In-Character Groups (ICG)
While TGT has a fully functioning staff, there are still many wonderful opportunities available for those who just wish to lend a helping hand. These positions are all strictly In Character and do not carry the additional weight and responsibility that a staff position holds.
These positions are ideal for people who wish to give back to the TGT community by enriching the RP atmosphere around them.
The purpose of these groups is to offer further community involvement for Role Players who truly wish to give back to TGT. They must be active Role Players and able to deal with Role Playing with multiple people at once.
The ICGs were originally started by Ember Valgress back in 2007, and has been brought back by Blaclan, Sumatra, and Siena. The information from back then has been reworked and a few things changed.
The In Character Groups are run by Siena and Sumatra; if you have any questions please contact one of them.
These are the only Jobs available at TGT, we will not be accepting any other job positions that deviate from the below list. These jobs are specific to being able to create roleplay.
The Entertainers
[IC] Entertainers are a versatile group. Each Entertainer has a specific field that he or she specializes in, or they flit between specialties. Some are Courtesans, willing to flirt and socialize. Others may be grand story tellers, or performers - acrobats and jugglers. The main purpose of the Entertainers is to socialize with the Patrons of the Golden Tether. They are social butterflies, they excel at telling jokes and putting minds at ease. They can also act as Welcomers, informing the new patrons of different areas of the Tether and helping them becoming comfortable with the new surroundings.[OOC] Those that take on this position must be comfortable with RPing with strangers and able to RP with multiple people at a time. They are expected to contact OOC Staff regularly to do emits for them when they go on duty or put on shows.
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The Merchants
[IC] If you need something, anything at all, you can be sure the Merchants will have it! The most diverse group in the Tether, their wares range. They have their fingers in the money (which the Golden Tether takes a large cut of) and know how to give you a bargain or cheat your out of your money purse. They are the importers and exporters of flesh, some hired to ship new slaves in and out. They are tradesman, carpenters and blacksmiths. Some sell implements of pain, torture, and training. Others sell the finer things in life - wine, clothing, perhaps even real estate (which the Golden Tether takes an even bigger cut of.) Hard to get, illegal and dangerous, they have everything.[OOC] The Merchants should focus on one thing to sell and either make it clear in their descriptions or websites. Whatever is being sold has to be given the go by a Manager first. (We don't need three Merchants all selling the same thing. This floods TGTs market and TGT doesn't need to be in direct competition with itself. If there is already a Merchant selling textiles or jewelry, we don't require another one on staff.)
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The Handlers
[IC] They are also known as the Slave Handlers. This group interacts directly with the slaves. Not all Handlers take a direct part in training the slaves, they are in charge with the slaves general upkeep. They socialize them, they make sure the slaves are prime for selling. The slaves must be well cleaned, and well dressed, and well fed (unless otherwise specified by punishment.) If necessary they will train the slaves, but please note the Handlers know what they are doing, and they know that brute force is not always required in punishment and training. They also aid in setting up slave auctions.[OOC] In this group it is highly stressed that no OOC boundaries are pushed. Not all players will want their slave characters to interact with the Handler, (perhaps they don't want their slave brutally beaten, so on and so forth.) If there are any OOC issues the player of the Handler must contact OOC Staff immediately. This role is not meant to be a primary training/punishing role. If any emits are required they'll pass it by an OOC Staff member, if slave auctions are done they will be assisted by an OOC Staff member.
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The House Slaves
[IC] These are slaves that are owned by the house. They must have their papers properly submitted in the Tether's Library to be considered for ownership by the House. House slaves should be out going individuals with excellent social skills and a desire to serve. Their duties include but are not limited to greeting patrons, offering their services to patrons, and assisting staff members. They have privileges, such as a warm bed to sleep in and regular meals. They are available for rent, but only at a high cost and after discussion and contract filled with the House. Any patrons caught abusing the House Slaves will be punished. These slaves live to serve, however they are intelligent and have an idea of independence and aren't easily walked over- a House Slave answers directly to The Golden Tether and cannot be ordered to go against the House in anyway. Unbreakable, untrained, or ill-behaved slaves need not apply.[OOC] It is up to the player if they wish for their character to be rented out. They're only owner is the Golden Tether, if the player wishes their House Slave to be owned by someone specific they are no long considered a House Slave at the Golden Tether. House Slaves are out of the cages, and now have no need to be in one. This group is expected to assist other staff groups, some may assist Entertainers or assist the Handlers with other slaves. Please contact OOC Staff to do emits.
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The Gladiators
[IC] There are two types of Gladiators, those that are slaves that the Golden Tether have deemed fit to fight, or free-person who has signed a contract with the Golden Tether to partake in pit fights. Some slaves may volunteer for the position, while others may be forced in to it if deemed fit by the Battle-master or the establishment itself. There are some free-persons who simply love the fight and sign a binding contract with the Tether. Any money made by the slaves is kept by the Golden Tether, though on the very rare occasion slaves may be able to buy their freedom. Those that have signed a contract split the winnings with the Golden Tether, some may be working off debts they owe the Golden Tether.[OOC] Godmoding and twink characters need not apply. Those that take on this position have experience in role playing out fights, and role play receiving injuries and delivering blows in a realistic manner. All Official Fights are required to use the Battle Dice System, as a Gladiator you are expected to know the in's and out's of the system, are experienced in not only using the Automated System but as well as roleplaying out fights. You are not a sore loser and are a gracious winner. If the Gladiators are a slave they are owned only by the Tether and no one else, they no longer have to sit in the pens, and they are required to mingle outside of them.
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The Guards
[IC] (This group was previously known as Enforcers. Previously, the Guards was an OOC position, but that is no longer the case. Staff can be either IC or OOC Staff.) This group interacts directly with patrons and to some extent with the slaves. Guards can punish slaves who are misbehaving, but it's better to pass such a thing on to a handler if possible as Handlers are more responsible for the slaves. Guards help handle sales or rentals of slaves to patrons. They guard the bar, patrol the underhall area, and are expected to help enforce the [IC] rules of the Tether. They also aid in setting up slave auctions.[OOC] In this group it is highly stressed that no OOC boundaries are pushed. Not all players will want their characters to interact with a Guard, (perhaps they don't want their character jailed, beaten, so on and so forth.) If there are any OOC issues the player of the Guard must contact OOC Staff immediately. If any emits are required they'll pass it by an OOC Staff member.
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OOC Groups
OOC Applications are closed. We asked that you are interested in becoming OOC Staff to first apply as IC Staff.
So you want to join TGT staff! We're looking for a variety of players with customer service and people skills. TGT staff work is a non-profit volunteer orientated job meant for storyline driven individuals who wish to bring innovative ideas to our family's table. Compensation is the satisfaction one gets from helping to build on our 24/7 continuity dream.
Have you got what it takes? Before applying, please consider a few questions.
- Are you a regular? We've been open since February 14th, 2005. While veterancy isn't a must, we like to have those with loyalties to the dream in our ranks to help assist. Commitment is greatly a part of the dream, and it always helps to have been involved and active in character before applying. Make yourself known! This is very important. Please apply with a character you are familiar with and are comfortable with RPing and isn't a new creation. The character you apply with, if accepted, that character will be TGT Staff and it is expected that this character will remain so.
- Do you have experience in being part of an RP group? Are you an active, public roleplayer? The Golden Tether is an In Character dream and many of the responsibilities of staff require a great passion for group RPing, as well as a drive to write, so as to assist in storyline development. Creativity is a must.
Do not apply expecting your job to be only OOC, we expect all OOC Staff to be active ICly in the dream. A requirement is that you were an active roleplayer to begin with, please don't apply if you are only looking for a OOC position with no expectation of being IC. - Are you up to date and committed to The Golden Tether's storyline and background? It always helps to be familiar with the dream's history and current events. TGT is a low technology, fantasy dream. [ Link to be provided.]
- Are you familiar with our Rules and consider yourself abiding of them and able to enforce them?
- Interested in helping keep things running smoothly as well as contributing to the maintenance of TGT's world class slaving establishment atmosphere? -- Then please, read on.
- Are you active on the forums? It plays a vital role, as staff need to be in public relations with patrons and chatter often with them on the forums. Please keep this in mind, as you need to be active in both the dream and on the forums.
RPing with the ability to do all that needs doing, being guardly and selling, entertaining by offering up our vast facility in touring, assisting patrons in shopping for that perfect pet, as well as finding their niche, tending to the bar with flare and individual character styles, and of course -- keeping our slaves and patrons left in healthy stock.
Please note that working as OOC Staff does require some time and commitment, if your character works at another establishment this will effect on the hiring process.
That's right, RP to your heart's delight to improve TGT continuity, and also be there to manage the OOC portions of TGT with given powers, partnering problems across the board.
The Guards
[IC] This group interacts directly with patrons and to some extent with the slaves. Guards can punish slaves who are misbehaving, but it's better to pass such a thing on to a handler if possible as Handlers are more responsible for the slaves. Guards help handle sales or rentals of slaves to patrons. They guard the bar, patrol the underhall area, and are expected to help enforce the [IC] rules of the Tether. They also aid in setting up slave auctions.[OOC] In this group it is highly stressed that no OOC boundaries are pushed. Not all players will want their characters to interact with a Guard, (perhaps they don't want their character jailed, beaten, so on and so forth.) As a member of OOC staff, however, you may deal with OOC problems if things cannot be taken care of with In Character roleplay. It's suggested however, that as much as possible be taken care of by In Character roleplay.

