Standard Dice

- Aspect - A governing statistic correlating to individual fighting character's abilities and build. Aspects come in the form of a number, positive or negative, and directly effect the Standard Dice rolls. Aspects are static numbers.
- Natural Roll - The outcome of a natural Roll command. No Aspects modify this number.
- Final X Score - A natural roll + the effecting modifiers. Example: Roll 1d20 for Severity on Torso + 1 to Strength = Final Attacking Score
- Dodge Roll - Variation of the Defending roll where the target attempts to evade attack instead of absorb the hit.
In this Dice system, an Aspect is represented by a positive or negative number, on a scale between -3 and +3. This number is added onto any roll that the governing Aspect effects in order to modify the natural roll. Its purpose is to vary a fight's odds when opponents are not evenly matched and the Standard Die's more 'luck-of-the-roll' method is just not enough.If two fighters are evenly matched by opinion of respective players, use the Standard Dice system. Or minimize the Aspects being used to modify rolls.
SETTING UP YOUR ASPECTS: How to best Reflect your character
As the player of your character, you know your character best. And so fairly the decision of translating your character's abilities into Aspect numbers falls onto your shoulders. The scale below can be used to reference where your character may lie and what numbers they need.
Where negative numbers denote a lack of skill or finesse, and positive number denote control, training or expertise in any of the Aspects. Zeros denote average skill, for the most part. From this scale, you, the players, should translate OOC/IC knowledge of your character's strengths and weaknesses into appropriate Aspect representations. Please note that having a score of +3 in any category would mean your character is next to unmatched in that category. A zero is the average furre.
To better illustrate how to go about choosing your Aspect numbers, take a look at these Stereotypical 'stock' fighting characters as an example of where to start.

Speedy has an athletic build as a result of specialized training in precision weaponry such as staffs, daggers, katanas, etc. Her fine-tuned muscle leaves her unburdened and an expert of agility. She is swift-footed with the ability to move around a battle with acrobatic ease! This otter totes a simple set of leather sparring gear along with a trusty quarter staff.
Speedy McGee's Aspects might look like:
Speedy McGee's Aspects might look like:
MinotaurGuy is ALL brawn and no brain. A proper fighting brute with an ego too big to find armour of any use. With his sculpted in rippling muscle over a broad frame he is high impossible to miss. His size and strength contribute to a high endurance, able to withstand hit after hit even without armour. A broad-axe is his weapon of choice - swung with vigour!
MinotaurGuy's Aspects might look like:
MinotaurGuy's Aspects might look like:
Sir Brawlsalot is a fighting mutt. He is not spectacular nor poor at any one skill and is mostly accustomed to bare-knuckle bar fights on the weekends. He prefers to fight unarmed, weapons might slow him down due to a lack of any real training with them. But he is pretty handy with a broken bottle! Not one to shy away from taking a few cracks to the jaw, Brawlsalot is a sturdy opponent.
Sir Brawlsalot's Aspects might look like:
Sir Brawlsalot's Aspects might look like:
Lil'Beasty is a wingless dragon creature with an appetite for fights! It's about the size of a horse and moves around much like a komodo dragon would. It's quick, but not the quickest, for it is designed for the surprise attack. It boasts a natural tough, scaly hide as well as being equipped with horns, teeth and shredding claws.
Lil'Beasty's Aspects might look like:
Lil'Beasty's Aspects might look like:
Can you see your character somewhere in one of those four? Maybe a mix of two? Once again it is ultimately YOU who knows your character best. Be cautious and BE FAIR with your Aspects, especially if you are considering fighting in regulated TGT matches.
Each character is allowed five points to assign among the five aspects: Speed, Strength, Stamina, Weapons, Armor.Speed, Strength, and Stamina all work on the -3 to +3 scale outlined above.
Weapons and Armor only work on a 0 [unarmed/unarmored] to +3[heavily armed/armored] scale.
Non-violent characters should use few or no aspect points. For instance, if your character isn't especially physically gifted, but might use a weapon and armor, put one point in weapon and armor and be done with it. If your character is slightly speedy, put a point in speed. Etc.
For violent characters, ask yourself if you think your character should be able to go toe to toe with a trained gladiator. If the answer is yes, fine, go with all five aspect points. If the answer is no, use 3-4 aspect points. This is not a hard and fast rule, but more of a guideline.
0 = Average Joe, may be a bit fast or a bit strong but its not note worthy
+1 = Works out, fastest runner in their class etc, above average and note worthy
+2 = The best that can be achieved through conventional training and means, not just above average but a true athlete and master of physical aspect
+3 supernatural, beyond what normal mortals can achieve. Giant beast or unnatural predatory entity. Cannot be achieved through conventional means. Please note, being a supernatural creature does not automatically entitle you to a +3. Please be realistic on your own character.
-1 = A bit slow, a bit physical weak. Always been of a poor constitution.
-2 = A real disadvantage, a crippled leg or a heart condition. Weak bones so forth
-3 = A massive disadvantage, perhaps a giant slow creature or a physically broken slave
0 = Average Joe, may be a bit fast or a bit strong but its not note worthy
+1 = Works out, fastest runner in their class etc, above average and note worthy
+2 = The best that can be achieved through conventional training and means, not just above average but a true athlete and master of physical aspect
+3 supernatural, beyond what normal mortals can achieve. Giant beast or unnatural predatory entity. Cannot be achieved through conventional means. Please note, being a supernatural creature does not automatically entitle you to a +3. Please be realistic on your own character.
-1 = A bit slow, a bit physical weak. Always been of a poor constitution.
-2 = A real disadvantage, a crippled leg or a heart condition. Weak bones so forth
-3 = A massive disadvantage, perhaps a giant slow creature or a physically broken slave
0 = None
+1 = Basic, low quality and small weapons/armor
+2 = Superior and/or good quality weapons/armor*
+3 = Magical weapons or highly exotic and masterfully made weapons/armor* that confer a major advantage that is not reliant on skill.
Negative numbers are not possible.
*Armor above +1 confers a speed limitation
+1 = Basic, low quality and small weapons/armor
+2 = Superior and/or good quality weapons/armor*
+3 = Magical weapons or highly exotic and masterfully made weapons/armor* that confer a major advantage that is not reliant on skill.
Negative numbers are not possible.
*Armor above +1 confers a speed limitation

