle muzzle.

Physical Details:
Shoulder-length hair, naturally straight. Pale blue, slightly vibrant and expressive eyes. Skintone underneath her fur indicates a Caucasian heritage. Figure is slim and perhaps akin to 'boyish', although she does have enough anatomy to indicate she is female. This small frame is unlikely to change with age.

Physical Markings:
Ruddy orange streaks in her black hair. Black tail with orange rings. Left ear is orange, right ear is black.

Physical Drawbacks:
Weak respiratory system; prone to wheezing, sneezing and coughs in colder or particularly humid climates. Weak right wrist.

Current Infliction(s):
100%, if one doesn't count disorientation.

Physical Defenses:
Claws, teeth and agility, although she does not have enough combat training or experience in defensive situations to really know how to correctly apply the former two to any effectiveness.

Appealing Attributes:
Cute. Optimistic attitude and perception, currently untarnished by servitude. Nimble and light on her feet. Unique colouration.

A simple tunic of dusky pink, coming down to the middle of her thighs, short-sleeved cotton tied with a black cord at her hips.

Other Items:
(Stored) Lute.
(Stored) Necklace with the following on; a wooden ring, skeleton key and old feather.


Feral or Cultured:
Cultured but may slip into feral mannerisms when threatened or confined. Displays quite the variety of feral-like behaviour naturally, such as flicking and perking her ears, feral vocalisations and rubbing against things when contented. Warning; scratches furniture and material when left unattended and also has a habit of chewing on the wrong thing when otherwise unoccupied (i.e. books, pillows).

Astraphobia – fear of thunder and lightning
Disposophobia – fear of getting rid of or losing things – sometimes wrongly defined as "compulsive hoarding"
Necrophobia – fear of death and/or the dead, including vampires.
Spectrophobia – fear of ghosts and phantoms.
Stygiophobia – fear of Hell. That includes demons.

Mild Kleptomania (compulsive, minor thievery).

How do they present themselves:
Untrained, curious, optimistic. Streetwise intelligence, self-taught. Surprisingly cynical depending on the circumstances. While often outwardly projecting a facade of naivete, she has shown a measure of bitterness and pessimism depending on the subject broached.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Heavy dislike. Her obedience is reluctant at best.

Overall Attitude:
Always in progress and will constantly develop through the course of rp!

Playing with her tail when bored. Braiding her hair (or the hair of others, preferably!). Humming when bored or to otherwise simply 'do something'. Green-fingered.

Hobbies / Interests:

High or Low Maintenance:
Pretty moderate. While not one to escape - "I's not that stupid", in her own words - she does have a habit of getting into or even outright creating mischief when not kept occupied.

Diet / Allergies:
Carnivore, with a preference for seafood. Allergic to nuts.


Language(s) Spoken:
Kasurian, Croadan. Some Common - conversing with humans is no issue.

Can they Read / Write:
No / No.
Looking for someone to teach her.

Can your character produce magic:

Talents / Skills:

None ICly.


Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:
Street urchin. Pro-bono medic. Freelance thief.

For Rent or to Own:
(I would prefer for her to be open for rent even while owned, so as not to limit her roleplay.)

To Rent, 10 gold per estimated 12 hours.
To Own, 100 gold outright. No staged payments.
Price is negotiable for shorter or longer lengths of rental. No bartering.

OOC Info/Notes

Whenever I'm online, for now.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Character development. Training, either by her owner or renters. Someone to teach her how to read and write Common. I'm ideally looking for a master or mistress who'll be of the sort that doesn't agree with sexual interactions with or between slaves. I'm pretty lax with pretty much everything else, although it's best to run any extreme ideas by me - extreme as in, would permanently mark her physically or effect her mentally. Someone to make use of her medical talent and/or stealing skills would be ideal as well.

What are your allowances for your character:
NC. Generally if I dislike something, I will bring it up. If I dislike something but believe it may add to my character's storyline, I will request one of those handy "let's say we did" scenarios. As in, we acknowledge it happens and skip to the next scene. Useful, right?

Long Term/Short Term:
Both, although I stress on a preference for long-term for ownership.

General Information

Character Description:



Contact Details:
Whispers in-game.

I created her to be a blank slate. I want to develop her primarily through roleplay, in accordance to every single roleplaying experience both of minor and major significance. I expect and want her personality to gradually change as she grows older and experiences more than what she has already.

I'm legal OOC.

Her birthday is August 23rd. I will - unless remarkable circumstances come up in roleplay that calls for a forwards' time skip - be ageing her 'real time', as in, 1 year of real time passing equals 1 year of roleplay time passing in regards to her age.

Strength: 0
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Primary Weapon(s): +1 (simple dagger)
Secondary Weapon(s): 0
**Primary Armor: 0
Secondary Armor: 0
Last edited by Folly on Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:06 pm, edited 7 times in total.

Re: Folly (unowned & open for rent)

Post by Folly »

Current Owner

Rentals (Name, Date, Gold Paid, Review)
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