Standard Dice

- All arena fighting within the Golden Tether must occur in the Arena. With the exception of special events.
- Scheduled events have priority usage of the arena area. If a fight is interfering with event scheduling, the fight participants will be asked to pause or relocate.
- In order to receive XP, the automated dice system must be utilized. Patrons are invited and encouraged to make use of the systems, Standard and Automated Aspect, in personal fights as well.
- During a Regulated TGT Arena Event, all participants must adhere to the Event Mode in use, Post Length Rules and Standard Dice system as decided upon by the Battle Moderator, other OOC staff or ICG Gladiators running the event.
- If a non-Regulation fight is taking place and the patrons Roleplaying required a third-party judge to oversee their fight, any OOC staff or ICG Gladiator may answer this call.
- Actions taking place in the Pit during a fight are on a separate posting order than actions taking place in the Stands. Actions between observers and fighters remain ineffective to each other unless two players confirm (in OOC whispers) prior to posting.
- During Regulated TGT Arena Events, only ONE attempt at a double strike (two attacks in one post) is allowed. This is to keep fights from being over before they begin. This rule is also strongly encouraged for personal fights. If agreed upon by all involved parties, additional double attacks may be made. Additional double attacks must be executed in the initial post order.
- During Regulated TGT Arena Events, only ONE attempt at a weapon disarm, and only ONE attempt at an armor disarm is allowed. A disarm is successful if the initial severity roll is 15 or higher. This is BEFORE any changes from the opponent or defenders aspect points are added or subtracted from the severity roll. If the disarm is successful the person loses all weapon or armor aspect points including secondary weapons or secondary armor for one turn. You are allowed ONE weapon disarm and ONE armor disarm.
- Both TGT Dice systems are for non-Magic combat only. Those choosing to engage in magical battle do so at their own rules/discretion. Magic is generally restricted from regulated events, however if there are inquiries about the minimal use of spells, please consult with a Gladiator.
- A character may only participate on one regulated TGT Arena Event per three days due to a need for the character to realistically heal.
- In Aspect Dice matches, the Battle Moderator will review and approve/decline character Aspect sheets before permitting them to sign up on a roster.
- All modifying Aspects may be added onto their respective Natural rolls.
- Be respectful to other fighters and the moderators. Arguing with the moderators or causing issues with other fighters could cause you to be removed from the arena and stripped of experience for a fight.
- Attempting to influence other fighters in whispers or OOCly to gang-up on a specific fighter in a free-for-all match is not allowed. This is unfair and considered cheating. You may be removed from the fight and/or arena, stripped of experience, or a title removed should this happen.
Location Restrictions
Mandatory Dice System Usage
Arena Mechanics
Aspect Dice System Specific Rules

Like all other roleplay, Arena roleplay happens with players take turns writing posts describing their actions in order to play-out the battle at hand. The difference during combat is pacing can get slow, players can be unfair with their abilities and all in all the experience can be draining. Especially if you have spectators! The Golden Tether prides itself in entertaining, so please use this system of dice-affecting-posts to ensure a speedy, fair and successful time in the Arena.

Example: 1d6 = One six-sided dice.
How to roll in Furcadia: Type: roll #d# into the chat window and hit enter. Replace with the appropriate #'s

These are the basic steps taken to make a successful post. This also assumes you would be making an attack against your RP opponent.Step 1: Post your attack
First make your post, following any preset posting rules or lengths, and include important information about how and where you are attacking.Step 2: Roll to Attack
After deciding where you are striking your RP opponent in your post, find the closest area to what you described in your post on the diagram:
***NOTE REGARDING HIT ROLLS: In your roll command, be sure to say what you are rolling your dice for.
Example: Attacking the head you would write... roll 1d16 attacking Head
Furcadia will then output [Your Character Name] rolls 1d16 attacking Head & gets 8.
Step 3: Opponent Rolls to Defend
Now your opponent may decide to defend themselves. Using the same dice you rolled, your opponent will make a roll to defend.
IF ATTACKING ROLL > DEFENDING ROLL - Attacker's hit is successful. Proceed to Step 4.
IF ATTACKING ROLL < DEFENDING ROLL - Defender successfully absorbs/blocks/dodges the strike. Step 4 is null, begin next posting round.
Step 4: Roll for Severity
Reminder: This step only happens if the attacker successfully lands a hit.