- Affects Attack rolls and dodge rolls.This is how quick your character can attack or dodge. Like all aspects, it is determined by the character's player based on the character's abilities, size, and of course speed. Only half the character's speed is added to their attack, but the full speed amount is added to defense.

- Affects Attack rolls and Severity rolls.Like all aspects, strength is determined by a character's player. Naturally, a fighter built for speed and quick attacks is not going to have much strength whereas a power-monger is going to have a lot.

- Affects Amount of Damage taken (Subtracts from opponent's Severity), and number of Hitpoints.Like all aspects, stamina is determined by a character's player. Stamina counts for painthresholds as well as a character's physical ability to absorb and take damage unfaltered. It is not necessarily bound to only strongly-build fighters. An agility-based fighter may also have high stamina in order to outlast. Damage taken is reduced by 1x Stamina.

Hit Points
- Affects how long a player can fight.A player's stamina directly effects the players Hit Points. To determine your hitpoints, we use this equation: 30+(7x Stamina). With Aspects Dice, HP helps keep the length of a fight to a reasonable length of time as fighters will battle until the first is out of HP.
For instance, a character with a stamina of 2 would have 30+(7x2)=44 hitpoints whereas a character with a stamina of -2 would have 30+(7x-2)=16 hitpoints and be easier to kill.
Along with the static base Aspects, there are active weapon and armor Aspects. These may vary from fight to fight if your character favors a sword one round and fists the next. Unlike Strength, Stamina and Speed, Weapon and Armor aspects function on the +0/ +3 scale and modify your natural hit-or-miss rolls.

- Affects Attack rolls and Severity rolls.The weapon modifier is added to your attack roll or your severity roll on a successful attack. This can change depending on what your character decides to wield. A score of 0 in this category means your character is bare-knuckle brawling. A score of 1 would be for claws, brass knuckles, and other small weapons. A score of 2 would be normal sword, extremely large fangs, and other similar items. A score of three would be an extremely powerful weapon such as a giant warhammer.
The choice of your weapon modifier is up to the player as always, but it does count in your five points of aspects.
Please note that having two +1 weapons will only give you a weapon modifier of +1, not +2. This is because the weapons are not cumulative. Were you to try to strike with both weapons, you would have to roll to hit with one weapon (with a +1 modifier) and then roll to hit with the second weapon (again with a +1 modifier.) If you want a +2 modifier for weapons, the weapon needs to be made of better materials.

- Affects severity rolls and defense rolls.The armor modifier is added to your defense roll and subtracted from the amount of damage an opponent does to you upon a successful strike. This aspect can also change depending on the armor your character is wearing that day. A score of 0 in this category means your character has no armor [either manmade or natural] other than the clothes or skin on his back.
A one in this category would be leather armor or thick hide. A score of 2 would be a chain mail or light scales and would cap the max speed at +2. A score of 3 would be plate mail or thick scales and would cap the max speed at +1.
Please note that having two +1 pieces of armor will only give you an armor modifier of +1, not +2. This is because the armor is not cumulative. One piece of armor will cover one part of the body and the other piece of the armor will cover another part of the body. If the armor covers the same part of the body, consider having the set made of better materials for a +2 set of armor instead of a +1.
Using the example characters Speedy McGee and Lil'Beasty...-
Lil'Beasty shook its head, hissing and flicking its tongue most agitated! It stared and circled around its 'prey', Speedy McGee, whipping its spiked tail around with anticipation to attack. In a flurry, the reptilian creature lunged its head forward with snapping jaws! Beasty aimed low, hoping to strike the otter out at the ankle.
Lil'Beasty rolls 1d12 attacking Ankle & gets 3.
Lil'Beasty +1 Strength +1 Weapon = 5*
Speedy McGee rolls 1d12 defending Ankle & gets 4.
Speedy McGee +3 Speed +1 Armor= 8
Speedy McGee tensed as that staff was held in a tight grip, raised aloft near her chest ready to block or counter any of Beasty's moves... When it lunged, she was ready. Slamming one end of her staff into the grooves of the floor, Speedy vaulted herself backwards and out of the feral's jaw-snapping range with ease! When Beasty would be chowing down on air, Speedy would attempt to twirl her staff around off of its point of contact to the floor, aiming for the lizard's head with the opposite end of the staff.
Speedy McGee rolls 1d16 attacking Head & gets 1.
Speedy McGee +1.5 (Half of 3) Speed +1 Weapon= 3.5.
Here's a quick list of the possible math equations needed to be done during dice-rolling in Standard and Aspect systems. After practiced use, this will hopefully become second nature to you!-
Attacking Roll (Speed):
Natural Roll + 1/2 Speed + Weapon + Strength = Final Attacking Score
Defending Roll (Dodge/Block):
Natural Roll + Speed + Armor = Final Dodging Score
Severity Roll:
Natural Roll + Strength + Weapon - (Opponent's Combined Stamina and Armor Scores) = Final Severity Score
However, the automated system will take care of all of this for you if you choose to use it.