Noah Hartley - Owned by Kaed Hassen

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Bar Brawler
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Noah Hartley - Owned by Kaed Hassen

Post by Samuel »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Noah Hartley

Nickname: -

Name on Identification: Noah

Age: 74 (Apparent age 18)

Gender: Male

Species: Jackal

Sub Species/Breed: Arcanian Jackal

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lightly toned with a feminine body structure.

Physical Details: Waist-length hair unbound and flowing across back and shoulders, ghostly-pale white in color. Crimson irises, due to lack of, pigment might seem fairly soft on their own though bright white coloration of fur makes them stand out quite well. Wings of white feather usually nestled against back thou with their span, easily able to carry twice of own weight.

Physical Markings: Blood red gemstone the size of a thumb-pad embedded within forehead with red archs spreading a few inches in every direction though usually unseen from underneath the layer of fur.(Can be surgically removed during a full moon, which greatly severs the connection to magic)

Physical Drawbacks: Albinism and some hollow bones.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Fangs and claws.

Appealing Attributes: White feathered wings spanning wide to either side allowing flight and the ability to carry another. Rather innocent and exotic appearance.

Clothing: Thin, roguish form was clad in a brand new attire of intricate Thai silks. A pair of harem styled pants and a matching shirt with a belt to finish the outfit. All colored in that gentle tone of rusty brown that seemed to fit the jackal's frame all too perfectly.(Provided by Dagger)

Other Items:
  • Crude wire framed spectacles with dark glass to protect eyes against bright light. (Given to by Savannah Windrush and currently in the hands of Loek)
  • Pot of ink, quill and journal. (Currently in the hands of Loek)


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Fear of the unknown.

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Depending upon mood. Generally brooding or proper, though rather playful and friendly to those who are trusted.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Confused yet will be polite and respectful if treated in a similar manner.

Overall Attitude: Curious yet overly careful(Threw pebbles at a ladybird from three feet away since afraid it would attack and devour his soul).

Quirks: Stutters when feeling very intimidated and prone to squeals of joy when discovering something new and fascinating.

Hobbies / Interests: Moon-bathing, bright colors and patterns, loves to sing/hum in private.

High or Low Maintenance: Very high. Needs training and supervision. Noah's understanding of the Tether is virtually nonexistent. If something was not said to him IC, then he will have no knowledge of it until done so.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore though doesn't like the smell of fish.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Arcanian(Ancient)

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: Yes, though requires training as current knowledge is fairly limited.

Talents / Skills:
  • High magical affinity(Able to sense and detect magical properties)
  • Basic first aid
  • Very fast flight and mobility.
  • Tower position (Taught by Rasutis Maiev)
  • Gorean style beverage serving (Dagger)
  • Slave Lips (Dagger)
  • Partial basic behavior training (Crea W)


Previous Owners:
Campy [18th Nov. 2011 - 5th Jan 2012] - Agreed to part for the sake of both.
Dagger [18th January 2012 - 7th February 2012] - Main part of training completed and for the jackal's own protection, decided to end the agreement a bit early.

Previous Usage(s): -

Previous status: -

For Rent or to Own: Either

  • 12Image one night rent
  • 180Image to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Quite often.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Further character development, intrigue and of course fun!

What are your allowances for your character: No consent, though death and mutilation do have to be agreed upon prior to role play. I don't mind having the character killed off for the greater purpose of some kind of epic plot. But just like that, out of the blue, no go.

Long Term/Short Term: Either, although long term highly preferred.

General Information

Character Description: Stark white <a href=" ... >beauty</a>, alluring with properties of unknown origin and innocence of mind and soul. Sizable ears pinned back, hiding within lengthy strands of alabaster running down along back and shoulders. Eyes of crimson, much like the gem of blood embedded within forehead, glint faintly within the dim light of fire; Easily portraying the creature's curiosity. Thin, roguish form was clad in a brand new attire of intricate Thai silks. A pair of harem styled <a href=" ... ">pants</a> and a matching <a href=" ... ">shirt</a> with a belt to finish the outfit. All colored in that gentle tone of rusty brown that seemed to fit the jackal's frame all too perfectly.<a href="Physical Health 100% ->.">[Status]</a>

Website: ... page=16804

Images: On website

Contact Details: Whisper either Samuel Cross, Achtas Joir or Noah Hartley on Furc.

Arena aspects
  • Strength: +0
  • Agility: +2
  • Stamina: +0
  • Health: 30+0
  • Weapons: +1 (Claws and fangs)
  • Armor: +0
Last edited by Samuel on Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Bar Brawler
Posts: 479
Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:29 am
Location: Europe

Re: Noah Hartley - Unowned

Post by Samuel »

6th-17th Jan rents
  • Sabyn- 1 night
  • Dagger- 1 night
  • Dagger- 2 days
  • Kamau Badru- 1 night
  • Rahvin Dragand- 1 night
  • Dagger- 1 night
  • Sabyn- 1 night
8th February - 12th February
  • Kaed Hassen- 1 night
  • Domingo-1 night
  • Sabyn-1 night
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