All Local Species avatars can be used with a spoken command (which you can find on this page or by pressing F3 in-game) or by looking in the Green Tab on the dream's interface.

Usage: The *naga command or clicking the Naga button in the Green tab.
Artist: The Mint Mink
The Naga were the first species encountered by Captain Red Kate Morgan upon discovering Guildereim. They live in primitive tribes and are highly aggressive toward the Tether inhabitants who stray too far from the protection of the establishment. They hunt their reptilian island cousins, the Kaoe'i (Lizardfolk). Their culture has a pantheon of snake-like gods who they worship extensively.
Usage: The *naga command or clicking the Naga button in the Green tab.
Artist: The Mint Mink
The Naga were the first species encountered by Captain Red Kate Morgan upon discovering Guildereim. They live in primitive tribes and are highly aggressive toward the Tether inhabitants who stray too far from the protection of the establishment. They hunt their reptilian island cousins, the Kaoe'i (Lizardfolk). Their culture has a pantheon of snake-like gods who they worship extensively.

KAOE'I (Lizardfolk)
Usage: The *lizard command or clicking the Lizard button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
The Kaoe'i remained relatively unknown until the Era of the Muselings where they were lured out of hiding by false Gods. The are at odds with the Naga who are physically stronger than they are, often becoming for their legless cousins. Their tribes have subspecies variations ranging from chameleon features to crocodilian. They are unkind to island visitors, though less likely to attack than the Naga.
Usage: The *lizard command or clicking the Lizard button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
The Kaoe'i remained relatively unknown until the Era of the Muselings where they were lured out of hiding by false Gods. The are at odds with the Naga who are physically stronger than they are, often becoming for their legless cousins. Their tribes have subspecies variations ranging from chameleon features to crocodilian. They are unkind to island visitors, though less likely to attack than the Naga.

Usage: The *caprid command or clicking the Goat button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
The Caprids are recent discoveries as they are the most reclusive natives to the island. They live in carved cities at the roots of the Northern mountain range of the island. Caprids are not all that tall, but are sturdy and tough. They covet gems, treasures and dominate the other native races of the island. Caprids are no strangers to slavery.
Usage: The *caprid command or clicking the Goat button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
The Caprids are recent discoveries as they are the most reclusive natives to the island. They live in carved cities at the roots of the Northern mountain range of the island. Caprids are not all that tall, but are sturdy and tough. They covet gems, treasures and dominate the other native races of the island. Caprids are no strangers to slavery.


Usage: The *shark command or clicking the Shark button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
The Sharks are a race of pirates and sea Lords, priding themselves in exploring and pillaging alike. Captain Sebastian the Grim brought the Sharks back to the waters of Guildereim as they once used this territory for spawning. They are generally very large in size and have a ruthless demeanour, fashioning their clothing out of a mix of stolen goods and items from the sea.
Usage: The *shark command or clicking the Shark button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
The Sharks are a race of pirates and sea Lords, priding themselves in exploring and pillaging alike. Captain Sebastian the Grim brought the Sharks back to the waters of Guildereim as they once used this territory for spawning. They are generally very large in size and have a ruthless demeanour, fashioning their clothing out of a mix of stolen goods and items from the sea.

Usage: The *avian command or clicking the Bird button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
Very little is known about these visitors, or if they even hail from the same place. Many seem to wear the dress of the Orient but none can be too sure.
Usage: The *avian command or clicking the Bird button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
Very little is known about these visitors, or if they even hail from the same place. Many seem to wear the dress of the Orient but none can be too sure.

Usage: The *gargoyle command or clicking the Gargoyle button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
These are the founders of the Antallia Exchange Guild, a merchant group from the mainland. The gargoyles are all business and are masters of honourable trade. Their culture is among some of the highest class and boast with them some of the more refined technologies and fashions.
Usage: The *gargoyle command or clicking the Gargoyle button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
These are the founders of the Antallia Exchange Guild, a merchant group from the mainland. The gargoyles are all business and are masters of honourable trade. Their culture is among some of the highest class and boast with them some of the more refined technologies and fashions.

Usage: The *slave command or clicking the Collar button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
Servants and slaves of the island, they come from a range of different places. This is their standard attire, a mix of harem clothing and loinclothes.
OOC: A generic feline/canine hybrid is the base for these two avatars. There is a male and female version which are each activated by the player's character gender.
Usage: The *slave command or clicking the Collar button in the Green tab.
Artist: Weremagnus
Servants and slaves of the island, they come from a range of different places. This is their standard attire, a mix of harem clothing and loinclothes.
OOC: A generic feline/canine hybrid is the base for these two avatars. There is a male and female version which are each activated by the player's character gender.

Usage: The *mhuman command or clicking the Human button in the Green tab.
Artist: Alluvial
A more hairless variety of Tether lurkers. Dressed sparingly in a loincloth with the island's climate in mind. Can be used for patrons favouring the style, or slaves.
Usage: The *mhuman command or clicking the Human button in the Green tab.
Artist: Alluvial
A more hairless variety of Tether lurkers. Dressed sparingly in a loincloth with the island's climate in mind. Can be used for patrons favouring the style, or slaves.