Marinkastel - Exotic - unowned

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Marinkastel - Exotic - unowned

Post by Amaai »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Marinkastel

Nickname: None

Name on Identification: Marinkastel



Species: Paperfriend.(Originally species from my Novel, Basically a Anthro Feline. Known as Kin to-each other.)

Sub Species/Breed: Feline Kin. (Has more define features of feline from which her family is descended from.)

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Average

Physical Details:Marinkastel was born with Bright green shoulder length hair, silver colored eyes, and purple toned fur. She at one point during her life, was force to have gemstones embedded into her collar bone as part of the tradition of her family.
Physical Markings: None

Physical Drawbacks: Marinkaste

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Able to fight with her claws and teeth, as well as having the ability to wield blades. Although most of her race can use magic, she is one of many that cannot, as she never “unlocked it” and uses weapons crafted from steel and iron rather than using magic.

Appealing Attributes:

Clothing:Marinkastel wears simple pale baby-blue colored silks that drape from her shoulder and waist.

Other Items: (Remember slaves cannot have belongings let alone have them on them, they may be made available when rented / purchased.)


Feral or Cultured: Cultured


Disorders: Although she has left her planet, the corruption still has some grip on her soul and mind, because of that she has paranoia. Although she had trained herself to not show the effects it has left with her, it still slips through from time to time. When triggered, if ever, it Marinkastel displays in the form of paranoia, occosinally the gems around her throa/b]

How do they present themselves: Marinkastel presents herself in a proper elegant manner, being obedient. She knows what she is here to do, and has accepted it willingly.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Slave does not mind being owned or rented, she had done such things on her planet before for a certain amount of time, even a doing a short term escort
Overall Attitude: Her overall attitude is hard-working and friendly

Quirks: Slave is from another planet, and tends to forget that not everything that exists on her planet, exists on this one.

Hobbies / Interests: Slave enjoys sewing as well as jewelry making.

High or Low Maintenance: Low to mid. She can get by if given a routine, but is more comfortable when given direct orders on the spot, and prefers to follow her owner.

Diet / Allergies: Due to her kinds history and evolution, she has changed from a carnivore to an omnivore.


Language(s) Spoken: English.

Can they Read / Write: Slave can both read and write.

Can your character produce magic: Marinkastel cannot use magic, she is one of the many of her race that has not tapped into her magic reserves and lives a regular medieval life. (Everything is made by hand, transportation is horse drawn carriages and wagons, etc.) (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.)

Talents / Skills: Slave can sew and create jewelry, she can also farm and gather

Training: Trained in farming, sewing and crafting of jewelry. Can cook simple meals.


Previous Owners: None (If known.)

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: Escort, Private Dancer

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for suggested prices.)

OOC Info/Notes

Availability:I’m Avaliable spordatically. I live on the east coast.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I’m looking for in a slaver, a way to develop Marinkastel to other planet’s rules, mold and shape her character.

What are your allowances for your character: My allowances for her, is respect, no killing, and no extreme mutilation.

Long Term/Short Term: Both, Although for long term I’d keep it through whisper and save where we left off.

General Information

Character Description: As you look around, neon green hair catches your eyes, causing you to double take at the being standing nearby. Not quite of this planet, a Kin, as she addresses herself. She smiles at you with pale blue eyes, hints of feline heritage peeking through. Dressed in simple baby-blue silks, held by golden chains. Around her neck are embbeded opals, their purpose unknown. What is she? A private dancer? An Escort? Noone Knows, but reptilian glint in her eyes suggest some form hides underneath

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