Bedlam (Unowned)

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Bedlam (Unowned)

Post by Bedlam »

Under construction, probably.

{ Basic Information }

Full Name: Hakan R Vang
Nickname: Bedlam or Red
Name on Identification: Red
Age: Undetermined/Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Cryptid/Chimera

{ Physical Appearance }

Physical Details: A colorful mix of different shades of red. Fleshy tones. Dark grey to black face that flows down neck, meeting with the shoulders. Striped markings of the same color. Light gray facial markings. Tail is forked with splatter markings. Long, tall ears that are more tan. A pair of pointed horns(Unless cropped). Additional 'toe' or 'finger' on front feet(Often referred to as hands). Yellow and orange eyes. White markings on muzzle.

Body Type: Long, slender, fit.

Physical Drawbacks: Can not handle objects like a person/furre/anthro. Capable of standing on hind legs but not for long. Gets fur everywhere.

Current Infliction(s): N/A

Physical Defenses: Claws(Unless clipped/blunted), a mouthful of canines, horns(Unless cropped).

Appealing Attributes: A colorful beastie. Appears harmless, friendly, and welcoming.

{ Behavior }

Feral or Cultured: Feral with human intelligence. Capable of speaking fluent English, although speaks it brokenly depending on the circumstances.

Phobias: Acrophobia(Fear of heights)

Disorders: N/A

How do they present themselves: Typically the type to extend a warm welcome, attempting to convince whoever approaches him that he makes for a good companion, one with good conversation, abilities, and a heart of gold backed by unwavering loyalty. Can appear completely oblivious at times. Difficult to anger, has yet to display aggressive behavior.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Doesn't care. Thinks it's a good door opener.

Quirks: Exhibits dog-like behavior, however purrs like a feline.

Hobbies / Interests: Hunting/fishing. People watching.

High or Low Maintenance: Typically low. Requires brushing at least once a week to control shredding.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivorous, no known allergies

{ Abilities }

Language(s) Spoken: English

Can they Read / Write: Can read but not write.

Can your character produce magic: Yes. Bedlam is able to see auras, but can only do so if an individual is in contact with a special shard. Bedlam’s saliva is capable of creating the shard, which is made up and given to the individual when he wants to see their aura. The shard does not last, it absorbs into whatever it is currently in contact with when its time is up, which is only around five to ten minutes. - If absorbed into the skin, it serves as a mild muscle relaxer, as well as leaving the spot especially soft with a scent that is attractive to the individuals olfactories.

Can breathe life into the deceased so long as the body is present and the proper ritual performed. Is however strict about payment, which is never anything phsyical. Doing so is often reserved for those he can trust or those who are incredibly desperate and therefor lack the drive to cause any harm or disruption. The process leaves Bedlam vulnerable not only during, but for several days after.

See 'Information' under the 'Navigation' tab on his website for full list(Some may not be applicable for this field).

Talents / Skills: Can balance a treat on his nose?

Training: Has been taught that trying to unlock locked doors in the Tether is a big no-no. Lying is also bad but has yet to be reprimanded. Knows of the basics from when he first arrived, but pulls a lot of the 'oblivious' nonsense.

{ Other }

Previous Owners: None
Previous Usage(s): N/A
Previous status: N/A
For Rent or to Own: Either
Cost: 100G to own, 15G to rent.

{ OOC Info/Notes }

Availability: If I'm on I'm here to RP.
What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: 100% flexible
What are your allowances for your character: NC(No consent)
Long Term/Short Term: Both are fine with me.

{ General Information }

Website: Here, (For more information on my character, click the Navigation tap and go to Information).
Images: Reference
Contact Details: Whisper. Ask for Skype or email.
Notes: I'm a laid back person. RP and whisper friendly.
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