Rules and Conduct
1. Expectations & Role play
- As a member of a voluntary In Character Group, members may not and do not act or speak on behalf of TGT in any OOC manner; this goes for the forum as well. - The purpose of In Character Staff is to generate and maintain group role play and public role play. Patrons and OOC Staff members do notice and watch who have been creating role play. We realize that life is important, and if you anticipate that you'll be gone, please notify us via the forums.2. Trial
-All new In Character Staff hired will be put on trial for one month (with the Trial tag in their description.) If things aren't working out at the end of the month you will be removed from the ICGs, some trials may be extended.3. Suspension/Removal from ICG
-Your position can be suspended or removed totally based upon the behavior you display in TGT. Removal can be due to behavior or lack of activity, severe situations such as abuse of the position or imitating OOC Staff may cause banishment. Follow all dream rules and the In Character Group Rules!4. Commitment
-We do require a level of commitment, it is understood that this is a volunteer position, but please be active on your In Character Staff alt as much as possible.5. Emits
-Ask any OOC Staff members to do emits for you, but please remember to keep the emits at a shorter length as to not spam everyone's Furcadia screen. Emits are a good way to show you're active, to staff members and everyone in TGT!6. OOC Staff Matters
-Do not deal with rule breakers. Refer the problem to a member of OOC staff.-The ICG positions are purely IC and have no OOC duties. If a member of staff is not available, screen shot and log the event(s) and make a report to a staff member as soon as they are available. Send an offline message or PM them on the forums.
7. Questions
-If you have any questions about the ICG, don't hesitate to direct them to Siena or Loraen, either by offline message or forum PM if they aren't available to speak to on Furcadia.8. Groups
-In order to ensure diversity of staff in interests and points of view and to better serve our patron base, only three members affiliated with any one family or group will be allowed to apply for staff.9. On a side note,
The In Character Groups is not necessarily a stepping stone to becoming OOC Staff. If you apply to become OOC Staff it doesn't mean you'll get accepted because you're in IC Staff to begin with. Also, if you are still in trial you cannot apply to be an OOC Staff member as you have yet to be accepted as a full time IC Staff.We may want to keep you on as IC Staff member because we need you in that roleplaying position, please keep this in mind before applying.

