- Respect for The Golden Tether's Staff.
- Respect for The Golden Tether property.
- Respect for The Golden Tether's slaves.
- Weapons in The Golden Tether.
- Fighting in The Golden Tether.
- OOC Disclaimer.
- The Golden Tether's Atmosphere.
- NPC Guards/Bartenders.
1. Respect for The Golden Tether's Staff.
IC:The Golden Tether's Staff are to be respected and obeyed. Their word is law. Staff lists are available to the public, so our patrons know who is who. Any assault on staff will result in punishment.
Any concerns regarding The Golden Tether can be brought up to staff members. As well, any complaints can be filed with staff members or Management.
IC Punishment:
Exile usually takes place. The Golden Tether OOC staff decides where to send you - exiled patrons are [ICly] banished from the island from weeks to years depending on the severity. Jail time is another possibility though The Golden Tether's jail is more cruel of a punishment than being exiled.
Please be respectful to staff both ICly and OOCly, harassing of staff is not tolerated and will result in ejection and/or banishment. Please consult the Rules for farther details. Also note, not all staff may be helpful ICly, TGT has been known to hire demons and down right grumpy people. Don't be surprised if they are ICly rude to you, but IC behaviour of a staff member does not reflect their OOC behaviour. However, if you do have any OOC issues with staff please speak to Management regarding it.
2. Respect for The Golden Tether property.
IC:All property (walls, chairs, cages, room accessories, et cetera.) are to be treated with respect and not to be damaged. This includes stealing any property from The Golden Tether or unpaid bar tabs.
IC Punishment:
The Golden Tether has an old world philosophy when dealing with vandalism and thieves. Depending on the damage and theft finger(s) will be cut off, sometimes an ear, or a complete hand. If discussed jail time or fines may be able to take place. For smaller issues, such as a unpaid bar tab, patrons will be forced to work to pay off their debt, such as washing dishes, cleaning slave pens or mucking out stalls or the sewers. Of course, if there are multiple unpaid bar tabs the punishment will be more severe.
Any mass damage, or severe damage, has to be approved by a OOC Staff member; otherwise the player's actions will be ignored and players will be asked to cease. If staff members are unavailable to RP it out punishments and situations can be discussed OOCly, “let's say we did, even though we didn't” – this can speed up the story line. If you are caught repeatedly breaking this rule, even when warned both ICly and/or OOCly ejection and temporary banishment will occur.
3. Respect for The Golden Tether's slaves.
IC:Once a slave is bought from The Golden Tether they are no longer the responsibility of The Golden Tether unless the owner pays the establishment a weekly fee to board their slave.
Any slaves rented by patrons are expected to be returned in good health and undamaged unless agreed upon prior to renting.
House Slaves are only rented out when an agreement and contract is signed with The Golden Tether. House Slaves are amongst the most well trained, and expensive, of the slaves.
IC Punishment:
Damaging slaves (physically or mentally), especially when they are rented, will result in hefty fines to be paid to the establishment. If a slave is returned damaged, the patron renting the slave will be expected to pay a large fine, jail time and community service may also take place. Repeat offenders will be sent into exile from the island, the length of exile will be decided by The Golden Tether's Guards or Management. If rented slaves are killed, depending upon the quality of the slave, exile will occur.
Please keep in mind that The Golden Tether is a regulated establishment and as the IC Rules may be bent, it is unfair if your character always returns rented slaves to the cages on the verge of death or repeatedly kills TGT slaves. A sense of realism has to be maintained. Remember, unless you're playing with a no consent character, it is up to the player of the slave what damage is done to their character. However, IC Rules still applies with returning 'damaged goods.'
4. Weapons in The Golden Tether.
IC:All weapons are to be kept sheathed. The Golden Tether respects the right to arm oneself but weapons must be kept stored at all times. Weapons may only be drawn in the Under Hall, the Arena, or in Private Rooms.
IC Punishment:
Patrons will receive a warning if weapons are drawn in public. Repeat offenders will have their weapons confiscated, it is up to staff if they will be returned. Possible jail time and exile if problems continue.
