Ihna - Unowned

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Ihna - Unowned

Post by Freyera »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Ihna Haru

Nickname: Melody

Name on Identification: Ihna

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Feline

Sub Species/Breed: Panther

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Agile and flexible, honed by hunting and stealth rather than physical exercise

Physical Details: Her head holds a wealth of dark violet hair, tied a bit haphazardly back with an intricate silver ribbon, leading down into sleek black fur. Standing at even 162 centimeters, her poise is confident and erect, equally smooth tail trailing casually behind.

Physical Markings: The tip of her tail is stark white, covering only a half dozen centimeters or so

Physical Drawbacks: Lacking strength, relying more on agility and speed

Current Infliction(s): None as of yet

Physical Defenses: Well versed in using a spear or pole-arm, but neither has access too or would use it any longer

Appealing Attributes: She is sweet, smart, and thoughtful of her personal grooming and gives plentiful attention to keeping up an appealing appearance. Energetic, at times, but only out of joy for when she feels she is meeting the clients standards.

Clothing: A skirt, long enough to conceal herself while both seated and standing, is interwoven with solid rose shaded bands of cloth and secured tightly around her hips. Above, fabric runs around her neck like a collar, then stretches down to part and conceal her chest, held together by one intricately woven lavender string down the middle. And in her hair, one silver ribbon acting as a tie that she never parts with

Other Items: None. All given up


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Fear of failure on her part to perform up to others expectations

Disorders: None known

How do they present themselves: She moves and speaks with an alluring sense of confidence, comfortable in her position and how to excel at it, though a hint of shyness seeps through around strangers

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She would like to stay rent only, as she is aspiring to be a House Slave. Otherwise, ownership would not be an issue

Overall Attitude: Her demeanor is calm and friendly, patient and quiet in the face of tense situations. She will readily strike up conversation with those around her and press her boundaries within her caste, but is always aware of her situation and will not hesitate to back down when faced with authority

Quirks: She is painfully aware of the white tip on her tail, and actively tries to hide it. When she had access to dyes, it was colored as black as her

Hobbies / Interests: Dancing, Music

High or Low Maintenance: Low to Medium.

Diet / Allergies: Strictly carnivorous diet, though when faced with a decision of something else or nothing at all, exceptions are made


Language(s) Spoken: She speaks fluent common, although managed to learn some French along the way

Can they Read / Write: Both reading and writing were taught to her at an early age

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Dancing, various housework, sewing, Violin (Though she no longer possesses one)

Training: A culmination of various experiences since she was age 17. Untrained until 20.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): Slave to various clients for whatever they required. One in particular for the previous three years, where her primary source of training came from. It was requested of a client that she be trained for him to buy. But that client backed out, so the trainer completed his work (for an unknown reason to her) and then left her as well

Previous status: Slave Caste

For Rent or to Own: Presently for rent only

Cost: 20 gold to rent

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: If I'm online, I'll be in the Tether. I should be online most every day

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Character Progression

What are your allowances for your character: Speaking broadly, anything goes, as placing limits on an RP does little else than restrict the imagination. That being said, I would prefer to keep things such as being freed and permanent injuries out of the RPs. She wouldn’t want the former, and the latter is something I have just never been comfortable with.

Long Term/Short Term: Preferably Long Term. Will make exceptions where deemed appropriate

General Information

Character Description: Azure shaded eyes flit carelessly around the room, dancing to a silent melody of their own curiosity and intrigue. They preceded a welcoming smile and a soft muzzle, shadowed by sleek black fur as immaculate as silk. Above, sharp violet hair was tied loosely with a silver ribbon, confined to cascade down her back in seemingly endless flows. A cloth collar encircled her neck, the smooth fabric looped in the front to travel in a thin strip downward, parting to conceal her chest and wrap around her back, a singular dark lavender string laced up the middle to tactfully seal the attire together. Beyond a tempting glimpse of fur along her stomach held an intricate skirt, secured firmly at her hips and interwoven with bands of rose tinted hues. It flowed with her graceful walk, an alluring swarm of colors playing along each layered fold.



Contact Details: Whisper Ihna in game

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