How to apply
We recommend that anyone interested in applying to discuss it with OOC Staff members before submitting an application. There are a few requirements for becoming In Character Staff, and if you don't meet them it is unlikely that your application will be accepted:
- The character applying for IC Staff is in the dream regularly and consistently. The staff members recognize your character and you've been involved in Public and Group RP. New or unknown characters won't be accepted. Let a staff member know you're interested in applying - it means we can keep an eye out. Too many times people have applied and we have no idea who they are.
- We advise that characters be older (played for) than three months and active for the same amount of time within TGT. The character applying must be active publicly and make attempts to regularly involve themselves with TGT events if possible.
- You are able to generate and maintain group RPs. 'No one RPs with me' is not a valid excuse, there is always a way to get people involved. We want people to make RP, not wait on RP. We don't require staff to roleplay with everyone that asks, but it is good to branch out and not stick with roleplaying only with certain people.
- Slave characters can only apply for the following positions: House Slave, Servant, Gladiator, and Entertainer. They must be unowned when applying, and if accepted they are owned by TGT and no one else. They do not receive payment, but are given a better standard of living and more options.
- Your character is realistic to the Golden Tether, we don't operate a modern dream, so characters best fit with the continuity of the Golden Tether.
- You have a full description, we'd like to see characters who apply have a full, thought out description for their character, not just a link to a website.
- New characters will not be accepted. The character you are apply with should have been active for at least three months.
- The character fits the position they are applying for. Slave Handlers can't be kind and constantly lenient. House Slaves can't be rude or unbroken, or constant victims. Gladiators should have physical qualities that make them fit for fights. Entertainers need to be able to socialize, not be rude or offstandish. These are just some examples. If you are unsure if your character fits into a position, feel free to discuss it with OOC Staff.
- OOCly you must be 18+, your characters must also look and act 16+.
- We're looking for people to contribute to the Golden Tether's storyline, and help build new plots within the establishment. Please familiarize yourself with The Golden Tether's lore.
- You've read The Golden Tether's Rules and the IC Rules stated above.

ICG Application

ooc app
Character Name: Character Desc: Your IRL Age: (Don't lie please, we always find out) What position are you applying for: Have you ever worked for TGT or applied to be TGT Staff? If so, on what alts? Why do you think your character would suit staff IC: What personality does your character have: What will your character bring to IC staff rp: How well does your character interact with other patrons: How long have you been in TGT: Do you work for any other dreams on any other alts?: What are your frequented alts?: **This we need know, what mains you may have frequented. This is so we know who you are, especially if this is an alt we don't recognize. Please note, alts given will not be shared outside of management.** How long have you been playing the character you're applying with?: When are you on Furcadia? (FST): Why do you want to be staff?: Your opinion of TGT?: What do you think your character can bring to TGT RP?: What do you think YOU can bring to OOC Staff?: What do you think it takes to be TGT staff?: Have you read all our rules and regulations?: What is the most important trait you think you have that a TGT staff member needs?: Lastly, please state that you understand that lying on this application can get you an instant banishment from the dream.

Please read over everything carefully, as well as the job descriptions. Most of your questions can be answered simply be giving everything a careful read.