Please read over Rule 5. Staff will warn you to move it to the Arena, Under Hall, or Private Room if it looks like a fight may take place.
5. Fighting in The Golden Tether.
IC:Fighting is not permitted in the public area of The Golden Tether. Any fights found will be stopped or will be moved to the Arena where the dispute can be solved. If the Arena is busy the offenders can move to either the Under Hall or a Private Room.
IC Punishment:
Warnings are given to first time offenders and they will be immediately removed from the area or the fight will be quickly stopped. Some offenders may be forced to fight out the conflict in the arena. Repeat offenders will be jailed or possibly exiled.
Fighting in the main areas of TGT can be a disruption to others RP. All fights must be kept to the Arena, the Under Hall or in the Private Rooms. If you have to be repeatedly be asked not to this ejection may occur. This is directly breaking one of the Rules of The Golden Tether - repeatedly breaking these rules can, and will, result in ejection or temporary banishment from the dream.
6. OOC Disclaimer
If it is found that players are intentionally breaking the rules simply to irritate staff OOCly you will be asked to cease; ejection, temporary banishment or banishment will occur if it is found that the character/player is simply doing this to be an OOC annoyance.Staff may not be able to roleplay these events out with you. In most cases the punishments may not be carried out but OOCly assumed to have happened between the patron and OOC Staff member. Once again, "let's say we did, even though we didn't." Do not assume something has ICly happened with a Staff Member if it hasn't been agreed upon OOCly, or hasn't taken place ICly - you need a staff members consent first.
Trouble makers can only make trouble for so long, and in most cases the establishment would simply see killing the trouble maker as an answer to the problem - but people tend to not want that to happen to their character. Let's be as realistic as we can, if OOC Staff approves a situation/Roleplay (such as, burning the Harem Pen down) the player is assumed to accept the punishment that will be placed on their character (public beating, exile, branding, cutting off of limbs, possible execution, etc.)
The remember that The Golden Tether is like it's own little country. It has it's own set laws, money system and the like. You can't simply ragedestroy and expect nothing to happen. Guards are almost always available (be it NPC Guards).
7. The Golden Tether's Atmosphere
OOC:Because the IC area (Main Hall or Bar) may be crowded with people's characters, yet no one is posting, doesn't mean that everyone is sitting around silent and staring at eachother. This ties in to the Non Player Characters (NPCs). It is always busy, the lull in business only happening late at night. If it seems too quiet - go ahead and throw a random post out! Pick someone, and post at them. Now, obviously this doesn't always work, but it never hurts to step up and try.
8. NPC Guards/Bartenders/Servants.
OOC:There are numerous of NPC (Non Player Character) Guards roaming The Golden Tether and keeping order. Unless the player has received permission from an OOC Staff Member, NPC Characters cannot be killed or maimed, or abused in anyway. If you're wanting to do anything specific with the NPCs, best to get permission first. A scuffle or fight where the NPC Guard is minorly injured is fine, but anything severe needs to be approved. They are not push overs, they are highly trained. At some point within the players stay at TGT it can be assumed some sort of interaction will take place with an NPC Guard if an actual staff member is unable to assist (a NPC Guard guiding a drunk, and over zealous patron to spend a night in jail, or back to their room).
If there are no staff members tending the bar it can be assumed an NPC Bartender and/or cook is their to tend to the characters needs.
There are NPC servant's or NPC House Slaves. TGT is booming with them, if someone wants to RP an NPC character bringing them food, such as a servant delivering/serving, that is fine and encouraged.
NPC Guards are every in TGT (even if there aren't pixel avatars)
There are at least 10 Guards in the Main Hall at all time, they are available for side rooms such as the Slaver's Lounge and Bar.
One or two who will attend the bar.
At all hours two Guards will be patrolling the Gardens
Four Guards (two sets of two) patrolling the Underhall, with the sewers checked at random intervals.
There are always four or more Guards at the docks.
There are always Guards who do patrols of the whole facilities, their times of where/when they patrol are random set.