Beatrice Shae - Unowned

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Beatrice Shae - Unowned

Post by Slave »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Beatrice Amberwood Shae

Nickname: Noble

Name on Identification: Beatrice Shae

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sub Species/Breed: Light fae

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Average. Beatrice boasts a pleasant curvature that is neither overly thick or slight. There is an emphasis on her hips and buttocks that places her on the lesser end of pear shaped, but over all she has sleek, streamlined build that suggests she led an active lifestyle.

Physical Details: The fae's hair has a warm, sunlit quality that casts its brunette coloration with a faint halo of gold. Even in a dark room, it looks as if sunlight is kissing over the top of her head. Her teeth are also dagger like and sharp, hinting at a predatory design despite her otherwise fragile appearance.

Her eyes are a warm, smiling blue that constantly shift in hue. Sometimes they look as if painted in the sky, the next they have a brooding twilit coloration not unlike the coming of storm ridden night.

Most importantly, her wings, colored to that of a short horned baronia are delicate and easily torn. They are weightless, and yet have the mass and density to support her weight in flight. They also constantly have pollen dusting off them, a pollen that most certainly has magical quality for the irritating quality to grow things wherever they drop.

Physical Markings: There is a slave brand seared into the flesh of her shoulder. Otherwise, she boasts no physical markings.

Physical Drawbacks: She is weaker than average during the night. She can conduct herself with daily tasks well enough, but when it concerns heavy lifting she's at a loss. During the day, she's average in all but her magic. A suppression collar has been enforced as a result, but it still fails to null the effects of her wing pollen.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Nails, sharp teeth, fast reflexes.

Appealing Attributes: Her scent, mostly. It's a pleasant mixture of fresh spring grass, warm, sun filtered air, toned down with an earthy harmony.

Clothing: A simple silk shift that wraps around her flesh, secured in place by a dainty, fragile looking gold chain that wraps about her middle.

Other Items: Courtship orb made by a skilled metal smith and infused with magics not of her own design. Gifted to her by her mate during their courtship. It's highly coveted by the slave, and a good way to keep her in line.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured. She has an eloquent disposition and conducts herself politely.

Phobias: Vampires, storms, complete and utter darkness, cats of all kinds.

Disorders: Depression. She lacks the motivation to put much effort into anything, and also suffers from insomnia as a result.

How do they present themselves: Quiet. Beatrice is warm on occasion, but it is only a fleeting glimpse of the female she was before her capture. She's soft spoken, sad, and goes out of her way to avoid people if she can help it.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Inwardly she's clenching her teeth and snarling over it. Outwardly, she is resigned to her fate. There's still the hope she can escape, and she's always looking for an opening.

Overall Attitude: Quiet and polite. She doesn't go out of her way to start trouble, but she doesn't go out of her way to attract attention.

Quirks: Grows restless during a full moon, and often becomes energetic enough to try and find her way outside so she can gaze at it.

Hobbies / Interests: The piano is an instrument that she delights in. Whenever she sees one, she almost always finds a way to start playing. Her entire demeanor changes when she plays. It's as if the music resonates nothing but joy and pleasure in the sounds, leaving her beaming from start to finish.

She also enjoys growing things and tending to things already grown.

High or Low Maintenance: High. Anyone that seeks to own her will have a big project on her hand. She does not yet understand certain customs or social cues, and has a lot of natural predators that would like to eat her.

Diet / Allergies: Claims allergy to cats. Enjoys all things food related, but has a strong inclination towards frogs and insects.


Language(s) Spoken: Fae, common. Note that she does not know all sub cultures of Fae related things. She knows Light-speak, Dark-speak,, and Woods-speak. Anything else and she will only be able to understand tidbits.

Can they Read / Write: She can only read and write in Fae. She does not understand how to read or write common.

Can your character produce magic: Yes.

Talents / Skills: Can play the piano and clean. She's a diamond in the rough!

Training: Untrained. Will require training in whatever avenue a Handler decides to take the time to have her learn.


Previous Owners: None, freshly captured.

Previous Usage(s): None.

Previous status: Nobility, lived within a higher class system than lesser fae.

For Rent or to Own: Rent-to-own

Cost: 8Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: On periodically during the week. Will be more consistent if involved in RP related plots. I'll communicate with you as best as I can, but please note there will be times when I have to log immediately due to job related issues.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I'd love to have her involved in any kind of training. Perhaps even have a Slaver/Handler purchase her with the sole intent to train her and then put her back in the pens to turn a profit in their name? I'd also love to get her involved in BDSM related shenanigans. It needn't be a sexual deal - in fact from what I've researched it isn't a sexual focus but I'm far from an expert - but I find the concept intriguing!

What are your allowances for your character: I've always been pretty easy going, and I love propelling or advancing some kind of plot. So long as it's story related, anything goes. Just run it by me first, or inquire if you're uncertain. <3

Long Term/Short Term: Long term, plz!

General Information

Character Description: One might mistake her as a human until they got a closer look. Sunkissed flesh dabbled a lush and inviting frame, where hips swelled out only to taper at the waist for a bust that was on the smaller end of the spectrum. She was soft, inviting, down to the vivid, constantly shifting eyes always a shade of blue and the warm halo of golds and browns that flowed down just above the jut of her backside. Long, silky legs were exposed from toes to mid thigh, skin glistening as if moist. Full, rosy lips were set in a natural pout, though smooth countenance etched itself with wary and sorrow filled lines. Slave held a serious and reserved air that made her more than a little <i>chilly.</i>

Website: RPR

Images: None. :( I'm poor, sorry!

Contact Details: Beatrice Shae on furc. Whisper for other handles or outside messengers if interested.

Notes: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in-game. I'm always open for criticism, so if you have any pointers for my character or even me as a player, don't be afraid to speak up. I'm a little new to how things work~
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