After Severity has been determined, your opponent can work the injury into their next post. In a fight where aspects are not being used, if a set number of hitpoints are to be used, the usual number is 30. Severity rolls are simply subtracted from the total number of hitpoints and when an opponent reaches 0 hitpoints, they're unconscious (or dead, depending on the rules of the fight).
In the automated system, the severity is multiplied by 10, so it can go from 10 to 200. Glancing hits are from 10-50. Decent strikes are from 60-100. Solid shots are from 110-150. Brutal strikes are from 160-200+.
MinotaurGuy roared, spittle flying from his snout as he raised his axe above his head with vigor! Muscle seemed to bulge from his forearms as he swung the broad-bladed weapon downward toward his opponent, ValiantKnight. He swung in a horizontal arc, hoping to catch the human off guard and strike him dead in the center of the chest.
MinotaurGuy rolls 1d8 attacking Torso & gets 6
ValiantKnight rolls 1d8 defending Torso & gets 2
MinotaurGuy rolls 1d20 for severity & gets 14.
ValiantKnight was still recovering from that knockdown charge before, and reacted too late to the minotaur's swinging axe. He attempted to raise his shield in defense, though the might of the broad axe crashed through his armor, slamming across his chest. The metal of his breastplate crumbled under the force, shredding against his ribs.

If you are not utilizing the Automated Battle System, fights can can drag on. This makes an audience bored and ultimately your opponents stretched for time when a quick skirmish has turned into a 4-hour endeavor. The following are preset Post Duration rules to help move things along when using Standard Dice. For personal fights, you and your opponent may choose to use these rules to keep the fight timely, or a Battle Moderator may choose one of these.

MinotaurGuy rolls 1d8 attacking Torso & gets 6
ValiantKnight rolls 1d8 defending Torso & gets 2
MinotaurGuy rolls 1d20 for severity & gets 14.
ValiantKnight was still recovering from that knockdown charge before, and reacted too late to the minotaur's swinging axe. He attempted to raise his shield in defense, though the might of the broad axe crashed through his armor, slamming across his chest. The metal of his breastplate crumbled under the force, shredding against his ribs.

This method is best used when a third-party judge*, such as a TGT Gladiator or other staff member, is refereeing a battle. Posters are given a predetermined bracket of time in which to make their rolls and posts. The Judge stopwatch-style times each player as they post.Exceeding the time limit will result in an auto-miss, if attacking, and an auto-hit if defending.
*Patrons are of course free to choose one of their own friends to act as judge if the fight in question is a personal fight.
The most frequently used form of post monitoring. Players cannot exceed 6 lines of writing (on the smallest Furcadia font) per each post. Breaking this rule will result in Battle Moderator penalties such as overruling hits, intensifying hits, etc. All Regulated TGT Arena Events enforce this.
Maximum Post
Before the fight begins, fighters decide/are given a predetermined "supply" of posts. The fight must begin and conclude within the set post supply, or less. For example, a fight occurring in 10 posts or less.
Now we need to define what makes an official Tether match. Any tournament put on by Tether staff with sign up sheets on the message board is of course an official event. An announced fight against a Tether gladiator is considered a Tether match. If a gladiator is injured from a previous fight, he shouldn't be taking on another fighter so soon. An official match can be made of two characters fighting (not sparring) if it's announced and moderated by a TGT gladiator or OOC staff. You can have one fight per week that counts for xp (either with a gladiator or with a patron, but not both), but your character should be spending some downtime due to being injured. Once you complete a match of this type, a moderator will record the results of the match. A staff member will update your xp in a couple of days and you can view the updated xp via *stats. You can take a look at recently recorded fights here.
Due to a need to heal between fights, characters will be limited to one announced/official fight per three days. It's still 7 days between fights that a character can receive xp for. Every character must be eligible for xp for the fight to be official.
Now, just what are the levels and what are their benefits?
- Level 1 - Everyone starts at zero xp. Socially, this means you're relatively new to the Tether's arena. You're an unknown.
- Level 2 - 40 xp. At 40 xp, you get a +1 to severity because you've had enough fights to know where to strike. Your name is becoming a little more well known.
- Level 3 - 140 xp. At 140 xp, you get a +1 to any stat point you want that doesn't put that aspect over 3. If your aspect is already at 3, you have to put the point in another aspect. At this point, you are considered an arena veteran. Socially, you should be relatively well known (though not necessarily well regarded depending on how you win.)
- Level 4 - 300 xp. At 300 xp, you get a second +1 to any stat point you want that doesn't put that aspect over 3. At this point you are considered an arena champion. Socially, anyone interested in the arena should know who you are. You should get discounted drinks at the bar and slightly discounted rental rates. A slave that has reached this point that wishes freedom will have it granted if they're owned by the Tether. If the character is owned by another person, this is really for you to discuss with them.
To know if you have a point, type *stats. If Extra Stat Point=1, you have a point to spend. If not, you still need to do more leveling.- *addstrength - Will add 1 point to your strength aspect once you reach level 3 or 4
- *addspeed - Will add 1 point to your speed aspect once you reach level 3 or 4
- *addstamina - Will add 1 point to your stamina aspect and 7 points to your hp once you reach level 3 or 4
- *addweapon - Will add 1 point to your weapon aspect when you reach level 3 or 4
- *addarmor - Will add 1 point to your armor aspect when you reach level 3 or 4