Absolon - Unowned.

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Absolon - Unowned.

Post by Greys »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Known only as Solo.

Nickname: None known.

Name on Identification: Solo.

Age: Twenties, anywhere within.

Gender: Obviously male.

Species: Onyx lion anthro'.

Sub Species/Breed: Pure.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Massive: muscled and drawn, with a warriors body, cut of stone and strength. Tall and broad. A fighters body.

Physical Details: Onyx lion, with thickened disheveled mane, moon cut yellow eyes.

Physical Markings: Burnt into the back of his nape is a crescent moon.

Physical Drawbacks: None, strong. He is always cuffed in the pens and only once bought, with key, can these be released, including his lip-ring locket that prevents speech.

Current Infliction(s): Lacerations from whip-marks on spine, fur missing at wrists from golden handcuffs. Lips pierced to silence the beast.

Physical Defenses: He is strong and shows a fighters prowess, needs to be chained at all times.

Appealing Attributes: Beauty, body, size, intrigue, glints of intelligence, dominance, physical ability.

Clothing: Only a slither of golden fabric at waist, keeping modesty, nearly.

Other Items: Absolutely not.


Feral or Cultured: Presumed to be cultured, certainly seems intelligent though words are kept silenced with piercing.

Phobias: None known.

Disorders: None known. However, he presents with either stoic silence or unruly aggression.

How do they present themselves: Dangerous. Solo when first brought to the tether was extremely violent and aggressive, wild in mannerisms. Well-beaten he is often found brooding, though be wary: this beast is not to be trusted.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Seemingly resentful.

Overall Attitude: Either aloof, or violent. Some guards have noticed worrying moments of calculation and compassion towards other pen-mates. Then again, in early transition to pens, his violence also resulted in solitary confinement.

Quirks: Silence and statue like states.

Hobbies / Interests: None known.

High or Low Maintenance: Either, depending on whether or not owner wanted to chain him or develop him.

Diet / Allergies: Meat eater, no allergies known.


Language(s) Spoken: None heard, reluctance is seen as disdain.

Can they Read / Write: Any tests have so far, been met with refusal.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills: Brute strength. Intelligence. Guardian-skills. Hand-to-hand combat. Prone violence. Needs to be trained. Pit-fighting.

Training: None: regular beatings from guards keep any hint of the beast quelled. Spirit-breaking in progress.


Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage(s): None.

Previous status: Presumed to be free. One guard deduced a possible high-class background due to demeanor.

For Rent or to Own: Both.

Cost: Cheap, due to mood-swings, although with masculine beauty, he might be worth the risk: 8g to rent, 40g to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Weekends mainly, or afternoons FST.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Development, fun. Freeform RP or Structured, I don't mind. Absolom has a dark history, so he is not going to be an open book, nor an easy fix. He is not created to be freed, at any point. He is a dominant character - but can be made to submit, eventually.

What are your allowances for your character: Talk to me, if you want to severely mutilate/damage him.

Long Term/Short Term: Either.

General Information

Character Description:

Such a creature tethered was a slap to the face of Primes! A proud midnight lion shackled, an exotic obsidian diamond in the rough ruined. He commanded an impeccable stance, never on knees with physique as ripe as a warrior, silken shard at crotch dignities friend whilst powerful wrists were pinched in gold 'cuffs at spine. Beautiful beast breathed royalty, shoulder-length mane casting unconscious crown over stern, scowling brow of brooding honey eyes, moon-cut. And to mock? Fragile lips of velvet were pierced at corner, sealed with gold hoop: silence forced by minature locket charm. A mystery.
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